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Vaccinations - need advice

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  • #16
    I think I'm glad about being past this stage. We are at the meningitis vaccine stage. When Amy & Caroline were 1 & 3 our neighbors had the chicken pox. I took the girls over to their house to expose them at the same time!!! What a Mom!!!!
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #17

      Well we moved into our new house last tuesday, and on Sunday the baby had several red spots. Thank goodness she waited till after the move. So now she's got a bunch of pox, and though it hurts to watch her be uncomfortable, I'm glad it will be over with before she turns 2, and she'll have strong immunity.
      I gave her an oatmeal bath tonight - I can't imagine I did it correctly - there was a whole bunch of soggy oatmeal left at the bottom. Should I grind it up first?
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #18
        Having never done an oatmeal bath, I don't know. But that sounds like a good idea. Hope she is feeling better soon!


        • #19

          Oh wow...that sounds like no fun!!! I've never given an oatmal bath...I wouldn't have had the first clue! I hope that your little girl is feeling less...itchy...soon!!!!!!!!!!!! (And that Dad won't be too exhausted )

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #20
            Invest in a dog....they like to eat most anything!


            • #21
              Re: pox

              Originally posted by PrincessFiona
              (And that Dad won't be too exhausted )
              I was up for 2 nights straight, trying to get the baby to sleep, but mostly enduring frequent kicks in my stomach and other more sensitive areas.
              Last night we finally caved and gave her benadryl. She slept like a baby

              She seems to be feeling much better today - I think the crabiness was more due to lack of sleep than to the pox. I think we're almost through it!
              Enabler of DW and 5 kids
              Let's go Mets!


              • #22
                As an update, we decided to go for the chicken pox vaccine for child #2.
                My wife has seen too many horrible complications in the Peds ER from chicken pox, and the whole shingles immunity issue seems to be moot.
                I also don't think I could deal with a poxed baby right now (if they had a smiley for "man being pushed off the edge" I'd insert it here.)
                Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                Let's go Mets!


                • #23
                  I agree. We have vaccinated both kids, but have waited until 18 months because our ped in Seattle reccommended 18 months rather than the standard 12-15 months, apparently it's more effective if done later than sooner. Anyway we did it because both Matt's mom and brother never got the chicken pox, and now because of it get horrible cases of shingles. My MIL gets them probably 3 times a year, and she is in her early 50s, and I just don't think I could handle a poxed child either. I had it really bad as a kid, and thinking about what I went through makes me want to prevent it for my kids.

                  Gas, and 4 kids

