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Hormones hitting hard

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  • Hormones hitting hard

    A week ago the development of this pregnancy hit full tilt bringing with it a surge of hormones. I am thankful that my nausea probably means a viable pregnancy. However, I am felt like I have the flu for the past week and I cry at the drop of a hat. The morning sickness lasts from the time I wake up until I fall asleep at night. I haven't gotten sick much, but I have a non-stop pit in my stomach.

    My first pregnancy was nothing like this at all. I don't have my first appt for another ten days. I have spoken to the nurse and gotten all the food strategies to combat my nausea. I have also been wearing these wrist bands that seem to help a little bit and make life more manageable. Part of me feels like the biggest baby because I should be able to use mind over matter and try to ignore it.

    This is really wearing me down. I am just hitting the 7 week mark and can't imagine going through this for as much as 7 more weeks.

    Thanks for listening. Jennifer

  • #2

    I am SO sorry. I know exactly how you feel because I wasn't (too) sick with my first pregnancy, but my second hit me like a ton of bricks. It can be easy to get down on yourself because you're being such a "baby" as you said, but really, you're not. When you start to feel better, you will realize how bad you actually felt during these early weeks and know that you weren't being a baby at all. When the sick feeling is so pervasive and lasts all day, it becomes hard to remember what normal is. If you aren't throwing up a lot, it is easy to play mind games with yourself and think that you need to pull yourself out of it -- this is what I did to myself the second time around. Trust me, even if you aren't throwing up, feeling sick counts. And it sucks! Try all the strategies you can, no matter how weird they sound. I will be thinking of you.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      I'm so sorry, Jennifer. Morning sickness sucks. Plain and simple. I had a mild case of it from about 7-11 weeks. Same sort of deal - just feel really nasty but you don't really have any "proof" so you wonder if it's in your head! Take it easy - drink lots of fluids. . .try to keep your stomach full. . .and just rest. And do NOT feel guilty for it. Hang in there!


      • #4
        Jennifer, as soon as I read your post, I had to respond! I am due within days of you and am feeling the exact same way!! With my first I was SO sick that I quit my job and lost weight. I "suffered" thru for weeks and then one morning woke up and felt GREAT. With my second, it was much easier and I was so grateful. Now, I am feeling all aroud lousy and want to be a big baby but have 2 little ones to still take care of. My five year old is really an energetic guy and demands alot of attention and I feel so bad that I just keep sticking him in front of the t.v but I am just so wiped out. My daughter, Brooklyn (3 on Valentine's Day) is so easy and sweet and still naps while he is at pre school each day for 2 hours. Thank heavens for that "down" time! Anyway, just know you aren't alone and you will be past this stage I am sure soon. Take care of yourself!



        • #5
          I am so sorry!!! I am 13 weeks with my second child, and with my daughter I think I was nauseous for 3 days, but that was while we were in Mexico. This time around it is a completely different ball game- I had nausea that seemed to ebb and flow, never knew when it would hit from about week 5 until 11 weeks. I could have dealt with that just fine, but I was completely and utterly exhausted! I had, and still sometimes have, the hardest time getting out of bed to take care of my daughter, who is 13 months.

          Someone else said to drink lots of fluids if you can. I am sure you know the standard remedies- lollypops, Vitamin B and a 1/2 Unisom, saltine crackers, keep a bit of food in the belly if you can.

          Good luck! Just remember it can't last forever.

          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6
            Thanks you guys. I think I am coping with it better now. I am using all the tricks of the trade to help my nausea, lemon candies, 7 up, ginger and small meals. I guess all pregnancies really are different. My husband has been wonderful doing things around the house for me so I can rest. It is hard to care for our 16 month old during the day, but we are making it.

            Eventhough this nausea is draining, I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy (so far). I can't wait for the 1st trimester to end!!

            When did any of you start showing for your subsequent pregnancies?



            • #7
              Crystal!!! It must be a boy this time. And they are SOOO fun. When do you find out?



              • #8


                The only thing that got me through my morning sickness with my pregnancies (I had it with all three) was telling myself that it was a sign that I was pregnant It is such a bummer to feel nauseous. Try and keep crackers with you wherever you go..I found that if I started to get hungry and didn't eat a cracker or something that it made the nausea worse.

                I started showing much sooner with subsequent pregnancies...though I can't remember how much sooner. When I was pregnant with Alex, I was huge at about 5 months. My friends used to joke that they couldn't imagine what I'd look like at 9 months...but I don't think that I got that much bigger after about 5...

                I hope you start feeling better ASAP.

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  We will find out the beginning to mid March- so next month sometime. That is not far away at all!

                  As far as showing-- I have two friends that started wearing maternity clothes- one out of necessity and the other out of comfort at 12 weeks- that's about when they started to show. However, I have another friend who told me she was almost 20 weeks before she really started to show with her second, and that is when she broke out her maternity clothes.

                  So I thought 2 out of 3- I will probably have to start wearing my maternity clothes at around 12 weeks, and I psyched myself up for it. Well here I am almost 14 weeks, and I am still fitting into my normal clothes- they are starting to fit a little snug in the waist of my jeans. Looks like I am leaning towards the minority. I tried on some maternity pants and they are huge on me- at least last time I started to fill out my butt and hips. This time I have most of my growth in my lower belly- and even then I just look a bit bloated.

                  Gas, and 4 kids


                  • #10
                    Hi There!
                    I had the same problem with both my pregnancies. It's definitly the worst part of being pregnant. I found that mint/peppermint flavored lifesavers or candies helped alot. Also try to eat fruits, it makes you feel full and might take the edge of of the morning sickness. The mint candies really did the trick though!


                    • #11
                      We're in the same boat!

                      Hi There,
                      I just wanted to share in your misery --- I am 11 weeks pregnant (first pregnancy) and am sick ALL the time. I wake up throwing up and it doesn't improve much during the day. I never anticipated pregnancy being this difficult, both physically and emotionally. I got a prescription for zofran, which does help. I only take it if I have social plans, which isn't that often. But at least I am able to feel a little more human for a few hours. I hope things improve for you!!


                      • #12

                        Jenn, how are you feeling?

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

