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Emma's first fever..

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  • Emma's first fever..

    Well I have made it 13 mos and 3 wks with out Emma having a single fever, until yesterday.

    Yesterday, Matt forgot his notebook for his patients that he did home-call consultation for the night before last (doing pain medicine this month), so I had to get up at 6 am (and Emma too) to drop it off at the hospital for him. Well when I got Emma up, I thought "She feels awfully warm, but she feels a bit warm when she wakes up anyways in the morning and then feels normal to me after being up for 5 min." Well we got home and she was burning up, took her temp- it was 102. I called the peds office and explained for 2 1/2 wks she had diarrhea, and for 2 weeks she has had a stuffy nose that started going away two days ago. They said "give her tylenol, blah, blah (everything my hubby told me to do to her). If she isn't better by Fri give us a call or if she gets worse" So I called a second time because she got worse.

    Well she took a 3 1/2 hr nap (not normal for her), did not want to play at all today, has refused liquids, food (food is normal when they are sick), just plain not herself. I checked her temp again- 103.5. I call the peds office- the nurse tells me that essentially I am worrying for nothing, and that there isn't anything else I can do, that they don't like to see them until they have a temp of 105- that's when they get concern!!! WHAT?!!!! 8O Then she goes, but because you have called twice now- if you want you can bring her in. I called Matt and told him all that transpired, so he came home early so he could go to the appt with me.

    Matt looked Emma over, and while I was changing her diaper I realized I hadn't wiped between her labia the last time I changed her- well she about jumped off of the changing table because she was in pain. We're thinking she has a UTI.

    So, the doc said it looks like a viral infection, but that if she still has a fever on Fri, to bring her in. She apologized for what the nurse told us "that the nurse probably didn't intend for it to come across that way" BULL CRAP (pardon my french) her exact words were "We normally don't have kids seen unless their temp is 105" What other way would you take that??!!! (There is a bunch of other "advice the nurse gave, but it makes my blood boil a bit- if you want to know the other "advice" she gave- I will post it if you ask). Anyway the doctor said she would talk to the nursing staff.

    Anywho, the doc said she would catheterize Emma to get a urine sample, but wanted to wait. It was funny when the doc said "cath" Emma shook her head "no." Luckily Emma's ears are clear, but we won't know until Friday if it's a UTI or not- if the fever goes away it's viral, if it stays then it could be somthing else. Matt wanted to cath her just because Emma is his child and doesn't want to "wait" to figure out what is going on. But as Matt said- "Dr. C is the pediatrician, I'm not."

    Last night- Emma seemed to be doing a bit better- still refused food, hates the Gatorade we bought her, and kind of liked the milk shake. The doc gave us some suggestions to try and get Emma to get substance and liquids- none of which so far are working. Well she had a little bit- so some is better than nothing at all.

    This morning she downed a bunch of milk which is a huge improvement over yesterday. Her temp was still 103, gave her Tylenol and it went down. She ate a couple of nibbles of food but that is it.

    I feel so bad for her. I hope she gets over this before Friday.

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Wow that sounds awful. We all got flu shots this year to avoid this kind of thing, but I guess eventually we'll have to deal with it.
    I hope she feels better soon!
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!


    • #3
      I'm so sorry for you and Emma. 105???????????? That is crazy, what did she want you to do, wait until she had a febrile seizure? Fevers can be so scary and babies can become dehydrated very quickly. I hope Emma feels better soon.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Awww, poor baby! I hope she gets better soon! Even at 102 degrees, they feel so hot that it is scary. I can't imagine waiting until they get to 105!
        Awake is the new sleep!

