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Breech baby???

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  • Breech baby???

    I know it's too soon to get freaked out about this, but yesterday at my 3-D ultrasound (which was cool by the way, I'll post a pic if you guys don't think it will be too creepy!), they confirmed my suspicion that the baby is feet down. I've been getting kicked mercilessly in the bladder so I just knew he wasn't heads down!!! Anyhow, I know they often flip around on their own further in the pregnancy, but my girls were both heads down by this point. Can anyone else assure me that their babies flipped later in the pregnancy? I don't want to have a breech birth! I have an appointment with my OB next week, so I'm kind of anxious to discuss it with her. Do you guys know if they usually try for a vaginal birth with a breech, or do they just take it via c-section? I don't want one of those, but I'm not married to the idea of vaginal birth either if it's going to be awful!!!
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    I think that you have until 36 weeks for the baby to turn heads down and they usually do it before that. A friend who is due early April has a baby who showed breech on her 3D u/s but at her dr appt the week before the baby was heads down. I think they flip back and forth a lot at this point. I can't remember when you are due but maybe you still have some time?


    • #3

      I agree with everyone else that the baby has plenty of time to reverse positions several times before d-day. My husband does versions fairly often, and he does do vaginal breech deliveries as well.....he trained at a program that really tried to keep their C-section rate down. I can ask him more questions about this if you want. Lunatic's suggestion about changing your position in order to persuade the baby to change his sounds good!

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        Thanks guys! I know I shouldn't worry at this point. I read somewhere that most turn between 28 and 32 weeks, so I'll try to not worry about it until closer to the end of my pregnancy. Would I be premature in doing any of those exercises, or should I just wait to see where the baby is oriented in another 5 weeks or so?
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          I wouldn't worry about it at this point. My first was a breech who ended up being delivered by C-section, because she was in a "complicated" breech position and it was actually impossible to deliver her vaginally (I think this position she was in only happened in about 2% of breech babies). The twins at 20 weeks were pretty much stuck head down, that is they were both vying for the most head-down position available. They were stuck in there with limited mobility, so they didn't move much until BAby A came out. My OB with my first pg did try to "flip" her at about 36 weeks. I found that to be painful, uncomforable, and useless. My sister's baby flipped at about 35 weeks on her own... It just depends! As far as the exercises go, if it makes you feel like you're doing something productive, go for it! It couldn't hurt!

          By the way, I read an article about 2 or 3 years ago where the association of ob/gyns (I don't know the official name) recommended C-section for all breech presentation babies, due to a sufficient risk of complications in delivery. It may not be an option to your particular OB to do a vaginal breech delivery, so that could definitely be something you ask him about at this point in your pregnancy! Good Luck!

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            I agree with the others that the baby will flip some more before time...but just incase he doesn't...there is an accupuncture point on the's Bladder 67, and it has been proven to turn breech babies....I found some studies on PUBMED...enter breech moxibustion in the search box

   ... &DB=PubMed

            They all say it can be helpful after 33 weeks....with varying efficacy (75-90%)....most of the studies were in 1st time moms though...
            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • #7
              Bladder 67 is on the baby's the same spot.
              Mom of 3, Veterinarian

