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Claudia--It's a girl???

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  • Claudia--It's a girl???


    How are you feeling? You must be so excited. How sure are they about the gender? Do you have baby showers scheduled? Are you feeling her kick? Tell all of the delicious details!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I love having daughters!!!!
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Claudia- 4 more months to go!! Wow, time is flying. Congratulations on finding out about your baby girl. Little girls are wonderful (in my experience).



      • #4
        Claudia! Congratulations!!! I love, love, love having my two girls. I second what Luanne said. Girls are great!

        That is so neat!



        • #5
          I love my DDs. They are great. So much different than my boys. How lucky you are.



          • #6
            I third (or fourth) the statements about girls!!! I have two and I love them to pieces. At one and three they are already into shoes and accessorizing. And they don't get it from me--I don't wear make-up or jewelry and I wear practically the same shoes every day!
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              Yes, it is a girl indeed! Well, I sure hope so. I guess that I can always be surprised on "her" birthday but the tech seemed pretty certain that it was a girl - certain enough to tell me and not qualify it. I'm *thrilled* about having a girl. Absolutely and utterly thrilled. I'm quite a girly-girl myself in some ways and I can't wait to have fun with nailpolish and pretty dresses and girl talk and all of that fun stuff! I adore my own mother and really cherish our relationship - and so feel utterly blessed that I will be able to hopefully have a similar one with our daughter. My husband is quite happy himself! If you include our pets, he is going to be surrounded by women! Some men would probably not be so hot on this but he really digs it. Anyway, thanks for the well wishes! Keep praying for us. Some days are quite a challenge for me in a mental sense. . .because of the last one, I can get quite nervous. I just cannot wait until she is born. I know that I will have a whole new set of things to worry about but there will also be a lot of relief! Kelly: I'm feeling quite good! I'm having that second trimester boost of energy. . .most days! Still pretty small, I guess. I've never been very big so I'm sort of happy about that. I can't imagine what it will be like in May when I have to tote myself around along with this gigantic stomach. I have to teach up until about 3 weeks before she is due so I'm really hoping and praying for an easy rest-of-pregnancy!


              • #8

                Claudia, this is so exciting...I've thought of you often over this past semester....How is teaching going for you? Will you be able to keep teaching once your daughter is born? I'm so glad that this pregancy is going smoothly for you and that you are feeling good!!!!!

                When you get a chance, update me on your teaching!

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  That's awesome! I will add my vote that girls are wonderful. I love having a girl- and it gets more and more fun each day. Emma has recently started giving hugs and kisses to all of her stuffed animals and the sort. She is girly-girl with a bit of toughness in her. It's so cute

                  We find out the end of Feb/beg of March what our second peanut will be. In some ways I hope it's another girl, in another way I hope it's a boy. Matt thinks we're having a boy.

                  CONGRATS again!

                  (My little one turned one!
                  Gas, and 4 kids

