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New Car Seat Regulations

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  • New Car Seat Regulations

    I fully confess that I stole this from another IMSN'er on facebook but thought it was important enough to share here!! I learned something, actually 2 things, so maybe you will too.

  • #2
    Oh cool, that was really informative. I had planned to keep Natalie RF until she started to protest, but it ended up being convenient to switch her on her 2nd birthday. Also, I just started using the tethers because we didn't have any clear anchor points in the previous car -- I never thought it was a big deal though, with a secure install! The visuals are striking.


    • #3
      I had turned R around at 1 but after the visuals I saw when this came out I have turned him back around rear facing. So far he isn't protesting but we're going on a 10 hour car trip tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. I was reading the instruction manual on my Roundabout though and he is close to meeting the height limit for rear facing, not with his legs but with the top of his head to the top of the seat which I thought was interesting.

      Alison, we didn't have it properly anchored as a rear facing install the whole time A was in it, I didn't realize it until I went to install it for R. I felt TERRIBLE, I'm so glad nothing ever happened to her.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #4
        There's no way I'm putting my 11 year old back in a booster seat. She may never hit 4'9", anyway. What is she going to do, take her driver's test in a toddler seat?


        • #5
          As someone who is only 5'2", I'm sure I was OLD before I was 4'9". I think some of the older kid regs are a little ridiculous, especially since most cars have adjustable height seat belt straps now which should position them properly over most kids.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            I thought it was interesting that these guidelines came out soon after I read this story: It sounds like there's still a long way to go on this research.
            Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


            • #7
              I didn't realize the importance of the tethers either! We had DS's seat tethered when he was in the middle, but when I moved it to one side when DD was born I didn't bother hunting around for a new anchor point....


              • #8
                I fought DH tooth and nail about a booster. He was very adamant about getting one for our four-year-old. I told him no way in hell unless it has a five-point harness. There are not that many out like that, but we have one for each car and they are tethered. I will admit the two-year-old is forward facing. We have a Roundabout and P is too tall for rear-facing in it.


                • #9
                  My 11 year old is still in a booster. She's 4'6" I think.
                  Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                  • #10
                    We moves both kids to forward facing at a year, but S is still in the convertible and I am glad to hear that she will still fit in it for a while. I was afraid that because the top of her head is at the top of the seat that it was too small.

