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The Rabbit Died!!!

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  • The Rabbit Died!!!

    I'm due July 30, 2003, and I have my first appt with my nurse on 12/11.

    That means Emma and her brother/sister will be about 19 months apart. Any tips and advice from moms who have two under two is greatly appreciated- items that you have that you couldn't or can't live without, things you do to make your life more manageable are greatly appreciated!


    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    19 months is totally do-able--mine are 20 months apart to the day and I wouldn't have it any other way. My oldest wasn't old enough to really feel jealous and she was just old enough to do certain things for herself and to be my helper, like bring me a diaper for the baby, etc. I'm trying to think back to what items were a definite "must have"--our baby is now 15 months old so it has been a little while! A double jogger stroller is nice to have, and since they recline you can put infants in them to go for walks. Also, if you don't have a front carrier (or whatever those things are called that you strap your baby in to carry) I'd get one to free your hands up so you can play with your toddler while holding the baby. If I think of any other items I'll post them later.
    As far as things to do to make things more manageable, I laxed my standards for cleaning and cooking until I could get the girls on a more predictable schedule. You just can't do it all, especially with two babies at different stages.
    I also bought a book about the transition from one child to two, and it really eased my mind about bringing a sibling into a world. You really can't give your children a better gift as the sibling relationship is the longest relationship they will ever have.
    Congratulations again!!!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      My daughters are 21 months apart and I planned them that way. They are now 17 & 19 and very close.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        First- Congratulations!

        My brother and I are 23 months apart. We were supposed to be "best friends" but two more different people could not have been born to the same parents than my baby brother and I!

        That said, now that we are grown-ups, we're very close. I even had my SIL as my Best Chick in my wedding. My mom did say that she was in the best shape of her life with a 4 year old and a 2 year old!- chasing us as we were going in opposite directions- and carrying one on each hip made for great arm muscles!!



        • #5
          Luanne- We planned it this way, but I didn't think I would get pregnant again until after Emma was weaned at 12 months.

          Jenn- My brother and I are 22 months apart, and Matt and his brother are 24 months apart, and the two of us now get along with our respective brothers, but growing up we had our differences with them.

          Sue- Thank you for your input! I have a Baby Bjorn and plan to use it a lot with the new baby. Not sure if I am going to get a double stroller right away. I don't think it would fit into our trunk of our Oldsmobile Alero, we have a hard enough time fitting the jumbo stroller we have for Emma. We are thinking about getting a smaller lighter stroller but we'll see. Could you get the name of that book? It sounds like a good one. I would be interested in checking it out.

          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6
            Congrats, Crystal!! How exciting! How are you feeling?


            • #7
              Emotionally or physically?

              Physically I feel pretty good- I am having some nausea this time around :P , with Emma I had it for about 2 days. So we will see. I don't feel like I need to run to the bathroom or anything. I am finding mind over matter works, as well as a snack. I am also tired- could blame on being pregnant or the fact that Emma can be a ball of energy some of the time. I have started taking a nap or just resting when Emma takes her nap.

              Emotionally/Mentally- I can't believe it happened so fast. One minute I am overjoyed and thrilled, and then the next minute I think "Oh my goodness what have I gotten myself into?! 8O " Now I really am going to be submerged into motherhood and everything that goes with it- poopy diapers, spit-up, playgroups, but at the end of my train of thought it feels like the right decision and I know everything will be how it is supposed to.

              With that said we are both excited! Matt really wants a boy so our family will be "balanced." I guess another girl would be too much estrogen floating around, and another cute girl would turn him into a definite softy. Emma is already Daddy's girl, and she could do no wrong in his eyes- all she has to do is smile and bat her beautiful blues. I plan on teaching her that from one Daddy's girl to another.

              Gas, and 4 kids


              • #8
                Congradulations Crystal and Matt~

                My kids are 2 years and 2 months apart. I would say get a double stroller if you can, they are wonderful! Anyway, my sis and I are 18 mo. apart and were BEST friends during high school and still are close. She just had a baby 5 months ago and I just love him to pieces! You will have so much fun with your little ones. Congrats again!



                • #9
                  Congratulations to you guys! What a wonderful Christmas present. I hope your nausea disappears and you are blessed with an easy pregnancy and delivery. I have always been too chicken to have my kids any closer together than three years, but I really admire moms who have more than one little one at a time. I am happy for you!

                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10

                    Congrats, Crystal! 19 months is definately doable...Andrew and Finny were 15 months apart and they are the best of friends right now. They really are close.

                    I hope that your nausea subsides soon....don't worry about having the babies so close together. There are many advantages! Between my second and third children, there are almost three years....and I almost found that transition harder than the one from one to two....Your children will be going through similar developmental stages (though obviously not identical 8) ).

                    This is wonderful news...congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      I think the book was called "From One Child to Two". If you'd like to email me privately with your address I will send it to you. I have passed it around to several friends who have had their 2nd and all of them thought it was beneficial. I got really paranoid right before Sydney was born that I couldn't handle two babies and the book really eased my mind.
                      On the subject of having a boy or girl, I have to add we have 2 girls and it has turned my husband into a softie! It is cute to see him playing with them with a strand of pearls around his neck and clip on earrings!!! We've decided we're better suited for girls, though, since we both would prefer to shop over watch sports (I guess that's a little sexist!).
                      Awake is the new sleep!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SueC
                        It is cute to see him playing with them with a strand of pearls around his neck and clip on earrings!!! .
                        Matt would kill me if he ever saw me post something like. Hehehe!

                        That is too funny! and cute

                        Gas, and 4 kids


                        • #13

                          CONGRATULATIONS! This is really great news. May your pregnancy be happy and healthy.

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

