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Birthing predictions...

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  • Birthing predictions...

    I'm 37 weeks. I'm only 1cm but am completely effaced and with the head already 'right there' (I assume that means at about a station of zero?)....she was able to touch the head and said that the baby was extremely low. She also said the baby was probably at 8 pounds 8O and that he has a huge butt (like mother like son ). In any case, she felt that those were good indicators that I might go before 39 weeks. Of course, I've heard similar things before and ended up going 10 days overdue...but it doesn't hurt to have hope, right?

    So....has anyone else ever had a prediction like this made? If so...did you (or your wife ) go early or end up being ontime/late? Have you ever tried to....increase the chances of going into labor using any tried and true old-wive's tale techniques? 8) Did it work?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    You know, it's funny reading this after reading Crystal's story because I could have sworn my husband told me that although castor oil can hasten labor contractions it should be avoided because it also causes diarrhea. Maybe I'm thinking of another substance?

    I've heard and read of numerous (and sometimes highly creative) ways to bring on labor but unfortunately the ones I've tried haven't worked....

    Oh well, here's to you having a fast and easy labor/delivery SOON! (btw A baby with a nice round derrier would be quite cute in my opinion - my newborns all had the flat, no-butt look )

    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      So fat I've never tried the methods to bring on labor--with my first she was 4 days early and the second was induced about 2 weeks early. I do think with both of them, my OB was pretty accurate about predicting when labor might occur. With the first baby, I saw her the day before birth and she said it felt like I could go at any time and she thought if she broke my water she'd come on out. At 2am the next morning my water broke and she was born 2 hours later. With the second she also felt that was the case and induced me early. About 2 hours after they broke my water our second baby was born. I remember the second time feeling like I could give birth at any time--the baby felt so low and I felt so much pressure!
      I hope your OB is right and you go early Kris!!! I can't believe it is that time for you already, seems like just a few months ago you were posting your big news!!!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        So with Brigham, I started dilating at 37 weeks, and didn't have him until his due date. At 37 wks I was fingertip and starting to efface. At 38 weeks I was 1 cm and about 50% effaced. At 39 weeks I was 2 cm and 50% effaced. BUT at my 40 wk appt-- NO CHANGE! I was pretty perturbed and in tears, as we had set up an induction date, and I didn't think I was going to have the baby "on my own." Lo and behold, two days after my appt I went into labor.

        With Emma I ate spicy food the day before I had her. I also did Evening Primrose Oil, as well as lots of sex, walking, bumpy car rides for a month before having her. None of it worked. I had my membranes stripped 3 times-- I think the third time may have helped.

        With Brigham- I did spicy food and castor oil, and I don't know if that is what got things going or not. I didn't do a whole dose all at once rather I split it up to take it in 2 doses during the day. It can cause diarrhea as it is a naturopathic way to get the bowels going-- I didn't have diarrhea with it. I also did sex, and spicy food, jumping (can ya tell I was desperate?)

        I think it boils down to that the baby will come when he or she is ready to.

        My doctor predicted that I would go about 1-2 weeks early, as I had Emma one week before her due date. The doc also said "Now that I told you that you will probably go to your due date."

        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #5
          I read on all the time about the castor oil method. I havent heard about the diarrhea part of it, but give that it is pure oil, it isnt that surprising.
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #6
            I'm not one to be very optimisticin this department considering my cervix would not budge, and it didn't even want to budge at first with pitocin. However, I think I would be willing to give the tea or castor oil a try. My doc swore by sex and the nipple stim thing....the last thing either of us felt like doing! Good luck! It sounds like you are headed the right direction.


            • #7
              Through the grapevine....
              the neighbor on the other side of the alley tried the castor oil trick. She is a very petite woman who had a big baby -- she was feeling miserable as her due date came and went. I think she made some sort of Orange Julius concoction with the castor oil (or was that you, Crystal?) -- and it worked!
              I don't know if she had diarrhea....and as long as it wasn't severe, I don't think she would have cared!


              • #8
                I split the dose into 2--- the first one in the morning where I just mixed it with orange juice and it was pretty gross and greasy tasting. The second one right before bedtime, and I mixed the rest of the remaining dose with ice cream and orange juice, much more palatable.

