I think that I'm going insane. One moment I'm having this beautiful moment where my child stares up at me in pure joy at the discovery of a snail on the beach and we just beam at one another. I try to imprint everything about him at this moment into my mind so that when I'm 90 and all alone, I'll have this most perfect time to remember.
Just one hour later, I place yet another Scooby Doo video into the electronic baby sitter,oops, I mean VCR, and shut my bedroom door because I desperately *need* 15 minutes to myself without having to yell at him for the fortieth time to quit jumping off the headboard to his bed with his umbrella while screaming in his shrillest voice "Geronimo"!
At one moment, I'm over the moon that we are going to be a family of four and I can't stop thinking about our good fortune. This is everything that we've ever wanted and are very excited to have a tiny infant in all its wonder again. What is a bigger life event than bringing home a new baby?
The next moment, I'm praying that these next few months go slowly so that I can enjoy my first born alone a little longer and prolong the return to sleepless nights, a much tighter budget, less couple and me time, and chaos again. I'm actually partially dreading (?) some of these changes and wonder if I ever really will run another marathon, amongst other things, with everything that raising two kids entail.
I'm sure that other people are picking up on my bipolar thoughts too. My sitter has heard all of the following come from my mouth within the last month: "This baby is it, we are definitely done" to "We'll probably have one more fairly quickly" to "We'll have one more in another 3 to 5 years." I pack up boy clothes to give away to my girlfriends and can't bring myself to send them.
What is wrong with me? How can I be a relatively rational human being in my other affairs and yet experience such wide sweeping and quickly changing emotions when it comes to parenting? I can't even blame all of this on pregnancy because I had many of these thoughts beforehand.
ARGH! I used to be able to detach from this issue somewhat and console myself with the thought that other people go through this (don't they?). Now I am not so sure. Half in jest and half in earnet, DH and I made a pact that we would pay for all of our kids' first year of therapy.
Parenting feels like such a crap shoot and we feel like we don't know what the heck that we're doing. Both of us have had such changing thoughts on what to do about the more difficult situations lately that it is downright frightening. Just the other day we took an attitude of "let the kids work out their problems by themselves" which quickly changed to "our son will not be playing with those bigger boys anymore because he is just being bullied and is in over his head". Then there was the whole eating debaucle: "He must eat everything on his plate because we barely give him anything to begin with" to "we are being way too over analytical about this...he is just a little kid who has likes and dislikes like the rest of us". They say that consistency is the cornerstone of good parenting and yet we can't agree on what to be consistent about.
I don't know if I wrote all of this as a plea for sympathy or just to type it out, hit send, and let it go. Lately it has occurred to me that parenting is so much more complex than we ever gave it credit. The irony, of course, is that the teenage years promise to bring much more profound issues and we're still struggling with the little stuff.
Maybe we should install a licensing procedure before allowing people to become parents. However, if we were caught on tape on certain days, I'm not 100% positive that we would make the cut. Argh.
I think that I'm going insane. One moment I'm having this beautiful moment where my child stares up at me in pure joy at the discovery of a snail on the beach and we just beam at one another. I try to imprint everything about him at this moment into my mind so that when I'm 90 and all alone, I'll have this most perfect time to remember.
Just one hour later, I place yet another Scooby Doo video into the electronic baby sitter,oops, I mean VCR, and shut my bedroom door because I desperately *need* 15 minutes to myself without having to yell at him for the fortieth time to quit jumping off the headboard to his bed with his umbrella while screaming in his shrillest voice "Geronimo"!
At one moment, I'm over the moon that we are going to be a family of four and I can't stop thinking about our good fortune. This is everything that we've ever wanted and are very excited to have a tiny infant in all its wonder again. What is a bigger life event than bringing home a new baby?
The next moment, I'm praying that these next few months go slowly so that I can enjoy my first born alone a little longer and prolong the return to sleepless nights, a much tighter budget, less couple and me time, and chaos again. I'm actually partially dreading (?) some of these changes and wonder if I ever really will run another marathon, amongst other things, with everything that raising two kids entail.
I'm sure that other people are picking up on my bipolar thoughts too. My sitter has heard all of the following come from my mouth within the last month: "This baby is it, we are definitely done" to "We'll probably have one more fairly quickly" to "We'll have one more in another 3 to 5 years." I pack up boy clothes to give away to my girlfriends and can't bring myself to send them.
What is wrong with me? How can I be a relatively rational human being in my other affairs and yet experience such wide sweeping and quickly changing emotions when it comes to parenting? I can't even blame all of this on pregnancy because I had many of these thoughts beforehand.
ARGH! I used to be able to detach from this issue somewhat and console myself with the thought that other people go through this (don't they?). Now I am not so sure. Half in jest and half in earnet, DH and I made a pact that we would pay for all of our kids' first year of therapy.
Parenting feels like such a crap shoot and we feel like we don't know what the heck that we're doing. Both of us have had such changing thoughts on what to do about the more difficult situations lately that it is downright frightening. Just the other day we took an attitude of "let the kids work out their problems by themselves" which quickly changed to "our son will not be playing with those bigger boys anymore because he is just being bullied and is in over his head". Then there was the whole eating debaucle: "He must eat everything on his plate because we barely give him anything to begin with" to "we are being way too over analytical about this...he is just a little kid who has likes and dislikes like the rest of us". They say that consistency is the cornerstone of good parenting and yet we can't agree on what to be consistent about.
I don't know if I wrote all of this as a plea for sympathy or just to type it out, hit send, and let it go. Lately it has occurred to me that parenting is so much more complex than we ever gave it credit. The irony, of course, is that the teenage years promise to bring much more profound issues and we're still struggling with the little stuff.
Maybe we should install a licensing procedure before allowing people to become parents. However, if we were caught on tape on certain days, I'm not 100% positive that we would make the cut. Argh.