He never really decided to make an appearance on his own and so I was scheduled to go in on Saturday and have my water broken. I went ahead and sent Thomas and his mom and the kids to german school in St. Paul so that I could have the morning to myself to get ready and then I was going to drive myself in to the hospital...after all...this is baby#4, not baby #1....
Anyway, I took a bath, talked on the phone, got myself ready and threw my bags in the car...and the BATTERY was DEAD!!! I couldn't get the car to start and so I called a taxi...they would have needed over 40 minutes just to come out so I had to call a friend to drive me in
Once I got there I was given an antibiotic (strepb positive) and we waited for Thomas...when he came, the ob broke my waters and we waited...and waited...and waited...I contracted, but it was nothing to write home about. The ob really was pushing for a section but I wanted to try and have a vaginal the end of the day she told me she was simply not comfortable with the idea of pitocin, etc and we did the section.
It was kind of scarey and I panicked after I got the spinal...has anyone else ever been through that? Suddenly not being able to move my feet/lets, etc sent waves of panic through me for about 10 minutes. I actually started crying
In any case, Aidan Math was born at 9.12pm on the eve of the lunar eclipse (October 8th) weighing in at 8 lbs and 8 ounces.
Once off to dad, my ob told me that she had found an area of my uterus that was extremely thin and full of small vascular 'bleeders'...she said that if we had tried the regular delivery I would have likely ended up with a hysterectomy 8O
So I guess things worked out the best for both mom and baby!
I just got home yesterday after taking advantage of all of the time that I could in the hospital...and things are slowly getting back to normal.
I can't wait to catch up with everyone.
kris mil is freaking crazy...more later!
He never really decided to make an appearance on his own and so I was scheduled to go in on Saturday and have my water broken. I went ahead and sent Thomas and his mom and the kids to german school in St. Paul so that I could have the morning to myself to get ready and then I was going to drive myself in to the hospital...after all...this is baby#4, not baby #1....
Anyway, I took a bath, talked on the phone, got myself ready and threw my bags in the car...and the BATTERY was DEAD!!! I couldn't get the car to start and so I called a taxi...they would have needed over 40 minutes just to come out so I had to call a friend to drive me in

Once I got there I was given an antibiotic (strepb positive) and we waited for Thomas...when he came, the ob broke my waters and we waited...and waited...and waited...I contracted, but it was nothing to write home about. The ob really was pushing for a section but I wanted to try and have a vaginal the end of the day she told me she was simply not comfortable with the idea of pitocin, etc and we did the section.
It was kind of scarey and I panicked after I got the spinal...has anyone else ever been through that? Suddenly not being able to move my feet/lets, etc sent waves of panic through me for about 10 minutes. I actually started crying

In any case, Aidan Math was born at 9.12pm on the eve of the lunar eclipse (October 8th) weighing in at 8 lbs and 8 ounces.
Once off to dad, my ob told me that she had found an area of my uterus that was extremely thin and full of small vascular 'bleeders'...she said that if we had tried the regular delivery I would have likely ended up with a hysterectomy 8O
So I guess things worked out the best for both mom and baby!
I just got home yesterday after taking advantage of all of the time that I could in the hospital...and things are slowly getting back to normal.
I can't wait to catch up with everyone.
kris mil is freaking crazy...more later!