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Mother Manatees Speak UP.

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  • Mother Manatees Speak UP.

    How are all of the pregnant moms doing???

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Good! I no longer feel yucky, though I am pretty tired still. I am in week 21--this pregnancy is going by pretty fast. I haven't even bought any baby things yet, which is surprising since we have no boy things at all! The baby moves like crazy and just this morning I noticed that instead of the little poking movements he was making before, he is now moving his whole body around, which feels like there is a small alien in my stomach (it sort of gives me the creeps which is such a "non-maternal" thing to say).
    How is everyone else?
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Sometimes I get the creeps with the baby movements, too! Especially when it is such a grinding sensation, if that makes any sense.
      I am haning in there -- at am at 35 weeks. 8O Which is a little hard to believe. I am starting to hit that spot where delivering at 37 weeks sounds a-ok but I also feel like there is so much to be done that I need all 5 weeks and not a day less.
      This kid is active!! I can't believe how much the baby is still moving and big movements at that. In fact, I can't fall asleep when this kiddo is moving around a lot. I feel like I have one of those bumble balls in my stomach. I wonder how much predictive value there is in fetal movements? 8O


      • #4
        I am getting to the point where labor will be a JOYFUL thing! That must be the way nature intended it - make it take so long til you can't WAIT to get the baby out.

        I've got an alien too. You can literally see my belly bumping about from across the room. I'm not sure if he sleeps ever. Constantly on the move.

        I'm a week behind Nellie - and 37 weeks sounds pretty good to me too!


        • #5
          I saw this topic title and really truly thought it was about manatees, Kris! How funny... I am 18 weeks (almost 19) and am just starting to feel the baby move. I don't have my ultrasound until Jan 23 (22 weeks)! I can not wait! I don't have any baby clothes with me, and my sister just delivered a baby girl, so if I have a girl, and she has all the girl clothes... It could be interesting! I hope I have something to dress this kid in! I never thought I'd have a baby clothes shortage, what with having boy/girl twins! I'm feeling ok with this pregnancy, but since it is not my first, I feel kind of tired of the exhaustion and not as excited about every little development. I hope I'm not so apathetic when the baby is born!!! Part of it has to do with DH's response to the pregnancy... He's interested, but not all-consumed. Medical school is what is all-consuming now!

          Anyway, it's great to read the updates! And to those who are in the last weeks, hang in there!

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            I'm 36 weeks today - Nellie, that puts you at 37!! 8O Any progress?

            My mood has been getting better, but I was cranky and crying all weekend. It was our first anniversery to boot, yup, we had a lot of fun. I am just so dang uncomfortable and I cannot believe that the person reflected in the mirror is me.

            Peggy, I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound. That was my favorite part of pregnancy. Kev and I used to go visit L&D just to borrow their ultrasound machine so we could gaze at the little one.


            • #7
              Chris-- you are near the end! My last ob called the last 8 weeks or so the "miserable" phase of pregnancy... I'll let you know about the ultrasound, but I still have to wait so long! I hope that it is crystal clear what the baby's sex is!!!

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dagny
                I'm 36 weeks today - Nellie, that puts you at 37!! 8O Any progress?
                I think just the last 4 weeks or so are miserable. I was really doing ok up to 35 or 36 weeks. I must be carrying the baby really low because people keep saying that I look like I'll deliver any day. One can only hope....except that I have SO many things to get done! I'm having heartburn (again) and not sleeping well which is making me a tad bit grumpy.

                I am dilated 2cm though -- woohoo -- only 8 more to go!

                And I'm just about dying of curiousity to find out if the babe is boy or girl, hair or no hair, eye color, etc.....who is this wiggly little person?


                • #9
                  Wow...Nellie and Chris, I can't believe how far along you's gone so fast!!!!! Before you know it that little one will be here!!!!! I can't believe it, but Aidan is going to be 8 weeks old tomorrow!!!

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10
                    Kris -- keep reminding me that the babe will be here before I know it!

                    THE bag is almost completely packed. Bryn has a little overnight bag packed. That means the baby will come soon, right? Except after this Friday would be best....

