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What a sicky week !!!!!

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  • What a sicky week !!!!!

    Warning: Long and ranting!!!!!!

    Let's see, here's my lovely week...or excerpts thereof:

    Monday: Jeremy refused to eat much dinner which is unheard of. At 2:00am, Jeremy let out a weak, strange almost choking cry, that somehow woke me up with a startle out of a deep sleep, from the next room. I actually went running to him because it sounded so different. Well I turned on his light and he was covered in , as was his crib and the nearby carpet. That is the first time I can remember him ever really throwing up stuff. It was his lunch and he was quite shaken up. I got Alan up and we did our tag team patrol. He's in charge of the bedding/surroundings clean-up, running down to the basement to start the washer machine, etc. My job is to clean the kid and remake the crib/bed. He had a fever so I gave him some tylennol and a Revital Freezer Pop, as he really ed a lot and I didn't want him to get dehydrated. He went right back to sleep and he stayed home from camp the next day.

    Tuesday: I went to pick up the girls at camp and Shira walked to me sadly with her hands extended for "Uppies." Her counselor said she seemed out of it at camp. Shira then said, "Mommy, my tummy doesn't....blechhhhhhhhh (projectile vomiting)......feel good." She got all over me, herself, and left a stain on the camp carpet that was about 7 feet long. I ran with her to the bathroom and she continued to more in the sink, as we didn't make it to the toilet. So I had to clean up the sink and tried to clean myself, I just took off her shirt. When I came out, the camp director was on her hands and knees, with surgical gloves on, scrubbing the carpet, telling me not to worry about it and just get Shira home and into bed. I profusely apologized and she said it was okay and not a big deal and she hoped Shira feels better now. She had a little fever and came home and slept a lot. I kept her home from camp the next day.

    Wednesday: Jeremy was fine so I sent him back to camp. Abigail had a cough, but she refuses any meds for it. She had no fever, her chest did not sound too congested. She was acting fine and begging to go to camp. I sent her, as it is just her usual post nasal drip. After camp, Abigail had a coughing fit and threw up on her bathroom rug and in the sink----lots and lots of mucus. Otherwise, she was fine, but she continues to cough here and there and is not bothered by it. On the same day, Alan had a pretty bad migraine. He was in bed, writhing in pain as he does when it gets bad. After he took his heavy migraine meds, he seemed a little better. Then, he had an IBS attack or maybe it was the tummy bug from the kids-----he spent all day ing and pooping. He was not a happy camper.

    Thursday: Everyone went to camp. I woke up with a sore throat that seemed to get worse. Alan was in his post-sicky-out-of-it-phase. I felt unusually tired. After lunch, I told Alan he had to watch the kids because I needed a long nap and felt like I was getting sick. When I woke up, I was coughing and blowing my nose and feely totally crappy. I told him I didn't want to get out of bed and that he had to manage all the evening stuff with the kids. I did come down for dinner, left over pasta shells. While Alan was giving the kids a bath, I tossed my dinner up a storm, myself, after a coughing fit. My chest felt tight and I started spewing thick yellow stuff from my chest and nose. I had a lowgrade fever. Sorry if that is TMI---but I am on a rant. I nebulized and took Nyquil and hit the hay.....of course the kids all missed me and needed me to sing their special night-night songs as Daddy just didn't cut it. So he brought them into my room and sang and blew them kisses. They all seemed worried about me and the kids kept saying nice things and insisted on drawing "feel better pictures" stalling bedtime with Daddy.

    Friday: Alan took the kids to camp for the first time (on the last day). I went to my doctor. He said I had my usual bronchitis and sinus infection combo. and set me up with my usual cocktail of drugs. He said my lungs were quite congested and I was wheezing badly and he wanted me to take oral steroids. He said that it was not nearly enough to impact my osteoporosis. So, I went to the pharmacy and picked up my antibiotics, new albuteral nebulizer stuff, steroids, and cough medicine with codeine. I went right to bed and stayed there all day while Alan handled everything with the kids. My next door neighbor brought over some homemade chicken soup which totally hit the spot. I did go downstairs for dinner.

    I noticed Jeremy had a strange little boo-boo on his leg, just above the sock line in the back. I figured it was a bug bite and it didn't seem to be bothering him, so I left it alone. After he was in his crib with lights out for a few minutes at bedtime, he started yelling sadly, "Boo-boo huht!!!" I went in to check on him between my coughing fits and he complained that his "knee" hurt. I saw nothing on his knee....and this kid rarely complains about anything ever. I asked him to point to his boo-boo and he pointed to the front of his leg on the opposite side of the bug bite. He asked for a bandaid and I went and put one on the front of his leg where he pointed to nothing and on the back boo-boo, with neosporin. I went back to bed and coughed myself to sleep.

