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Sick baby question

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  • Sick baby question

    I should know the answer to this seeing as Aidan is #4...but it has been so LONG since I've had a little baby.....Thomas came down with a viral infection and has been sick (he is now stuck sleeping in the guest room/office). The baby is about 4.5 weeks old and has no fever at all....isn't warm to the touch even...but he has been coughing/sneezing a little today. you think I should take him to the pediatrician since he has no fever.......

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I would just call the pediatrician's office and see what they have to say since little one's can get sick so quickly.
    I'll bet he's ok though.


    • #3
      Thanks for the suggestions...I am nursing, so I know that he will have some antibody protection...but I am a little concerned. He isn't hot, but he has been making moaning/grunting noises while sleeping for the last couple of hours now. I've never heard him make those before. I'm going to keep a close eye on him tonight. Thomas has a meeting until 7 or 8 .... maybe he could at least listen to his lungs, etc when he gets home????

      Poor little guy...

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Kris, sounds like he might have a little cold. I think at that age the most important factor is the presence of a fever. Since he doesn't have one, I personally, wouldn't be too worried but would monitor him should he develop one. I know under 3 months of age, a fever is a definite thumbs up for a dr. visit.

        Hope he's not having difficulty breathing. I hate it when babies get a cold and can't eat because they can't breathe!

        Hugs to the little fella!

        Thu Van


        • #5
          If he's grunting, I'd take him in. When our daughter had pneumonia at birth, I guess one of the telltale signs was the grunting. Also, pull up his shirt and watch his chest. If it is retracting (caving in at the ribcage) for sure take him in and at least have them do a pulse ox and listen to his lungs. Sorry if I'm scaring you--I'm a freak about respiratory stuff with babies, but after having Syd with pneumonia and RSV in her first 4 months of life it is hard not to be paranoid! I hope your little guy is OK Kris!!! Keep us posted!
          Awake is the new sleep!

