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Holiday presents for teachers and caretakers

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  • Holiday presents for teachers and caretakers

    What do you all do?

    I normally give my sitter one week additional pay and a small gift from my son (this year a handmade pair of earrings and bracelet since I'm on my jewelry making binge). I'm contemplating getting his Spanish teacher and his skating and swimming coach small gifts as well. Any gift ideas or ettiquette rules that I need to know?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I would love to know that as well--my daughters each have 3 teachers at mother's day out, and we have a babysitter that comes to our house as well. Obviously the babysitter should get something a little nicer, but I'm not sure about what "the rules" are. It's refreshing that parents do this, though. When I babysit children in my home I didn't get any presents!!!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I normally give my sitter one week additional pay
      8O Can I be your sitter!!!!

      I have some ideas...but I'm trying to get out the santa list....I can't wait to read the other suggestions though

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Doh! 8O

        Thank you, thank you, thank you Kelly for reminding me of this! (I have been such a space cadet . I feel like I need to hand out a card, send an email, record a voicemail letting everyone know that I didn't forget them, I just forget everything!).

        Anyway, I am one of two room parents for Bryn's preschool class and I have totally spaced doing a Hanukkah gift for her teacher and classroom assistant.


        Here is my gift idea -- I think I will ask each parent for a few dollars for each and pool that for a gift card to Starbucks or something. Last year for the end of year gift I did something similar and the teachers really liked it. So, if you aren't doing a group gift -- gift cards make a nice present!



        • #5
          I am doing a lot of gift cards this year because there are some professions that frown on employees receiving cash (e.g., postal workers). I read in this week's Newsweek that sitters and other service providers should get the equivalent of the cost of a service or session (i.e., holiday gift should be equivalent to one Spanish lesson, one hair cut, one babysitting session).

          -Wife of urology attending.
          -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


          • #6
            I was all set to give my DD Kindergarten teacher a cute little present this year when we were informed that as much as the teachers loved getting gifts, that instead they would each have a small wish tree in their room with little things that each classroom would like to have or desperately needs. Although I was a little disappointed I love how they are so totally unselfish. I guess my cute little present will go to my mail lady this year.


            • #7
              When I taught, what I liked most were Christmas ornaments (we were newlyweds and didn't have very many!) but NOT the ones with a child's picture in it, food, and cards where the parent or student had written a personal note.

              I never got these, but I tend to give gift cards to my kids' teachers, usually to a christian bookstore that also has educational supplies. However, this year, my oldest son has three teachers and my youngest has two, (the middle one still has just one) so I was looking at $60 minimum to get something for all of them and I just couldn't do it. So, each teacher is getting a mini-loaf of homemade strawberry bread, a yankee candle ($1.49) in a votive holder ($.99) and a card with a handwritten note. The four elementary teachers are also each getting a felt bookmark with some kind of teacher saying on it ($3.99). I usually do some kind of gift at the end of the year, too. I gave my sitter (who sits for us one or two times a week at $5/hr and does her laundry here for free) a $50 Target gift card. I never have the same mail carrier twice, so I don't know what to do about that one. I have a hair appt. tomorrow and will probaby give an EXTRA big tip when I pay her.

              I think that it really is the thought that counts when it comes to teachers. Letting them know they are appreciated is an excellent gift!

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                I have usually done very simple holiday gifts for my daughter's teachers. Usually, I'll give an ornament or a candle (or both) but I try to keep it under $10. I give them nicer gifts at the end of the year. Usually there is some terrifically organized parent out there organizing a group gift (I love those) and I'll also give a pair of earrings (my Grandpa is a silversmith-- 84 years and still working!) to each teacher. These are nice earrings, so along with the group gift contribution, it usually ends up at least $20 per teacher. That's a lot for our little budget, but well worth it!

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

