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Transition from crib to bed

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  • Transition from crib to bed

    When did you transition you toddlers from a crib to a regular bed? How did it go? Any tips for this sleepless mom? You would think the third time around I would have it down.

    DD#3 is 25 months, too early IMO, but she started crawling out of the crib for the second time, the first was 18 months. I wanted to put up her bed while keeping the crib if necessary. DH didn't get that memo and took the crib down. DD barely takes a nap and awakens often during the night. I am exhausted now, as if I wasn't already. I have turned her lock around to face outward, to make sure she won't wander around at night. I am ready to have DH put her crib back up and buy a crib tent.

    The transition was much easier for the other two girls.

  • #2
    Re: Transition from crib to bed

    Do your kids share a room? I found that the transition went a lot easier with our third because he has always gone to bed with one of his older siblings. Recently, we moved all three into the same room (ages 6, 4, 2) and bed time and all night sleeping are going better than ever. We converted one of the other bedrooms into a play room, so there aren't a whole lot of distractions in the bedroom.

    We put a gate up, but leave the door open. The two year old can climb over the gate, but after being put back in (over and over again) the first few nights, he hasn't tried since. I think it helps that big brother and sister aren't climbing over it and he sees they are staying in their bed.

    Nap time. I miss nap time so much. That did go away shortly after the crib. I'm still grieving. I usually put a video on for him after lunch and most days it keeps him out of trouble for about 20-30 minutes. Nothing like the 2 hour nap, but at least it is something. We also observe "quiet time", but it is more of a struggle half the time than it is worth

    I considered the crib tent...I just had visions of all three kids climbing inside and the crib collapsing (oldest weighs 53 lbs).

    Good luck!


    • #3
      Re: Transition from crib to bed

      I have no idea. With DS it was such an easy decision. Shortly after starting daycare, he refused to sleep in his crib. One night after listening to him stand and scream for over an hour, I put his matress on the floor. He went to sleep immediately. The same thing happened the next night. On the 3rd night, we took down the crib.

      If she wanders, and will still sleep in the crib, I would get the tent. Otherwise, gate her door so she can't escape readily.


      • #4
        Re: Transition from crib to bed

        Was she a good sleeper before you moved her out of the crib? If so, maybe it's time to put her back in with a crib tent. :huh:

        We transitioned DS#1 to his bed when he was 2.5yo, mainly out of necessity (so the baby could have a place to sleep!) because he was perfectly content to sleep in the crib and had never tried to climb out. I put one of those doorknob covers on the inside doorknob to his room so he can't get out and wander around when he's supposed to be sleeping, and it's worked out well. It's naptime right now and I can hear him thumping around up there in his room, so obviously he's not sleeping but at least he's being quiet so mommy can have some peace.

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #5
          Re: Transition from crib to bed

          Daegan has been in a toddler bed for a little over 2 months now...basically since he turned 2. But his crib never really had all 4 I guess we were lucky in that he isn't much of a night wanderer. He does still wake up occasionally at night...but since he's still in our room, Russ can tend to him quickly and he goes right back to sleep. He seems too big for a crib to me...and I think I'd be more scared of him crawling out and falling a longer distance than the amount of night waking he does now.

          Maybe a mattress on the floor would be novel enough for her to stay put? Sounds like the issue is more her night waking and wandering which I have no experience with.
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            Re: Transition from crib to bed

            Erin went into a toddler bed at 26 months. She was starting to climb out of her crib and that was a far drop for her! Nora was about a month old so between her being up in the night and Erin climbing out of bed I was exhausted. We converted her crib into the toddler bed and the first day was great. Then she realized she could just climb out very easily. We wound up putting on one of those doorknob covers too. She would then get out of bed and cry and bang on the door so everyone was up. We wound up buying her new "special Dora" sheets for her big girl bed but if she wanted them to be on her bed then she had to show us that she would stay in her bed. This actually worked pretty well for her until she was potty trained and was using the "I have to go to the bathroom" excuse every 5 minutes, but that's another story.


            • #7
              Re: Transition from crib to bed

              Originally posted by Jeran
              This actually worked pretty well for her until she was potty trained and was using the "I have to go to the bathroom" excuse every 5 minutes, but that's another story.
              Ahhh! That drives me crazy! How do you tell a 2 or 3 year old "No you don't. Go to bed"? You just can't the first trip to the bathroom or two (each night). All three of my kids are master procrastinators. It is amazing how all of them know to develop a little cough at bed time and I can't help but check up on that .


              • #8
                Re: Transition from crib to bed

                Originally posted by Kymalu
                Originally posted by Jeran
                This actually worked pretty well for her until she was potty trained and was using the "I have to go to the bathroom" excuse every 5 minutes, but that's another story.
                Ahhh! That drives me crazy! How do you tell a 2 or 3 year old "No you don't. Go to bed"? You just can't the first trip to the bathroom or two (each night). All three of my kids are master procrastinators. It is amazing how all of them know to develop a little cough at bed time and I can't help but check up on that .
                Yep - DS is nearly 6 and is taking meds that cause stomach upset. He takes it first thing in the morning but every night he complains of a stomach ache. Yeah right!

