Working mamas, when do you exercise? I work 45+ hours per week and also shoulder most of the household responsibilities. Evenings after work are spend cooking dinner, playing with/feeding/bathing my 4.5 month old, cleaning pump parts and making lunch for the next day, and catching up on all the random domestic crap that didn’t get done during the day. You all know the gig. I really want to get back in shape – just not at the expense of spending even less time with my son or living in chaos. I guess I’m finding it difficult to juggle and am wondering how you made it work.
**Oh, and if you could tell me how to extinguish this feeling that I need to have it all, do it all perfectly, and look hot while doing it - that would also be great
**Oh, and if you could tell me how to extinguish this feeling that I need to have it all, do it all perfectly, and look hot while doing it - that would also be great
