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Pregnancy cravings

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  • Pregnancy cravings

    What cravings did you or your spouse experience during pregnancy? Anything you or spouse couldn't stand?

    First time around was pizza, coke and ice cream. This time I crave rice krispie treats, coke and green olives. I never drink coke so this time I knew I was pregnant when I started craving coke.

    I can't stand the sight or smell of eggs, bananas and onions. The smell of freshly laid mulch has made me sick a couple times this pregnancy.


  • #2
    I always seem to crave potatoes of any shape and sort during pregnancy (tator tots, french fries, baked potatoes, mashed, you name it). I also crave cheeseburgers - BIG TIME. The other craving I tend to have is egg drop soup and sesame chicken. Weird, I know.

    What makes me puke when I'm pregnant? Just about everything else in the world. I particularly cannot look at dirty dishes or do them - isn't THAT a nice side effect?
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      With the first one I LOVED anything sour ... lemonade, grapefruit, sour patch kids etc. I couldn't stand the smell of onions or meat cooking. Even worse was my husband's breath after he ate onions and I made him brush his teeth. The combination of onion and toothpaste was AWFUL for me! Poor guy!

      With the second ... I craved chips. I usually don't like salt but I sure wanted chips and pretty much couldn't eat anything else without being sick! Talk about nutritious!!!!

      With the third --- CHOCOLATE, which of course is great for the weight!

      With Dallin .... I chewed ice. I never had done that before but it is what I wanted all the time with a lot of cold water. Probably because I was pregnant my first summer in Phoenix!!!



      • #4
        Dairy Queen...I ate there every single day. I tried to moderate my cravings down to a single chocolate cone, but still. I ate ice cream every day of my pregnancy. My hubby put on 20 pounds supporting these runs to DQ, poor guy.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          This pregnancy (#3) I am in love with miniture reese's peanut butter cups!!! I cannot get enough. That is so bad. I also want peanut butter and celery and carrot sticks, pasta or popcorn. Am I wierd??? LOL What I cannot stand is pickles! I used to love them but I doubt I will EVER be able to stomach them again. Same with chicken. Wow, I sound downright crazy. Cravings are so wierd!



          • #6
            I CRAVED grapefruit and bacon (not necessarily together but that would have been fine). I liked grapefruit, grapefruit juice, grapefruit candy, juice with seltzer water -- all the time.
            The bacon craving was really strange because I really didn't like bacon very much before I was pregnant. I grew up vegetarian and just didn't have much of a taste for it. That changed pretty fast around my 3rd month of pregnancy.


            • #7
              First time -- whoppers from Burger King and sausage biscuits from McDonald's (hence a 50 pound weight gain! ) But seriously, at the time, I would feel shaky and like I would puke (and I would!) if I didn't get some protein and fat into myself pronto -- I would have injected it if I could have. I experienced this with all three pregnancies early on -- ravenous hunger that had to be satisfied immediately or I would retch. Luckily it only lasted from about 7 to 14 weeks.

              Second time -- cold, sweet, fruity things.

              Third time -- spicy food, followed by milkshakes to quell the heartburn and reflux that inevitably followed.

              All three times, anything you could mention made me sick, except for the ONE thing I was craving (who knew what that would be at any moment) Brushing my teeth made me sick. Smelling the water in the shower made me sick. Smelling the produce dept. in the grocery store made me sick. It was not pretty. Cinnamon gum and jolly ranchers helped me a lot.

              Ahhhhh, the joys of pregnancy! After typing all of this, I am more and more sure that I am DONE!

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                With my first, I didn't have any strong cravings but I had very strong aversions. I could not eat ice cream (which is unusual for me), Cho Pao (I don't know if I'm spelling it right) actually it still makes me sick to think about that, couldn't eat any kind of Chinese food, and couldn't eat Texas Grill Frito's which my husband and I had been addicted to. Also, the only liquid I could tolerate to drink was lemonade--didn't crave it but it was the only fluid that didn't make me want to puke!

                Second time around--I wanted a marguerita more than anything in the world!
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9

                  Yes, I hear you...the things that were considered off limits were the things that I wanted most: brie cheese, sushi, wine, coffee, etc. I think that it was just the power of suggestion that I was not allowed to have those things.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10

                    This is a loaded question for me...Initially when I became pregnant, my appetite was insatiable...I gained almost 10 pounds...then with the nausea came the taste aversions and a 10 pound weight loss. It's too bad I can't bottle this taste aversion thing for later! In any case...I can't stand eating meat for the most part...chicken in particular. The only real meat that I like right now is bacon (very healthy, I know) and shrimp grilled on the barbecue! I have been a diet coke addict since about the age of 13....I have even tried to quit cold turkey, taper off..nothing has ever been successful. I know that sounds weird, but it's the truth. Now, I can't STAND the way that diet coke tastes...It's so GROSS! I have probably had a total of 3 caffeine free diet cokes the entire time now...down from...well...a LOT each day. I used to drink it like the only thing that I want to drink is cold...bubbly or regular!

                    Other than that...anything salty (chips) is good....sweets are bad...yuck!

                    Very interesting! I hope that I can hold on to this not gaining too much weight thing for awhile, but for the last few mornings I haven't been able to help myself...I've been running out for bacon egg and chease biscuits I have to get control of that!

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      With both of my pregnancies, I craved BLTs and, particularly in my 2nd, gorditas from Taco Bell. I ate so many of those things that the thought of them now makes me feel nauseated!

                      I had a lot of aversions. Mint-smelling stuff, mint gum (but I always had to suck on a jolly rancher or a cream-lifesaver candy to keep myself from throwing up), toast with butter (???), Lucky Charms, Chinese food (except very rarely I craved orange beef), and especially (this was killer for DH and my first daughter) marinara sauce. If anything had marinara, I would just have to leave the room. It was awful! And spaghetti and pizza are definitely favorite foods around here!

                      Oh well... At least I do enjoy marinara sauce now! I also had the problem Kris has been having with not wanting to eat anything. Strangely, I never seemed to LOSE weight... And sadly my appetite did come back after delivery...

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