                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #9
                  Not to be a pessimist but my 4 deliveries all came when they wanted to. The doctor was wrong every time! I went over with the first three from their original due dates. The doctors (I had a different doctor deliver each of my children) all said that I would have them early because they were so big. WRONG! The last time we decided to induce a couple of days after my due date. I had been hoping to go on my own. The doctor then told me it would be a piece of cake after three very quick deliveries previously. 12 hours later ... Dallin made his appearance. My other deliveries were never more than 5 or 6 hours. Of course, I never did go anywhere at my doctor appointments. I never had any effacement at all. I was one of those people that went all at once.

                  We had a friend that swore that having sex worked. It didn't for me. I never tried the castor oil but I had a friend who was desperate and took it and ended up delivering the baby at home! 8O I am sure that is really rare but it kept me from ever wanting to try it! I did a lot of walking, which would give me some contractions but nothing regular enough to go anywhere. Babies like to come when they are good and ready.

                  I can't believe Kris you are already at 37 weeks!! That is so exciting for you!!!! For me, the time has gone by fast! Here is to a fast and painless delivery soon!



                  • #10
                    Here is to a fast and painless delivery soon!
                    Thanks...I'm hoping for the fast and painless route too.

                    I feel weird about being only 37 weeks and wanting to 'get this over with'. I have strongly considered the whole mineral oil approach because I've heard that it birth at home though???? But to me the question would be when would I do was suggested that I could just try at any time, but I would feel funny doing anything too 'soon'. What if I did and something went wrong?

                    I did try spicy food last night, but I knew that wouldn't was more for the fun of it. I need to get all of the loose ends tied up at school before I think about this any farther. He'll get here when he gets here.

                    Last night I was at the grocery store and the woman in front of me had a newborn little boy and two adorable little girls (about 3 and 5). She was trying to pay and the baby started crying at which point both girls took off into the grocery store out of sight. The poor mom looked like she was going to lose it and ran after them while I stood there trying to calm the baby who didn't want to have anything to do with me 8) He was so adorable and I just started wondering what on earth Aidan looks like and what his temperament would the kids would react, etc...and of course I was having major sympathy pains for the mom who was running through the grocery store to get her girls. Once she had gathered them they were busy telling me about their baby's name and how they were big sisters, I listened and then told them to be big helpers for their mommy and went on to the car...and I just felt like I couldn't WAIT anymore to meet this little guy.

                    I can't wait to introduce him to the kids because I know that they are going to love him...they are so excited that they just can't stand it and Amanda is soooooo disappointed that she can't be in the delivery room.

                    At the same time I'd be lying if I said that I am anything other than terrified of the delivery Is there any way that I could just...forego that part of it all?

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      Isn't that funny Kris--no matter how many times you give birth it is still just as scary every time! (At least for me it has been so far). Actually I think the first time was the easiest because I didn't really know what I was in for. This time around, I'm dreading the "yuckiness" that follows childbirth. But the idea of pushing a little human out of a relatively small opening is frightening! Your story about the woman has me worried--that will be me, except my girls will be 2 and 4!!!
                      Awake is the new sleep!


                      • #12
                        Kris, I remember having those similar thoughts (except that I never actually had a baby!)...but you know the thoughts of what is he going to look like, and how excited for Drew, I was that he was going to be the "big brother". Ah, yes, I remember them well.....

                        and now he is here and now he just really likes to take after his mom. With his temperment, can you say bullheaded?!! I have pulled my hair out, Ok, not really it was only spit up on.

                        I can't imagine having anymore than two....but you never know!

                        All I can say is, you are amazing and will have a wonderful family, all six of you!!! Here is to a healthy, quick, and painless delivery!


                        • #13
                          It will be over before you know it. I really loved being pregnant and having babies!!!!!! My girls are 18 & 20 now, I just can't believe it. Thank goodness I have Winston now (miniature dachsund that my daughter brought home this summer, he is sooo mine now!!).
                          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                          • #14

                            I can't believe that your girls are already 18 & 20...I remember when just the first was getting ready to graduate from goes by fast, doesn't it! Gosh...I remember the positive pregnancy test with Andrew 9 years ago as if it happened last all just goes by much too quickly!!!!


                   are your girls enjoying college? Is your oldest still intent on being pre-med?
                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #15
                              Kris! Wow! I can't believe you are 37 weeks along! Amazing...

                              I had my membranes stripped with Izzy and Steven at 38 weeks (I was very ready) and the next morning my water broke, and 4 hours later they were both born. My first came about 1 week early, and about 8 hours before her scheduled c-section, which thrilled my ob and anesthesiologist to no end...

                              Good luck!!

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

