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Buttons I KNOW I have...

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  • Buttons I KNOW I have...

    All of them have "press by teen-ager" written across them apparently.

    When Thomas gets home I am going to insist that he buys a plane ticket for Andrew and sends him to live with Leni for the REST of the school year.

    I can't be in the same room as this child anymore.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Oh Kris- I'm sorry.

    and you know the worst part is that they're just so stinky on top of the nasty attitude.



    • #3
      It is ridiculous.

      He walks around talking with a fake british accent (a bad one) ALL of the time, makes totally stupid jokes constantly, calls me 'woman' as in "nice meal, woman" despite both Thomas and I taking him to task on this and thinks it is the funniest thing ever to let it the direction of his younger siblings.

      I don't think any of it is funny and he just mimics me in a fake british accent when I say anything.

      Thomas just walked through the door (8:50pm) and I basically said "It's him or me". Seriously...Leni knows it all better. She can deal with it. He thinks he has it bad here? hahaha...he can just see waht it's like to live in HER house.

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4

        The MIL!! It must be bad. I'm so very sorry, kris. Big hugs to you.
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Faux English accent? Serenity now...


          • #6
            I have serious sympathy for you. I just had my first "teenage immersion" experience since being one myself, and I'm pretty sure the 13 year old I spent time with was rather mild on the PITA scale. I am now trembling in fear for my future ...


            • #7
              My cousin has a 15yo daughter. One afternoon visit and I nearly lost my mind. She sulked, complained, and rolled her eyes the whole time. This same kid sends me loving notes on facebook and engages me in long e-mail exchanges about her school, boyfriends, mom, etc. But for this one day, we couldn't possibly been more stu-pid or bor-ing. I offered her a slice of cake (home-baked, just for her); She scoffed and said, "Since when do I like cake?" Just dripping with distain for me and my lousy cake. She made us all so miserable for the duration of her visit. I was so upset. DrK insisted I could not say anything because, although obnoxious, she was too far removed and too infrequently seen to fall within our "disciplinary jurisdiction."

              Still, I would have loved to just lock her in a cage until she could be civilized. I was so embarassed for her mom.

              Kris, yours sounds like a real peach. Time for Thomas to have a chat with him about respecting the "woman".
              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


              • #8
                Seriously- the Brits have it right- Boarding School.



                • #9
                  I had a bad mommy day. Is it obvious

                  I think I'm feeling a little moody/emotional with Zoe's bday tomorrow...which is probably pretty normal. I'm mostly happy and glad that we're all doing so well...she is sooo cute now. I love this stage so much...

                  But I am feeling short-tempered....

                  Thomas won't even speak to Andrew now this evening because Andrew has been referring to him as the sperm donor all evening ...hehehe...It's about time HE gets the brunt of it!

                  I was busy this morning and then dealt with Aidan tantrums all afternoon. He went to bed late last night and was just grouchy. I spent the day with him and Zoe getting the preemie outfits/blankets that we give each year for the NICU and buying myself a new pair of pants and shirts (because I've gained weight...sigh..another bullet to bite...). Then I took Aidan to Kung-Fu and he melted down...he burst into sobs, ran to me, put his shoes on, screamed and cried at the top of his lungs and insisted on coming home. I got him in the car and he was spitting all over the car and Zoe . I told him we were going home to have dinner and then he was going to bed early.

                  I picked up Pizza on the way home because I was feeling particularly lazy and thought the kids would be happy about it...they were...and then after dinner I tried to send Aidan to bed. He snuck out the front door WITH Zoe and I didn't see them for a few minutes. I ran outside and she was following him as he road his biking.

                  As soon as he saw me he said "hurry, Zoe, run away from mommy" and they bolted across the street .

                  I was so mad...soooo mad...

                  I carried Zoe home, cleaned her up and put her to bed and closed the door. She screamed bloody murder and eventually came downstairs with her blanket and fell asleep in sobs at my side. Aidan finally stayed upstairs.

                  But that AND the Andrew drama? Ugh. Too much today.

                  I feel badly because I took it out on Amanda and she didn't deserve it.

                  I found some of my friends from high school on FB and saw pics of their daughters...all with pink clothes, long curly hair, etc.... Then there is Amanda who refuses to smile in a picture unless it is some pouty/pretend-goth/peace-sign smile...and who will only wear ripped jeans because they are the only things that are in.

                  I totally lost it and told her off over it and it wasn't fair. She is such a sweet girl and even though she dresses like...she's pretending to be some cool, goth whatever..we cook together every night, she helps me with the little ones...she has a heart of gold.

                  I feel like mommy dirt tonight.

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10
                    Kelly...I know, I know...just play pea ball, right? LOL
                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      <fingers in ears>,

                      La la la, I can't hear you...

                      -Wife of urology attending.
                      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                      • #12
                        Just reading about this made me see red. And they are not even my kids. I think I would have killed Aiden for taking Zoe out into the street at night! Andrew will get over it -- eventually -- when he's about 20. In the meanwhile, I recommend a cage.

                        hang in there
                        Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                        • #13
                          Sending you calming mommy vibes...lots of love, hugs and...sven.
                          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                          • #14
                            No, my friend, this is one of those times when I just remind myself that parenting is NOT for the faint of heart. Today is a new day.

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #15

                              I swear I didn't smile for at least 3 years. I'm surprised my face didn't crack when I finally did it had been so long.

