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are you a saver?

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  • are you a saver?

    Do you save your kids art, big projects or outgrown towns to pass down? I'm a major junker. When no one is looking I junk. After I've picked up things too many times I junk. I did get some really cool toys (barbies, dolls, star wars cruisers)pAssed down by both our parents. I should try to keep some things for the kids to share with their kids. I get overwhelmed and go straight to junk...then I regret it sometimes. I do this with other things in our house too. I'm still the kid that throws clean clothes into the hamper instead of folding them.

    Are there things you're glad your parents kept? Things you really with they hadn't?

  • #2
    I take pictures or scan images then toss almost everything. I keep a few physical papers in a book that is made for each grade with pockets. Most of those are handprints because it's hard to see scale in the digital images. I don't think I'll keep many toys. Neither has been attached to any single one for an extended period of time. If they are, I'd probably keep it. My mom wants me to keep DS's Brio trains, but I'm in the fence. They still get played with occasionally, especially when we have playdates, so I'm not ready to give them up yet, but I don't know that I want to keep them "forever". She has a bunch of my old toys, and my kids might eventually enjoy playing with them. When we put them away, it was more for my benefit - I wasn't ready to let go of them, and there's plenty of room in their barn, so they've just been sitting out there for decades.
    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


    • #3
      For years my in-laws have brought a box with each visit. It's crazy making and somewhat to trash as soon as they left. So far I have very little show for my kids though


      • #4
        'I think it's a bit generational too. Neither of our parents throw anything away.


        • #5
          Nope. Each kid has a large baby box. It gets tossed in there.

          I have a few pieces of artwork in my closet and maybe 3 sculptures around the house. I can't throw out most stuff fast enough.

          I'm sure that there will eventually be an additional box for HS/college because those periods in life are laden with trophies/awards/etc. I'd really like to keep it to two if possible.

          My mom saved about 6 boxes in total. I have looked through them once. They are in my basement. Maybe some day. It just doesn't do it for me.
          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            I'm ruthless. 😄

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
            Professional Relocation Specialist &
            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


            • #7
              I don't save much. I scan artwork and have a hard time letting go of handprints until they are faded and worn. We rotate toys and purge frequently. At this point, the kids are often ready to get rid of something before I am. I'll probably hold on to a few that are "special." Most of what would have been saved from my childhood, was destroyed in 1992 during Hurricane Andrew. I have my old baby book, some pictures, a few dolls. It's enough. I can't think of a single toy that I miss from my childhood that cannot be found or reproduced today.

              I am saving Lambie's special dresses though. Some of the prettiest tiny ones hang on the wall of her room like pictures. I have several more on hangers in her closet. I do wish some of the pretty smocked polly flinders dresses from my childhood were salvageable after the storm. Also, I had dresses that my mom and grandmother wore to my aunt's wedding in the 1950s. I regret that those were ruined. I've also saved outfits that each of the boys wore to their bris. K1's is so tiny and I remember cuffing the sleeves three times. K2 has a tiny kippah and we swaddled him in one of DrK's prayer shawls (which we intend to gift to him at his bar mitzvah). I guess it's silly to save, like preserving my wedding dress, but the clothes just feel so much more personal to me than the toys. Although both are mass produced, I remember the feel and smell of the babies in their clothes, how my wedding dress made me feel, etc.
              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


              • #8
                I throw stuff away! My mil brings stuff from dh's childhood like old Altoid containers with rock collections. My proudest moment was chucking out a shoebox that my mil brought FROM EUROPE with a collection of what must have been several hundred thousand seashells from a vacation over 30 years ago. That went into compost the moment she left. Wtf am I supposed to do with shells?!

                I'm holding onto Legos, Lincoln Logs and favorite books. And that's it!
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  I'm laughing because every time DrK visits his parents, he ships stuff back egg carton of rocks collected when he was 9. I die a little every time one of these boxes of treasures arrives.
                  Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                  • #10
                    I don't know what to do with artwork. I'll probably start scanning. It's a new issue. I saved birth announcements, baptism invitations, and a few birthday party announcements. I saved baptism outfits and I will save the Halloween pumpkin costume all 3 kids will wear. That's about it. I do have a ton of pics that I need to organize. Id like to do photo books and a video stitching together all the iPhone videos from
                    Over the years.

                    From my parents we each have a bin of stuff and a folder of important papers and test scores. That's manageable.

                    I've made DH get rid of a ton of stuff like blankets and pillows from his childhood. He hates getting rid of anything. So does his whole family

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.

