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Wait it Out?

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  • Wait it Out?

    I have 10 days left until my due date. My OB just informed me she is going out of town next week until a day after my due date. (Thanks!) She asked me to come in next Tuesday to a check up and see how far I am dilated (currently 1cm still, but thinning out). If I look favorable (approx. 3cm) on Tuesday, she has given me the option to have my labor induced on Wednesday. I had an uncomplicated delivery the first time.

    At first I was excited about the idea of knowing I would probably have this baby within the week and being able to have family here to watch Avery. However, given the things I have heard about inductions causing harder contractions, prolonged labor or I won't be able to move around that much with potocin (sp?) on board that we think we are going to wait to let things happen on their own and risk having an unknown OB deliver me. I may not be progressing anymore by Tuesday and would have to wait regardless.

    I don't know what to do.

  • #2
    My first disclaimer is that I don't have kids!

    With that said my best friend was induced with her second child and had a very fast and uneventful pregnancy.

    Good Luck and keep us posted!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      This is my experience...

      Delivery with Emma- I had to have my labor augmented b/c my contractions stopped, and had a pretty hefty dose of pitocin-- labored for 4 hours before asking for the epidural. The contractions were pretty unbearable. I was asked to remain in bed.

      Delivery with Brigham- given a very small amount of pitocin, he came quick! He was born within an hour of the start of the pit drip. I was able to breathe through the contractions. The hospital I delivered at allowed me to walk around while hooked up to the drip and to an external monitor that could be viewed from the nurses station.

      My OB said that every labor is different and there is no way of knowing how you will react to pitocin. I had asked her if I will need pitocin everytime to deliver, and I was told there is no way of knowing.

      Looking back at both births-- the OB was only there for the last part of pushing.

      One other thing-- I scheduled an induction, and lo and behold Brigham showed up on my due date.

      Hope this helped.

      Gas, and 4 kids


      • #4
        I'll just give you my own experience. My first labor started naturally and was great. It only lasted 2 hours. My OB agreed that I should be induced the next time to avoid giving birth on the highway (given how fast I went the first time). They induced me almost 2 weeks early and this baby came in 4 hours. I didn't think the contractions were any worse with the induced labor. Also, I was comforted to know that my own OB was going to deliver the baby (the first time it was someone in the group I had never met). Also, since we have no family in town, I could arrange for grandparents to be here to take care of our oldest child. I was a little nervous about an induction because my neighbor was induced with baby #1 and had a 24 hour labor. So far most of the induction "horror stories" that I have heard do involve the first baby. It seems like if you have given birth already, induction isn't as much as a gamble. I think if you and your OB really feel that you are ready, induction doesn't sound like a bad idea. In my case, days before delivery I was feeling so much pressure that I thought I could give birth at any moment. So I was pretty confident that once my water was broken the baby would come out no problem. Good luck with whatever you decide! It is such a tough choice!!!
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          I just read Cricket's post and she has a very good point! The OB is there for the occasional check and the grand finale so if you do wait and end up with a different OB, at that particular moment, you probably won't care who delivers the baby!!!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Lunatic- I was wondering what type of childbirth classes you teach. DH and i are considering the Bradley method. I am reading "natural child birth the bradley way" right now and getting alot out of it. I would love to hear your thoughts.
            Mom to three wild women.


            • #7
              I am really thinking about trying a doula this time around for two reasons. My dr's practice feels kind of big and impersonal and I think a doula would help balance that feeling and also because a few friends have labored with a doula and really thought it helped.
              We had tried a doula with my first birth but she was a student and seemed to have some baggage around one of her deliveries. A few days before my daughter was born, we both decided we wouldn't be comfortable with her there but it was too late to find someone else.

              Another method/book you might want to look at is the book Birthing from Within. I think that they also do doula training. It is a great book and two women I know used it and had drug-free deliveries (a total of three deliveries between the two of them). I think there are 10 different breathing excercises in the book and I used 2 or 3 of them before getting drugs. In fact, I still use them on occasion at the dentists office and that sort of thing.


              • #8
                Thanks for the feedback. My appt is tomorrow am before my OB leaves on vacation. We have decided to let nature take its course and not be induced just because she is going out-of-town. I don't like the idea of not being able to walk around after pitocin is given which is the hospital's policy. I may not even look "favorable" so that my OB would think an induction would be appropriate. My sense is that I will deliver following my due date since my first baby was late. My OB will have returned by then anyway. Only this baby knows when to she will show up!



                • #9
                  I am still waiting.... and waiting and waiting. My due date is Monday. I am ready for something to happen. My OB doesn't want me to go farther than 41 weeks so we scheduled an induction for next Friday if nothing happens in between. My mom arrives on Wednesday to celebrate Avery turning 2yrs. So we will wait. I was feeling pretty good, but I think I hit the wall today. I just don't want to do this anymore and I think I am getting a cold.

                  Maybe you guys can send labor vibes my way!



                  • #10
                    Jennifer --
                    Thanks for the update! I will send labor vibes your way. Sometimes hitting that wall is what it takes, it seems. Right, Crystal?
                    Hang in there!


                    • #11
                      (I have to make this quick-- hungry boy, and it's my bedtime )

                      I can empathize and sympathize! I hit "the wall" and that was exactly sent me over the edge into labor. We actually had an induction date set-up, and Brigham made his appearance on his due date.

                      I know it's easy for me to say this, but hang in there.... you're almost done.

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12

                        I was hoping that maybe you had already gone into labor? I've been sending you some vibes over the last few days. I suppose you could try some of those old wives remedies to bring on labor 8) ..I've never really been brave enough to try them...or you could go jogging again (but it would probably just make you tired).

                        Relax and enjoy these last few days with Avery...I don't know how the weather is right now, but maybe you two girls could go out to a park, go some things together for the last time with Avery as the only child I know I felt very...overly emotional about that issue when Amanda was on her way...I sort of felt like I was living those last few days in slow motion trying to enjoy every last second...while feeling like a huge whale and just being ready to have it be over!

                        I'll send more vibes.....stronger ones this time!

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #13
                          Hi Jennifer!
                          I hope you are feeling better and are either in labor or have just given birth!!! I remember those last few days with only once child also--our second baby was born at the end of August, so I was hot and uncomfortable but it was bitter sweet since I knew it would all change drastically soon!
                          Hang in there!
                          Awake is the new sleep!


                          • #14
                            Thanks! I am gathering up all those labor vibes and feeling better than when I last posted. I am afraid for something to happen until Wednesday because our child care for Avery went out of town this weekend. If I did go into labor, we would have to find emergency child care until my mom who lives 4 hours away can get here. Nail bitter!

                            On the other hand, the baby has dropped some and I am feeling the pressure and keep bumping into everything with my belly! Avery was 8 days late so we just don't know when this kid will show up!



                            • #15
                              I am thinking of you, too, Jennifer, and hoping that things go well.....

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

