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New native baby wrap

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  • New native baby wrap

    has anyone used one of these? i see people carrying their babies in them alot and they look so comfortable but kind of hip at the same time. I am debating on getting one ( on ebay of course)
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    I'm researching slings at the moment as well--I think it is the only way I will keep my business afloat. A friend of mine (who is always wearing really cool slings) just sent me a few links.

    With my first 2 I wore a snugli, but it wasn't terribly comfortable and it wasn't really possible to nurse with it so I'm looking to go the sling route instead. It seems that now they come in much better fabrics, like basic black or khaki. They used to only come in really obnoxious fabrics like this crazy southwestern print.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I love wearing my baby! We bought the Maya Wrap Sling (very similar to the one that you are looking at!) and my daughter hated it when she was very young. She hated not being able to see anything so we abandoned the sling and bought the Baby Bjorn. She loved the Baby Bjorn (but not practical for doing household chores, cooking, etc - it's just nice for walking outside and the mall, etc) but she was way too heavy for my back by 15 or so pounds. We tried the Maya again and she likes it now - we're doing the hip carry position and honestly, I find the Maya really frustrating. I can't ever seem to get her into the sling and properly secure without a long, frazzled 5-10 minutes. She's very active and then stretches her legs out and "messes up" the sling position and we have to constantly readjust. I'm looking for a new carrier and these two look awesome - I'm trying to convince my husband that we need a new one! ... rrier.html

      - Claudia (who can't seem to be able to log in lately?!?! It will only let me reply to the parenting board?!)

      P.S. So on the note of not being able to log in, can someone copy and paste the below message into the military spouses board? THANKS!

      Sally! I want your advice! We have made some depressing strides in our preference worksheet. Most of the locations have been eliminated for us! We were told that one person is already going to Langley so unless he changes his mind (doubtful), Langley is a no. Andrews is a cold day in hell chance - the assignment officer said that they already have too many general surgeons there. Keesler is overstaffed - so that is doubtful, too, right? Wright-Patterson is overstaffed. Lackland - one of the officers said that the best way for them to check him out would be to give a grand rounds there. . .so I'm thinking that unless he gives a grand rounds, that is a no? We haven't heard about Travis yet. They said that there is one spot opening up at the Academy. And then I think the only other options are Nellis, Scott, Luke, and the one in Alaska. . .and Korea.

      This is so not what I had expected. First, I didn't really expect them to basically tell us where we were NOT going to end up. And then they mention deployment a lot - something like 30% of all of the general surgeons are deployed at any one time.

      Arrrgh. . .anyway, any thoughts on this?

