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The dreaded question!

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  • The dreaded question!

    Tonight me and the girls were sitting in the car while my husband ran into a store and we saw a pregnant woman walk by. I very innocently commented to my 3.5 year old about the baby in the lady's tummy when she asked me "but how is the baby going to get out mommy?". Each answer I gave her would lead to another more in-depth question! Then on the drive home we drove past one of those adult novelty stores (it's called "pricilla's" around here--you know the kind, they sell sexy lingerie and God knows what else!). She was dieing to know what kind of store that was. I ended up telling her they sold cleaning supplies! I feel like the flood gates have been opened--who knows what she is going to be wondering about next!
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    Cleaning supplies, that's great! That made me laugh. Thanks!
    Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


    • #3

      It would be interesting to hear your daughter's theory on the birds and the bees. When my 3 y.o. nephew started down this line of questioning with me, I asked him what he thought. He said that babies crawl out of their mommy's tummies, up their shirt collars, and slide down their arms when they are born. When he saw his mommy nursing his newborn baby sister, he asked, "Mommy, why is she sucking on your elbow?" Since he "figured" all of this out on his own, he didn't have too many more questions.

      Of course, we committed all of this to memory so that we can tease him mercilessly when he is around 18.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Oh, Sue, that is funny!
        Bryn is starting to get a little curious about this stuff too.
        Eric works in the hospital right next the hospital where she was born. So she talks about that sometimes when we pick up or drop him off at work. She also has *really* been into photo albums, particularly her baby pics and she likes the photos of me really pregnant. We told her she was living in my belly and came out at the hospital. So far she hasn't asked for further details.
        BUT... the other night the subject came up and she started to ask a how/why type question. We stuttered and then she said, "I just ate so much dinner my tummy is too full to have a baby come out." OK! No disagreements here! She quickly found something else more interesting to talk about.

        I like your "cleaning supplies" explanation! Good idea....until she can read.


        • #5
          That is funny Sue!

          When our three year old was curious about how the baby was going to get out, we just said that 'Dr Mitchell(DW's OB) was going to help him out' and that was it, he was content.....
          on a related note, we just recently have been dealing with boobies and penis questions. One night, Gretchen was pumping in the bathroom while Drew was doing his business on the potty. (I know, probably not the best time to be in the bathroom together, but...) So, he starts in asking 'which animals have boobies?' Then he asks specifically, do elephants, lions, and so which Gretchen replies, 'only Mommy elephants, lions...etc.
          Then he asks 'when will I have boobies?'
          Gretchen replies, 'boys don't have them, just Mommies, boys have penis'
          So, there he is quietly taking in all the new information and he says a prayer 'Dear God, can you give me some boobies?' Gretchen choked, and about dropped the baby I was laughing so hard (just out of his earshot mind you!).
          So about a week later we are renewing the cell phone plan and getting all the new garb that comes with it. Drew is playing with the expensive phones and letting them just dangle on the security wires. When I was tired of telling him to stop, I picked him up and took him with me to the check-out counter. When we finish, he leans over and in a not very quiet voice asked me 'Do those two guys over there have a penis?' The other 15 shoppers in the store and the four guys behind the counter all stop what they are doing and look at us! I just said ' I assume that they do' and we walked out of the store. Gretchen was laughing so hard that we had to sit in the car and wipe the tears.

          Ah, the joys of children!


          • #6

            Oh, my gosh, Matt, that is so funny! I'm sure Drew will LOVE to hear those stories when his is older!


            • #7

              thanks for sharing...

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                That is hilarious Matt!
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  I don't think that will be the last time Drew asks God to send some boobies his will just be in a different context!


                  • #10
                    We have told that story to a married couple and the husband said that he says that prayer every night!


                    • #11
                      My in-laws tell this story about my husband.....

                      When he was about three years old, they explained the basics of male/female anatomy to him after much incessant questioning on his part.
                      Then, on a trip to the grocery store not too long after, he looked at each person that passed by and said "Now, he has a penis, right?" or "She has a vagina, right?" all through the store. They were mortified at the time but it sure makes for a good story 29 years later.

                      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                      • #12

                        This thread has had be laughing out loud! We've had several similar experiences with our brood. Amanda is really into watching "A Baby Story" with me on TLC during the week. She actually comes to me and says "hurry up...a baby story is on". With this newfound birthing knowledge has come a barage of questions about her own (and her siblings births) and of course the new baby. A few weeks ago we were in Target and she was talking loudly about it...I'm too embarassed to even write about what she said to a nice grandmotherly type ...Isn't that ridiculous of me? I shouldn't be..but I am!

                        In any case...these stories are precious.....write them down in their memory books!!!!!

                        And Sue...the questions that are coming are exactly as you fear The next question is indeed how the baby gets in.... We have talked about eggs and sperm...but the specifics have remained very, very vague....Lets hope it stays that way until they are oh..say....21

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

