Absolutely not. Good point about this not being new, though. These parents probably learned that line of thought from their parents, and they're teaching it to a new generation.
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I'd just LOVE to get your opinions on this...
As much as I look at my littles and say, "Not mah behbeh!" I am not completely against this idea of condoning teenagers' partners in the house. My parents' basic philosophy was that once we were 18, we were adults and for the most part we were treated that way (even if in my brother's case he was an adult who lived at home with his parents for a few years). At 14 or 16, I would be SO disappointed if they were sexually active and I would probably put measures in place to make it difficult for them to get that kind of privacy, along with moral and practical education of course. But they'll be adults eventually, and you can either taper the support or just cut the apron strings and turn them loose...I prefer the former approach. By 18, I can understanding putting them up together in the guest room if they come home from college for a visit, or letting high schoolers who've turned 18 and shown maturity have overnight sleepovers with people who are also of age.
When I was 15 and 16 I had some group slumber parties with social circles that included boys. We all slept together in the living room, my mom kept popping in with snacks and beverages, and they truly were just friends. I felt proud that my parents trusted me.(The one guy who came to the 16 yo party, I am almost positive is gay, but that wasn't a factor at the time...)
Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
When I was 15 and 16 I had some group slumber parties with social circles that included boys. We all slept together in the living room, my mom kept popping in with snacks and beverages, and they truly were just friends. I felt proud that my parents trusted me.
I think you have some good points, Spotty.
To each their own, and I did have "group sleepovers/camping trips" in college, so I'm not totally removed from this conversation. Having said that, we separated to sleep (tents/rooms).
In my house? My kids can share a room with an SO when it's their spouse. Even seriously dating/engaged, DH and I didn't sleep in the same bed at my parents' house while visiting. I have younger siblings, and felt it would set a bad precedent.
I guess I'm old fashioned when it comes to that. Teenage sex doesn't surprise me, but I don't want to necessarily help facilitate a location/time for anyone's convenience. YKWIM?
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