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Neurotic Mom

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  • Neurotic Mom

    I must look like a total idiot in the eyes of my kid's pediatrician. Everytime I go in there I have a list of questions and her reply is always, "Your kids are totally normal." I am embarrassed for my husband who works with this woman at times. Today was the kicker. Our 6 month old has been running a 102 temp for a couple days and not acting like herserlf. I called the office today to talk with a nurse about her symptoms and if there is something else I should be looking for. Avery was never sick as an infant so this is all new to me. The receptionist said they would want to see Ella and asked me to come in right away.

    I was in such a hurry that I left the diaper bag in the garage next to the car. Of course, Ella pooped on the way there and I didn't have a diaper. Avery, 2.5 years, was all over the exam room and basically bathing in the sink. Thankfully, the dr. couldn't find anything wrong, except for the fever. But I felt like an idiot bringing the baby in there for nothing. I don't like to consult DH as the kid's dr unless it is necessary so I think I often come off as a neurotic mother!

    Better safe than sorry, I guess.


  • #2
    Better safe than sorry indeed! I was at the doctor's last week (we go almost 1 time a week! 8O ) and there was a medical spouse there with her infant who had a fever of about 101 the day before, but on the day of the appt the baby was normal. She brought him in to get checked out even! They gave her some infant tylenol to use if he got a fever again... So there you go! My husband did lots of shadowing in the ER before starting med school, and the most frivolous thing he saw was a teenage boy brought in by his near hysterical mother because he had a hangnail that was hurting. No kidding! The ER doc solemnly gave him a band aid and told him that it would work out ok. Anyway, don't feel like you wasted anyone's time-- if the fever lasts more than 2 days, I always bring them in...

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #3

      You are not an idiot and you are not neurotic. Ummmm....I went through four pediatricians until I found one who took our concerns seriously and was compatible with our parenting style. It is really scary when they are so little and sick. This is a much different scenario than an older child because they are so tiny and vulnerable. I would have been right there with you if it was my child.

      You should know that even pediatricians aren't infallible when it comes to worrying about their kids. We have a friend who is a mom/pediatrician. Even though she is in the business, she admits to having had her kids checked out for all sorts of weird diseases including dwarfism (!) just because she wanted to be sure. She takes a loving approach and realizes that being a parent is a scary place and better to be safe than sorry. Talking to her made me feel a lot less neurotic.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Jenn......You are not neurotic (well, no more neurotic than the rest of us :mrgreen)

        Seriously, wouldn't you rather go in too often than to miss something that could potentially be a real problem for your child?

        As to the whole diaper bag thing....I can't tell you how bad I am about remembering the diaper's the same reason I tend to not carry a purse I inevitably set these things down and forget them. For this very reason, despite having a diaper bag, I have a spare pack of diapers and wipes in the van. This way if I do forget the diaper bag I still have some stuff nearby. I have been at the pediatrician too many times and realized that I didn't have a diaper with me I hate it when that happens Thank goodness they do have some stock supplies of diapers for moms like me!!!!

        Glad to hear that Ella 'just' had a fever and nothing serious!

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Don't feel bad Jennifer-this December, I actually took my kids into our ped 4 times in one week! I felt like a total freak, but they just weren't getting better! Turns out one of them did have pneumonia, but I've taken them plenty of times when they were just fine (and they NEVER seem to have a fever or exhibit most of the symptoms I've been seeing when we're actually in the doctor's office!). I think its almost harder when your spouse is a doctor--I know in our case, my husband really doesn't want to make any diagnosis for his own kids (which irritates me at times, but I do understand when I really stop to think about it), so I'm left to my own devices. So I call the nurse, who usually tells me to bring them in. I usually feel kind of stupid once we're there, but oh well!
          Kelly, I'm cracking up about the ped. you know who had her kid checked out for dwarfism! That sounds like my husband--so far he has thought both of our kids were deaf at some point (then again, don't we all wonder if they are deaf sometimes ), he thought Maya was color blind (turns out she knew her colors but was just messing with us), and had Sydney tested for Cystic Fibrosis. Actually, we just have wierd kids who happen to be perfectly healthy so far!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Oh yeah, I've done the poopy diaper thing at the doctor's office without a diaper bag on more than one occasion! I don't know what my problem is--I've been carrying one around for over 4 years now, yet I still forget to take it places!
            Awake is the new sleep!

