I feel completely crazy. I have never started a post, I've only responded to others, so please hang in there with me......
I feel like a hormonal time bomb! Pregnancy has turned me into somebody I don't even know
I am sure I wasn't always the easiest person to live with before, but now I fear this whole pregnancy thing may send my husband over the edge forever. I guess all I want is some TLC and recognition that this is a difficult time emotionally, and since I just yelled and screamed on one of my random tirades, he just walked out and went on an errand without me. I know that's not the best way to get support, yet I don't know what else to do sometimes. I feel miserable. I cry all of the time
I feel like a dork for posting this but I just needed somewhere to write it all down. Thanks for listening! I guess I'm just holding out hope that my hormones will start to simmer down in the next couple weeks. (I think I'm about 10 weeks now).
I feel like a hormonal time bomb! Pregnancy has turned me into somebody I don't even know
