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Getting things done

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  • Getting things done

    OK, how do you ladies with one or more children do it?? I am not getting squat done. My house is dusty and has tumbleweeds of pet hair floating around, my hair is showing the roots, my bathroom and kitchen are in dire need of a good scrubbing.

    The only reason why I have time to type is because I am hooked up to my breast pump. The baby is up to be fed every 2.5 hours. I'm getting soooo beloved husband took over all the feedings night before last and I got a straight six hours of sleep. (heaven...)

    How does everyone else keep it together???

    And now Gavin is crying so must run again....

  • #2

    Welcome to motherhood...How do we do it? Acceptance....

    Embrace those tumbleweeds of dog hair, I say! Start a new hair fashion trend 8)

    These years go by so fast.....before you know it, Gavin will be starting school and you'll wonder where the time went! Sit back, pump away and just enjoy your baby!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      Well, considering you're just about a month into it--I'd say give yourself a break on all that stuff for a few more months! The first few months is exhausting, especially the first time around when you just aren't used to being a human milking machine around the clock. I don't remember being as tired with the second baby, but I think I was more used to it. And I agree with Kris to just embrace the chaos--I had to lower my standards a little after having kids. My house is usually picked up, so it looks clean, but the deep cleaning rarely happens around here anymore. Every now and then I get inspired to dust or scrub toilets, but for now I just strive to keep the kitchen clean, the laundry done, and having things put away. For awhile, I had a little daily schedule to follow for the tasks like dusting and mopping, but I have kind of abandoned it. At night after I put the kids in bed, I do go around and put everything that is out away (where it really belongs), I make sure the kitchen is clean and I run the dishwasher. That way I at least start the day in a sort of orderly house--it does wonders for my mental health.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        I remember that being so, so frustrating. For about 2 months after Bryn was born, I was convinced that I would never easily take a shower again, cook (something I love), feel rested, or leave the house again. Somehow, it has been so much easier with the second. So my advice is to have another as soon as possible. Just kidding!!

        My real advice is sleep, sleep, sleep whenever you can. Forget about the condition of your house. No, really. Forget about the condition of your house and significantly lower your standards. You will be able to catch up later. If you don't already have a swing, front carrier, or some way to have your hands free for a few minutes, try to find one of those that Gavin enjoys being in. If you can afford it, just order take-out and hire someone to clean your house then sit back and enjoy your baby (after you take a nap, of course). We had our house cleaned every other week for most of my first pregnancy through 3 months post-partum or so and it was very helpful. While I wish we could afford it this time around, we have been better able to keep up with things. Sort of.


        • #5
          do what i do: invite your mom for a working vacation... and try not to do a bonehead thing like fall on the ice and break your wrist! it's ironic how motivated i feel to clean now but can't, since i'm 1-armed... i have gotten used to organized chaos, and a very clean house is honestly something i can only attain when mom comes to town...

          anyway, have you seen the plaques around with a poem that says something like go away cobwebs, dust go to sleep, i'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep... i think of that ditty sometimes...

          anyway, good luck with this time and just try to ignore the mess! i bet it's not as bad as you think!

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            I have to echo what everyone else has are at the worst possible point in terms of wanting to get things done but not being able to because of the baby's demands. It does get better, but for a while, your priorities will force you to put off the cleaning. I clean on no particular schedule, but keep things pretty much picked up most of the I cleaned like a maniac....I think it was spring fever since it was 79 degrees here today. It had been a long while since I had cleaned as deeply as I did today.

            Don't get down on yourself.....what you are doing is much more important, even though you can't really "see" the results.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7
              Originally posted by peggyfromwastate
              anyway, have you seen the plaques around with a poem that says something like go away cobwebs, dust go to sleep, i'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep... i think of that ditty sometimes...
              Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow,
              For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow;
              So quiet down cobwebs,
              Dust, go to sleep!
              I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

