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AAAGGGHH....I hate other people's children :o

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  • AAAGGGHH....I hate other people's children :o

    Isn't that a terrible thing to say? This morning, a friend of Andrew's came over for a play date...he will be here from 10am-4.30pm As if that isn't bad enough 8) the child is absolutely difficult to deal with. The kids got their whole playroom cleaned up to play with him, and he doesn't want to 1. play with playmobile, 2 build with legos, 3. watch a movie....etc, etc...When I asked him what he did want to do he the dog and chase the cat...when I told him no, he proceeded to chase the dog anyway. He disrobed all of my daughter's barbies, chased Amanda through the house...I finally put them all outside even though it rained buckets last night and is wet and drizzly...and he wouldn't stay in our back yard...he ran down the street and picked up someone's old shirt that had been laying on the street for ages and carried it back to the house.....I finally set the kids down with a movie despite this child's protestations...and there is a little quiet.

    never again! How will I make it until 4.30

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2

    All kids lost control....I forced said children to get their shoes on and jump in the car...I thought we'd go to the park, but on the way it started raining went on to the Burger King Play Area.

    Extra child amongst us demanded to be bought a 'grown-up meal' which I refused. Then all children proceeded to act like crazed maniacs in the play area while I nearly lost my did this pack mentality take over?????? So....I caved in and bought some 99 cent fries and nuggets because to keep them quiet and buy some peace and the child didn't want to share...They were for everyone.....

    Finally, after another woman yelled at our guest child (surely thinking he was mine ) I left the play area and took the long way home.....heck...with everyone in seatbelts, I couldn't resist.

    Now at home...with one hour and 15 minutes to are resting peacefully in front of the electronic babysitter.....

    Let me reiterate...never again!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      We've got a friend over today, too. It's hard because he doesn't know the rules of our house, he doesn't know how to behave around pets, and he is kind of spoiled (being the youngest in his family he is given everything he wants and doesn't seem to have much discipline). So, I've spent my day just like you, Kris! I so feel for you because on top of everything else you're pregnant.

      When our guest child decided he was bored he started running around like a maniac chasing our cats with a big paper towel tube in MY bedroom. So, I told him that we treat our pets with respect and do not allow anyone to chase or scare them AND NO ONE plays in my bedroom (ie that's why the door is closed ). Then, I took all of the kids outside to play. Guest child automatically said 1)he's too hot (it's 80 degrees - not sweltering) and 2) he's bored. I told him that he could not go into the house (to rip it apart) and that he would just have to sit on the grass until he thought of something to do. That seemed to work. He and my oldest found something to do (I guess anything is better than sitting outside on the grass ). Anyway, it is hard because he has managed to break just about every rule we have AND my own children are following suit! The latter part is what is the most annoying. My kids know the rules - they have no excuse!!! UGH!

      Sorry to hijack your rant. Our days have been very similar - although it sounds like your guest child is more of a handful than mine! Good luck with your final few minutes!!!
      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #4
        kindred soul

        I'm glad I'm not alone today...though I'm sorry you're suffering too!

        In the van on the way home, child X made a comment to my daugher about what he does at his house..I didn't hear what it was. Amanda said "My mommy doesn't let us do that at my house" to which he replied "I just don't ask my mommy". Amanda replied "because you know she would say no". Response: "whatever"...this, from an 8 year old!

        Also, all day I've heard about his two nintendo (or whatever it is) game boy systems at home...a handheld version and one that plugs into the tv....and the whole "why don't you have one? I want to play game ______"

        We're in the home stretch, Jenn...we can do it

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          To me a playdate is like one or two hours! NOT 5 1/2 hours! It sounds more like you were conned into BABYSITTING this monster than a playdate.

          Poor Kris! Thank goodness for the electronic babysitter. Too bad you can't make this kid's mom watch ALL of your kids for a 5 1/2 hour "playdate" sometime.

          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6
            I've got an hour and a half. I've now resorted to the boob tube as well - while I am on the computer. Watching the clock.....

            (On the bright side my son and this child DO like playing with each other and get along well.... )
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7

              I feel so guilty for sitting here on the computer!! I can't tell you how many times I've escaped her today... Bad mommy, Bad mommy!!!! It's MY electronic babysitter



              • #8
                Aww don't feel guilty! Happy mommy = happy kids/baby!

                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #9

                  YEAH....I have my house back.......

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10
                    Wow, Kris! Glad you survived Bratilla the Hun.

                    On the bright side, it is probably better for Andrew to be around this kid with your presence than over at the kid's house!


                    • #11
                      Wow, both of those children sound like monsters!
                      I feel for you both! After babysitting at Jazzercise (I do it 5 times per month so I can get free Jazzercise) I have also come to the conclusion that I just don't like all children! What drives me the craziest is when kids do not respect authority figures--when I was a kid I never would have complained or misbehaved so much as a guest in someone elses home!
                      Awake is the new sleep!

