She's at it again--peeing her pants several times a day that is. Honestly, I don't know what the deal is and I no longer spend time trying to figure it out, but if she wasn't such a good kid in every other way... It is so frustrating, though. What bothers me the most is that once she goes, she doesn't go through any charade of "woops, I had another accident", she just goes about what she's doing like nothing happened. I'll notice her run by me with the telltale wet pants. As soon as I tell her I need to talk to her she tells me she is going to go change, so I know she realizes her pants are wet. Kris, did you ever make any headway with your little regressor? We go through this every couple of months (for 2 years now!) and it is driving me crazy!!!
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This kid is going to drive me nuts!
First rule out a urinary tract infection. Then I have absolutely no advice except good luck.
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)
We did make headway only to have things evaporate again....He just does not seem to care at ALL...and up until today he has NEVER had an accident at he didI am just too disgusted to change him...He is sitting in his messy pants and I refuse to change him. I have tried every approach and I just refuse to deal with him anymore. I even told him today that his friends at school would laugh at him (I'm up for mother of the year this year
) and he said that he didnt' care and that no one could smell him anyway.
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
I've got one like that, too. I can't make heads or tails of it!
Right now I am setting the kitchen timer for half an hour every half hour and reminding my problem child to go to the bathroom when the timer goes off. She still managed to have one accident in her pull-up today. That's MUCH better than yesterday when she just pee'd all day in her pull-up. You could smell that child from ten feet away! I've ruled out a UTI, tried bribery, punishments, warnings (ie no one wants to play with a kid who smells like a sewer) and nothing has worked to-date. Her twin is completely fine and has never had this problem.
*Maybe* the kitchen timer approach will work. I'm hoping if I can just get her into the habit of constantly going to the potty she can get past this stage. It means I'll probably have to keep this routine up for a few weeks. <sigh>
JenniferWho uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
Jennifer, I've thought about re-instituting the kitchen timer again, too. It did sort of work when I did it during one of our episodes. I have taken her in to have a UTI ruled out in the past, and was thinking about doing it again this time. It just happens so frequently around here that I tend to think the cause is non-medical. (Also, she thought peeing in a cup at the doctors was kind of cool which seemed to reinforce her behavior!)Well, I'm sorry to hear that you guys are battling this "issue" too but I do feel a little better that I'm not the only one. I swear none of my friends with kids this age have dealt with potty regression as much as we have. I just can't figure this kid out--she is such an obedient child in just about every way and she generally tries so hard to please us, so I don't kow why she resorts to this so often.
Awake is the new sleep!
my oldest went through this and still regresses sometimes. then, it was a matter of her just being too busy/intrigued with whatever she was doing. we pushed regular potty time on her (the kitchen timer). even this year she had a couple of "accidents" at school (leaking into her underwear but not getting her pants) and i told her about how it was so stinky, etc. nothing phased her until i told her that the next time it happened, i would have to schedule a meeting with her teacher to set up potty time just for her about 3 or 4 times a day---especially during recess. no "accidents" since then. some kids just have a harder time with it all, i guess...
good luck!!!Peggy
Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!
I just had preschool conferences...the teacher told me to put up his favorite games/movies on a shelf each day and only 'allow' him to play with them once he has gone to the potty...and to reinforce that every hour or so by saying "Let me put the gamecube up on the shelf again until you've gone potty.".
She also said not to clean him up....that if he has an accident to let him know that he can not have any of said privileges until he cleans himself AND to make him go to the bathroom and clean himself up on his own....
This is what she said she did with her kids....
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
I tried withholding my daughter's favorite toys/games until she went to the potty as an incentive. It did absolutely nothing to help. She simply didn't care! Very frustrating.
JenniferWho uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
I'm covering my ears so I don't hear you say that! lalalalalallalallaaa...
This HAS to work! I can't take it anymore
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
You know what is also frustrating about this? My kids are big people and this particular daughter has technically outgrown the biggest size of pull-ups! She has to squeeze herself into them (actually she kind of shimmies into them). If she doesn't start keeping dry so she can wear panties soon she's just going to end up having to wear Depends....
JenniferWho uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
My daughter turned 4 in December. She pretty much trained herself when she turned 2, but we've been dealing with these accidents off and on ever since. To her credit, she is tiny with a very tiny bladder. However, she somehow manages to make it through 5 hours of mother's day out two times a week without accidents--she likes to save those for her time with me. Her little sister is 2.5 and is nowhere near being potty trained. I plan to try to tackle that this summer maybe after we get settled in with the new baby. Her bladder is apparently very large, as she almost always wakes up dry, so I'm hoping she will be a cinch to potty train.
I'm trying something new today--we'll see how it goes. I told my daughter that I think the reason she is having so many accidents is becuase she is so tired that she is just forgetting to go. So when she is having accidents, she will have to take a little nap in the afternoon (usually she does not nap). I'm trying to not make it sound like punishment, but I think if she knows recurrent accidents will mean she has to take a nap like her little sister, maybe she will try a little harder to make it to the bathroom on time.Awake is the new sleep!
My little guy just turned 5 8O Not so little anymore.
On a oldest (also a boy) was also hard to train and my daughter trained herself before she was 2 by watching us work with her older brother...
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
My child with this particular problem will turn 5 in four weeks. Her older brother very easily and quickly potty-trained at the age of 3. Her twin sister very easily potty-trained at the age of 2 1/2. Neither of them have had any "backslides". I do have a younger daughter who just turned 2. I am not even dreaming of trying to potty-train her until she hits 2 1/2.
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass