Reading Jen's post about how to go out with two reminded me I wanted to post about my first trip alone with both kids to the peds office.....
So a couple of weeks ago I had to take Emma to the pediatrician because of a rash that we found out is atypical ecxema. The past couple of times I have gone to the peds office it has been for Brigham's well-checks, and have found a sitter for Emma. Well because the appt was for Emma, I thought we would be in and out in a short time.
While we were there Brigham wanted to eat- no biggie, so I fed him in the exam room while waiting for the doctor. While I am breastfeeding Brigham, he starts squirming and grunting- meaning he needs to poop. I unlatch him, he does his thing, and then proceed to finish the feeding. With Emma I learned to wait a few minutes before changing the dirty diaper to ensure all poop has been released. (You can see where this is going
) So, I put Brigham on the exam table to change him, at which time I noticed poop had leaked out his diaper. I get out his spare outfit, and lay on the table along with the clean diaper. I might add Emma is stripped to her diaper at this point, and her clothes are on the exam table as well. I start to clean Brigham up, and notice that he is trying to poop, so I put the wipe over his bum, and poop is leaking out all over the place. I then get a brilliant idea- "I will pull the diaper back up over the front " Well just as I pulled the wipe away- poop shot across the exam table- covering the clean diaper, his spare outfit, Emma's clothes, and the doctor's chair.
I get him cleaned off, and go to the diaper bag to find NO MORE diapers for Brigham. I wrapped him in one of Emma's size 4 diapers, and grabbed a nurse to help me clean up the mess and get a bag (they have a bag it and carry it out yourself policy).
The nurse was shocked and amazed that such a little guy could cause such a mess. She left, and returned with 3 other nurses to show them the "damage"!!!
Because Emma had no clean clothes, they gave us a hospital gown for her to wear home. I ended up wrapping Brigham up in a blanket.
The fun doesn't stop there. So we get home- both kids have fallen asleep on the ride home. Emma wakes up about an hour and half later (I left her in the hospital gown, not in the mood to change her). I put a movie on for her to watch while I get dinner ready. I walk into the kitchen and I hear her say "Emma go poo-poo, no no Emma go pee-pee." I thought "Aww how cute." I walk out and Emma is naked- she had stripped off the hospital gown and the diaper, and had peed on the carpet.
The funny thing is during that whole day- I just laughed, and thought to myself- "Welcome to Mommyhood of Two"
So a couple of weeks ago I had to take Emma to the pediatrician because of a rash that we found out is atypical ecxema. The past couple of times I have gone to the peds office it has been for Brigham's well-checks, and have found a sitter for Emma. Well because the appt was for Emma, I thought we would be in and out in a short time.
While we were there Brigham wanted to eat- no biggie, so I fed him in the exam room while waiting for the doctor. While I am breastfeeding Brigham, he starts squirming and grunting- meaning he needs to poop. I unlatch him, he does his thing, and then proceed to finish the feeding. With Emma I learned to wait a few minutes before changing the dirty diaper to ensure all poop has been released. (You can see where this is going

The nurse was shocked and amazed that such a little guy could cause such a mess. She left, and returned with 3 other nurses to show them the "damage"!!!

The fun doesn't stop there. So we get home- both kids have fallen asleep on the ride home. Emma wakes up about an hour and half later (I left her in the hospital gown, not in the mood to change her). I put a movie on for her to watch while I get dinner ready. I walk into the kitchen and I hear her say "Emma go poo-poo, no no Emma go pee-pee." I thought "Aww how cute." I walk out and Emma is naked- she had stripped off the hospital gown and the diaper, and had peed on the carpet.

The funny thing is during that whole day- I just laughed, and thought to myself- "Welcome to Mommyhood of Two"