I don't know what is going on with my 4 year old...nothing is "cool" enough for him to wear anymore....I've never heard of such a thing in a preschooler. For the last two weeks, he insists on dressing himself in clothes that are....not appropriate for the weather.....He will ONLY wear long pants, a t-shirt and then a long-sleeved plaid shirt...left unbuttoned so that everyone can see the logo on his t-shirt He has only been wearing his spider man t-shirt (he has 5)...This morning he had a dentist appointment and I helped him into shorts, spidey shirt/spidey undies/spidey shoes...and he went upstairs and completely changed his clothes before we left We ended up being 10 minutes late to his appt. ~sigh~ Last night before dinner I had to change his clothes because he was filthy...and he sat at the table and sobbed and wouldn't eat because his pants "weren't cool enough". Thomas finally relented and took him upstairs and he and his spider man doll picked out pants that were "cool enough".