I was wondering if anyone's toddlers have been through this? Izzy has had several episodes of this during the past 3 months-- especially the past week. About 1 hour after she goes to sleep, she wakes up crying (screaming actually) in absolute agony. Her entire legs twitch from the waist to the toe, and stay flexed, then relax, then flex, etc. The episodes usually last about 20 minutes, and we give her children's motrin, but there's really nothing else that seems to help. She's never really liked to be held, so that doesn't comfort her, and she screams louder if we try to massage her legs. I don't know if this is growing pains or if this is something that I should see her doc about ASAP, or if we should wait until the 3 year check up (which is only about 2 months away). Izzy is my "healthy child" so I hate to think that something could be wrong!
Of course when I did a google search I got stuff for all these crazy diseases, including leukemia, for which she shows no other symptoms, but still... As a mother, I worry...
