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What HAVE we done?????

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  • What HAVE we done?????'s sinking in...It's hit me....and I find myself wondering "What were we thinking?" We still haven't told our parents 8O . We feel sort of like...irresponsible teen-agers or something.....

    The only person that I've really talked to about the pregnancy is the dept. chair at the U who has assured me that he will work with me and do anything possible to keep me being able to teach a morning a week or so....

    Are we nuts???? Robin.........HELP!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2

    Ah, this feels like de ja vu for me!
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3

      I have to admit that I am going to be very curious (and probably nosy! ) about your feelings as this pregnancy progresses. I am still firmly on the fence -- enjoying my life more and more as Nathan gets older, but if I ever even get close to verbalizing that maybe there should be "no more", I am overwhelmed with a sense of sadness and loss. So please, share everything that you are comfortable sharing here -- I am very interested! (hope you don't mind!)

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        Kris- Although I am only on my second pregnancy, I have had very similar thoughts over the past two months. What exactly are we getting ourselves into having kids so close together. (I know people do it all the time). I felt irresponsible too. I went off the BCP only because we were stranded out of town when I was supposed to begin a new month and I got pregnant two weeks later not even thinking of the consequences.

        You and Thomas are great parents and will find your groove after this baby is born. Maybe it will be the easiest one yet! Think good thoughts. Will you use an A name again?



        • #5
          Kris -

          I can TOTALLY relate to your feelings. We thought the same thing when we discovered I was pregnant with #4 in the first year of medical school! We had planned to have four eventually but the timing didn't seem right at the time with the baby being born in the first month of Russ' second year of med school and us being SO poor! UGH! I honestly was in such shock about it that I didn't feel as close to this baby in the beginning. I didn't tell ANYONE either for quite awhile (I was 14 weeks!) until I was very comfortable with the idea. I am very glad I waited because I did get some negative responses (all from my family!!!) and I was glad that I had taken the time to prepare myself so I dealt with my family better. A blessing in disguise for us was when we almost lost the baby at 17 weeks. As we were racing to the emergency room and I felt the baby kick for the first time, I suddenly realized how much I wanted this baby and it was a scary but wonderful bonding time for our whole family. In fact, even my family who weren't happy about the pregnancy came to help me while I was on bedrest and Dallin became a VERY special baby for all of us. And the timing actually ended up being good for us. He helped Russ through some difficult times in the second year of school. Russ would come home and sit in the rocking chair with him and it would calm Russ down and help him realize what was important. So ... even though we thought the timing wasn't right, obviously we didn't know everything!

          Your baby is coming at the right time for your family too. You are a great mom and you sound like you have settled pretty well into your life there. Pull out your baby name books and start planning away! That was one of my favorite things to do when I was pregnant ... making name lists and then having Russ cross them all off! Take your time about telling your family. Wait until you are ready. It will all work out great. I really am excited for you. I even was jealous of you for a moment when I read your announcement. Here's to an easy pregnancy and a sweet baby that decides to sleep through the night REALLY soon! (One can always hope!!!)



          • #6
            We feel the same way and we are only expecting our second. We told our families at 8 weeks during Christmas. We didn't tell our friends until I was almost 14 weeks along. Now we are starting to tell "the rest of the world." I guess we were afraid of people thinking we were irresponsible because our children will be close in age, even though that is what we wanted.

            You aren't nuts!

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7

              Well, I'm still adjusting to this...and Rapunzel...I forgot that you have 4 little angels too. You and Robin will have to help me navigate this new stage 8)

              I'm just still feeling shocked about it all...I don't know why.....I long did Thomas and I talk about this? But...reality is hitting me a little harder....I'm afraid that we're too old to go through this again..we've past the diaper stage....I recently got rid of most of my baby stuff I am also afraid to tell people....I've only told a few people and one of the response already has been "Oh, so...are you going to have it?" 8O 8O 8O Wow..I was just blown away by that one!

              In any case....I'm adjusting...I went out with Finny this weekend to Once Upon a Child (2nd hand store) and found a bunch of cute GAP and Gymboree things. I bet I got over $100 worth of merchanise for $15...I decided that instead of shopping at Wal-Mart or Target I'm just going to head out there once a week or so and try and catch some bargains on name brand things...This baby will be a little fashion plate....We never really bought a lot of gymboree or gap before...but with Once Upon a Child around the corner...hey......what the heck!

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

