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crib, bassinet, or pack-n-play?

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  • crib, bassinet, or pack-n-play?

    What did you guys use for the first few months? Honestly, we'll be 'rooming in' anyway at night, but I can't decide if I should get a crib, a bassinet or just a pack-n-play with the changing table/bassinet feature.

    Any other suggestions on the type of baby swing to avoid/buy or carseat to avoid/buy?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    We are going to use a bassinet for the first month or so but that is the only one of those three that will fit in our room! Then we'll use the crib after that. Right now Bryn is using the crib as a toddler bed. I have no idea what we are going to do for her sleeping arrangements, but she has big plans for a bunk bed -- with her on the top bunk and the baby on the bottom.
    I wish we had done a bassinet with Bryn. Even though it is a short walk to her room it would have been nice to stay as horizontal as possible.


    • #3
      We're going to use a pack-n-play for the first few months. I think they're the most practical for us, primarily because they're so mobile. Since we live on opposite ends of the country from our family, we'll be traveling with our little one (not right away). So, in addition to using the pack-n-play for the first few months while the baby rooms-in, we'll probably use it when the baby is older when we travel.

      Disclaimer: this is our first child. We have absolutely no experience in this area- we've just done alot of reading and listening to advice from friends and family. Nevertheless, the above is our plan- I'll let you know if we actually stick to it once the baby arrives!
      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


      • #4
        We have a bassinet that we use for the first 3 or 4 months. During that time they either sleep right next to our bed in the bassinet or actually in our bed. (Not meaning to start anything about co-sleeping but we do it for the first several months so that I can get a decent night's sleep). I know people that have also used the pack 'n play as a bassinet as well, though in my opinion they take up too much space. Our little bassinet is little and on wheels so I can even carry it downstairs during the day if I feel like it.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          I would vote for a bassinet/pack-n-play as well for the first few months. IF(not an announcement!) we were to have another baby, I would get a co-sleeper, since the sleep deprivation is what does me in. These have one side that folds down/collapses and it actually hooks to your bed, under the mattress, so you barely have to wake up to nurse the baby and put it back in its own space. I have a friend who has used one with her kids and they are awesome.

          We got a new swing for Nathan and it had a music feature, which he seemed to enjoy.

          Make sure you go to the resale shops, Kris.....everytime I go in one I alternately wish I knew for sure I was done so I could sell my stuff, or wish we were having another so I could take advantage of the bargains I see there. Yes, I am insane.



          • #6
            The above post is me, sorry!

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7
              With our first, we were like the police of parenting....the baby will only sleep in his crib!! Worked out great until we decided to go anywhere, then all he wanted was his own bed!

              With #2, he has been sleeping in different rooms with all the house painting that went on, so he has been in the crib in one room and a pack-and-play in another. He is a terrible sleeper (for any length of time), but at least he will fall asleep anywhere!


              • #8
                We have all 3 and Charlotte has yet to sleep for an entire night in her crib and she is 3.5 months old! She has slept about 2 half nights in there. Her bassinette was adorable but she grew out of it really fast! And being the new mommy, I was paranoid about her being in such a tight space at night. So we have used the pack and play for the most part. It is parked beside our bed and on a good night, she sleeps in there except for nursing sessions. On a bad night, she sleeps right beside me! We have the Graco Pack and Play with the bassinette feature. I opted out of the changing table feature because you can change baby anywhere!

                Swing: Fisher Price Ocean Wonders is a miracle. It has saved our lives on many occasions. Charlotte loves the ocean sounds and loves watching the sea creatures turn around. It also swings side to side or front to back! It's pricey but my husband always remarks that this was money well spent!


                • #9
                  We have all three items as well. It can be confusing trying to decide which brands to buy. Babies R Us posts signs in their store about which items are popular on parent's registries. We ended up with a Graco pack-n-play with a bassinet, swing and high chair. All were gifts so we lucked out on the expense.

                  In the first couple of months, I thought I was not going to have Avery in our room at night. During the day, we put her in the pack-n-play on the first floor. Within the first week, we bought a bassinet at Target and used it in our room because I was worried about SIDS etc and the pack-n-play wouldn't fit in our room. At about eight weeks, we moved her back into her room because neither of us was sleeping well.

                  We are planning to use the same system we used before with the pack-n-play on the first floor and the bassinet in our room for a while. If you only chose one, the pack-n-play works for a lot longer and it is portable. It might be a more economical investment than a bassinet.

                  There is a swing out there that moves left to right instead of back to front. I know a couple people who have these and their kids love them. If I were purchasing one now, I would probably want one of those. My big purchase this time around was a glider rocker. I can't wait to use it, if my baby ever decides to show up!

                  Good luck with your choices!



                  • #10
                    Just a note on pack and plays-- we have the graco very very basic one that doesn't have a bassinet, and this is very easy to set up and take down. We got another one for the other twin--it is a BabyTrend with bassinet/changing table feature. The changing table was great and handy, but I would not buy a BabyTrend design again b/c it is such a pain to fold up and set up. I had to do it like 7000 times at every hotel between DC and Washinton State and I still had to read the instructions each time. It is such a pain.

                    If your babies get big fast, I probably wouldn't bother with a bassinet, although they are SO cute!

                    And a crib is just sooo big for a tiny newborn! (Unless you have 2 newborns, then a regular sized crib is just right)

                    Good luck!


                    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the tip, Peggy!!

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

