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Embarassing Moments with Children!

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  • Embarassing Moments with Children!

    OK...I think this thread could be a lot of fun! We can all share our embarassing stories

    This morning I walked Andrew and Amanda out to the bus stop and one of the other moms was there. She is skinny and works out. While we were waiting, Amanda turned to her and looked at her tummy and said "are you having a baby?" 8O The woman looked like she was going to cry! I turned to her and apologized and said "she thinks every mom is pregnant right now because I'm pregnant". (Everyone tells me I look like I'm due any day now) So she turned and looked at me and my stomach and said "Oh, you are?" hehehehehe...I thought she got me back pretty good!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I keep waiting for the same thing to happen with Bryn. She sort of says what is on her mind (about anything) and is taking such an interest in my growing belly.....
    Hopefully I don't have a post to add here too soon!


    • #3
      Ha....well I had another one today with Alex I guess I'm the only one with the embarassing children stories this week

      Today I picked him up from preschool and we went back to the U becuase I had to meet with one of the professors to discuss something. Alex was coloring on the blackboard while we chatted quickly...and he of course drew a penis Potty talk has been his big think for the last couple of weeks.....

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Originally posted by PrincessFiona
        Alex was coloring on the blackboard while we chatted quickly...and he of course drew a penis

        The professor is a biologist, right? He should appreciate Alex's interest in anatomy!


        • #5
          Good way of looking at it! I just tried to brush over it and move on....but I did feel a little akward!!!

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            There have been so many of these.......where do I start?

            Well, speaking of penises, one of my children (who shall remain nameless) used to, when he got involuntary erections, yell out "It's long! It's long!" and would hit himself in that area in hopes of getting rid of the protruding appendage. I got used to saying calmly "Leave it alone and it will go away" without thinking much of it, but it happened once when my mom (who had four girls) was visiting and I think she laughed for the rest of the day.

            Going grocery shopping with older babies who sit up in the cart basket and having them start mouthing at my chest lovingly (which is considerable, even in a non-nursing state, so when I was nursing, it was usually right in their face as I pushed the cart) in the check-out line.

            Having to watch helplessly from the bleachers as my boys grab themselves repeatedly on the soccer field or the basketball court because they have to go to the bathroom.

            The time one of my sons hit a childcare worker while I was at bible study and they had to come and get me. He had gotten in a disagreement with another child, and had apologized, but the worker (who had no children) kept trying to make a "teachable moment" out of the incident and kept talking about it, so my son finally slugged her in the mouth because he was ready to move on with his life. He apologized to the teacher and she started going back over it again --- I could sense another punch coming, so I just took him and left.

            Having my doorbell ring last spring and answering it to find two strangers holding my youngest, asking if he was mine. They had found him walking down the middle of the street! He had crawled through two cat doors and had opened the gate from the backyard to get out. All of our gates are now secured with bungee cords --- the lawn guy can hardly get in to mow.

            That's it for now.....I am sure I will think of more another time.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7
              That's a GREAT story about the daycare worker.
              Today the cable guy came to fix the cable, and the baby just kept saying "cable guy cable guy cable guy" while he was here. "cable guy upstairs, cable guy downstairs, cable guy working, cable guy walk fast, cable guy yellow shirt".... you get the idea.
              I guess I should have thought twice before telling her the cable guy was coming, because I'd never use that term to their face, after the movie...
              Enabler of DW and 5 kids
              Let's go Mets!


              • #8
                Well, I can add one....

                With a 20wk old child, everyone likes to come up and say "oh how ____". Some people get closer than others.
                I had to recently run an errand with both boys (I have been mostly sequestered to the house out of fear something would/could happen out of my complete control!). As we are making our way through the store a lovely little blue hair lady gets right in the baby's face. She was making some very nice comments and before I could get her to back up, Colton give her one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen.... he then proceeded to deposit a good portion of his breakfast on her. I felt terrible. But then I got to the car and Drew and I couldn't stop laughing about it....


                • #9
                  Holy Cow...these are hysterical!!!

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10
                    Oh, Matt! That is too funny.

                    And Sally, that story about the daycare worker is too funny. And the gate. Oh my. I am surprised (but VERY thankful) that hasn't happened at our house given Bryn's interest in and ablilities with doors, keys, desire to escape, etc.

                    So far, we have only been stuck together in rooms. We have an old house with those old crystal doorknobs that are somewhat loose. I was in my bedroom and she came in and slammed the door. The doorknob fell out on the OTHER side of the door, leaving me with a knob to turn but nothing for it to grab onto. We were stuck. Eric was in Italy. The neighbors with keys were out of town. Because, safety first, I knew I had all of the outside doors locked so whoever would help us would have to have house keys. I contemplated crawling out of the window but was hesitant to do so because if Bryn saw me do it, she'd be next in line to give it a try. And that wouldn't have done any good because I didn't have house keys. I put on my MacGyver thinking cap, dug through Eric's closet and found various things to stick in the handle mechanism to twist it open.
                    And Bryn has locked Eric and me out of the house a few times. Usually we are grilling in the back, she runs in to get something, and locks the door. (She actually doesn't do it on purpose but is just used to us locking the door after we come in -- little smartypants).
                    We hid a set of spare keys outside.


                    • #11
                      Sally, that day care worker story is a classic!

                      Kris, you know my story of the next door neighbor and her dog who barks incessantly. When we had our new deck built I was in the backyard staining it and for about 45 minutes I was barked at non-stop. Keep in mind I'm nowhere near the fence, making little or no noise with my paintbrush and yet I was barked at as if I was a masked robber jumping the fence with a bag of cats on my shoulders. I was at the end of my rope and that night at the dinner table I just vented to my husband and children about how I wanted to get a frequency "clicker" to use on the dog. Okay, so I said a few other unprintable things regarding the dog. I had had it with the pooch.

                      A couple of days later I'm the backyard finishing up the deck and the kids are in the back with me playing. The next door neighbor is out there too doing some gardening. My children go up to the fence where she's weeding and spill the beans about me wanting to shut her dog up and how mad I was about it barking all the time and how much I hate the four legged furball. Oh, did I mention I was standing on the deck hearing all of this? I very much wanted the ground to open up and swallow me but unfortunately that didn't happen. After non-chalantly gathering my lovely children in the house and calmly as I could tell them to keep our family conversations to ourselves, I went back outside and apologized to the neighbor - not for what they said because it was true and we both knew it, but for unduly embarrassing the both of us. She was actually pretty cool about it and it opened up the conversation about the barking dog which ultimately was good. But for about 10 minutes I think I wanted to get a clicker for my kids!


                      • #12
                        Here is a fresh one from this morning. Recently we watched my son's birth video which prompted a lot of questions about nursing. He thinks that the explanation that babies drink milk from mommies' boobies is downright hysterical and keeps bringing it up.

               at the bagel shop my son saw a young, presumably first time, mother nursing her infant. (We all remember how we would roll our eyes at older misbehaved kids and promise that ours would be better behaved.) My son starts pointing and yelling "babies don't drink milk from mommies boobies, they eat doughnuts". Then he started loudly asking, "Hey, what is in there?" and walking up to her to take a look. The more that I tried to steer his attention away from this poor woman, the more interesting the topic became. We made every customer in the place uncomfortable. Ugh!


                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                        • #13
                          That is too funny Kelly!
                          I wish I could think of some stories to add, but my children are little angels who behave all the time! (I'm kidding of course, I'm just too brain dead to remember them or I'm supressing them somewhere in my psyche!)
                          Awake is the new sleep!