    Saturday: Jeremy woke up at 7:00am screaming, "Boo-boo HUHTS!!! COME MOMMY!!!!" I startled awake and ran to him, feeling surprisingly better from my own illness. I saw him and then screamed for Alan to come. Jeremy's "boo-boo leg" as we call it affectionately, was about twice as large as the other leg, from the knee down. It was bright red and when I touched it, it felt like his leg was very hard, as if filled with lots of blood (not from his muscle cramps). His leg was much hotter than the other leg. I pulled off his bandaids. The one on the actual boo-boo had yellow pus on it and 3 distinctive bloody dots. His foot was too big to fit into any shoes. He was limping a little, but able to walk. Alan said he is either allergic or has an infection from some kind of bug or spider. I called the emergency ped. office number and they returned my message within a few minutes. In the meantime, Alan gave him some Benedryl. I was able to get an early appointment with our regular ped. who was doing the Sat. morning emergency service. I took my morning meds and nebulized and off we went. Oh, yeah, Abigail kept us up that night by wetting the bed and Alan had been up with her getting her bedding cleaned up, etc. I saw that he was exhausted, and I actually felt much better, so I volunteered to drive Jeremy to the doc.

    Jeremy, who usually loves the ped., was acting terrified. He just kept saying that his "boo-boo huht," sadly. He was unusually uncooperative about getting dressed, though I tried to be very gentle and ditched the shoes as they were not going to fit anyway. He fought me when I told him where we were going and he cried quietly while driving there. He screamed hysterically once I parked the car and I was afraid someone was going to think I was kidnapping him or something. He fought getting out of his car seat and into the stroller. He screamed for the entire stroll through the hospital, up the elevator to the private practice area and peds office. People could see there was something wrong with his leg. He continued screaming and struggling unlike I have ever seen him until we walked out of the peds office...and then he whimpered all the way home. The ped said he definitely was bitten by something, and he had some sort of an infection that needs to be watched closely in case some of the skin necrotizes (turns black and dies, as with some poisonous spiders). She suggested that I soak him in the tub 3 times a day to give him relief and she prescribed Keflex, an antibiotic. I doublechecked with her that it wasn't a Sulpha drug that my kids are allergic to and she reassured me that it was not and that it was a good drug for these types of infections. So we picked up the meds, gave him a bath and then we both took a long nap.

    Sunday: Today!!!! We were trying to have a relaxing day and staying home to help us all continue our recovery. I was feeling a lot better, but seemed to have bursts of energy followed by bursts of fatigue. After naptime, Jeremy woke up, again, crying, "Boo-boo huht!!!" I ran to him and this time, he had big, red, odd-shaped, bumpy hives all over his arms and legs. He had scratch marks around his bite mark, too, which we hadn't noticed before. He was very itchy and miserable. I yelled for Alan and of course, he obviously was allergic to the antibiotic. Again, we gave him some Benedryl. His bite mark was a little pussy, but otherwise okay. He was not having any trouble breathing or signs of anaphylaxis (but we have an epipen handy, if needed). We put on neoporin and a big bandaid, to keep him from making it worse. I called the emergency ped. line and again, the nurse called me right back. She said to do all the things we already did and to stop the Keflex. I told her that his leg swelling is down, but I didn't want him to get more infected without the antibiotic. She said that even with the allergy, it's still in his system fighting the infection and he can wait until the morning to call the Dr. for a new antibiotic. Of course she said to watch him closely and call back or go to the ER if he shows any signs of getting worse---either the bite or the allergy.

    The hives went away within a couple of hours and all has been well since then. Tomorrow starts our first week of no camp and no planned activities. Other than a few playdates........and trying to complete my recovery, I have no idea what to do with these kids. I am just plain tired.

  • #2
    Goodness, Laurel,

    You have definitely had more than your share of illness and medical emergency over the past week. Here's hoping that you all will have a nice long healthy stretch from today until at least the end of the year.

    I would have FREAKED OUT about the bug bite --- and the rest of it would have damaged my equilibrium as well! You get the "good mommy" award for last week, according to me.

    Take care, rest and recover, and have the kids watch a few more videos than usual.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      wow! what an awful week! Hat's off to you for still being alive and kicking - I'd be in a corner, trembling or catatonic.
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        My goodness, I can't believe all of this happened to you in one week! Right around Wednesday, I was thinking "I can't believe how much more of this post I have left to read, this must have been one hell of a week!" You should definitely win some kind of award for this. I'm glad it's over, take care of yourself.

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #5
          I give you an award too. Wow, you must be exhausted. If that happens again email me, I'm only 45 minutes from Philadelphia. I can at least do laundry!!!
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            My gosh, the more I kept reading, the story kept getting worse and worse! I'm so glad that your son's leg is getting better--that sounds awful! You deserve a vacation after all of that!
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              When it rains, it pours! Sorry about your awful week! Take a nice long bath. I hope you guys completely recover and hope the remaining part of the summer is uneventful!



              • #8
                When it rains, it pours! Sorry about your awful week! Take a nice long bath. I hope you guys completely recover and hope the remaining part of the summer is uneventful!



                • #9


                  I'm late in catching up here....I hope that everyone is already on the mend and that things have been better since your awful week!!! I hope your little guy's leg is OK?....and that you haven't caught the stomach thing yourself now?????

                  Bite my tongue!!!

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