                    I am feeling so I'm going to tell the baby -- hey, this place isn't big enough for the two of us!


                    • #11
                      Nellie -

                      I had nasty heartburn that kept me up all hours until Kevin had me start taking Zantac otc. What relief! I still get that nasty reflux flavor every time I belch(lol, which is ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME!!!!), but at least it doesn't burn anymore. That stuff is truly a lifesaver.

                      My bag is still in the storage crawlspace, let alone being packed! I just can't seem to make myself get off my fat, lazy arse to do anything anymore. There are still a million things to do in the nursery too. Hey, anyone live in Upstate NY who wants to come over and help me out?

                      Happy 8 week birthday to little Aidan! Kris, have you updated his photo album?

                      Must heave self off of chair and put on feed's been 5 hours 8O


                      • #12
                        i am 35 1/2 weeks and feeling very big and bulky and just large. i think i have passed the 'my pregnant body is beautiful' stage and just want to move on. I got a big lecture from my NP and DH about not trying to hurry the last few weeks. DH is on an easy rotation and was saying how these last few weeks are the most special between the two of us and we need to use them to bond, rest, do lots of couple things, etc. I know he is right but at the same time i am hauling this big old stomach around and he isnt.

                        i am also having lots of anxiety- will i be a good mom, am i too selfish, will i have PPD, what is it going to be like having a new baby and a first year resident DH who is gone all the time..... i go through moments when i cant wait to hold her in my arms and others where it really scares me to death. i am really hoping to have a natural childbirth too but i have fears of handling that also-wondering i have even a clue about the pain.
                        Mom to three wild women.


                        • #13
                          I think all of that anxiety is perfectly normal. Just cut yourself some slack (easier said than done). Best wishes with the labor! I think if you are well-prepared for it, you can go drug-free. But it is always a good idea to keep in mind that there are some things are out of your control -- length of labor, complications, etc. Just focus on the things you can control.

                          My mom is insistent that the baby will arrive this weekend. As much as I am ready to be done with pregnancy....I sort of want to barter for a few more days (if she is right). I have blown off thinking about going through labor again, feeling tired, etc. I think I am in denial! And all of this is a reminder that I can't be an anal-retentive control freak about life with a new baby. I guess that the good part is that I know a little more of what to expect this time around -- like knowing that at some point, we will get into a routine, I'll start to get my body back.....

                          Chris -- I am loving the Zantac. Wow! What a difference it makes. Screw Tums! My stomach is still the size of a walnut and I probably am eating too much but I don't have that nasty heartburn all the time and can get some sleep.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by suwannee
                            i am also having lots of anxiety- will i be a good mom, am i too selfish, will i have PPD, what is it going to be like having a new baby and a first year resident DH who is gone all the time..... i go through moments when i cant wait to hold her in my arms and others where it really scares me to death. i am really hoping to have a natural childbirth too but i have fears of handling that also-wondering i have even a clue about the pain.
                            This is sooo me! I'm 34 weeks and reality is setting in that this baby will be here soon! I've been having all of those feelings you just described and I've started up again with the worry about will this baby be healthy! I don't why that particular worry is plaguing me. But, I also can't wait to see our baby and learn whether it is a he or she! Talk about an emotional rollercoaster! I had no idea!
                            Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                            • #15
                              Suwannee & Jane Doe,

                              I think the fact that you are worried about PPD, your new life, the sacrifices that you will make, etc. is: 1) completely normal; 2) a stage of preparing for a new life; and 3) indicative of how important all of this is to you. In other words, the very fact that you are going through this psychological metamorphisis means that you will probably be great moms. It is VERY normal to mourn your old life of freedom even though your new life is a thousand times better and more fulfilling. IMHO, If you weren't worried, that would be abnormal. Seriously, what bigger life event will you have than bringing home a new baby? NONE!

                              In other words, don't think that your fears are abnormal. You are about to go through a very big change, albeit for the better. Enjoy the process.

                              Promise me that you'll give me this same pep talk when/if I ever go through these exact same feelings again? Thanks!

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

