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Potty training--we didn't even make it an hour!!!

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  • Potty training--we didn't even make it an hour!!!

    I was so inspired by the potty training posts lately that I decided this would be the perfect time to tackle this with Syd. She has 2 weeks off from school, so I hoped to have her trained before she went back. This morning, she was kind of excited about it, put on some training pants, and I promised her a hershey kiss if she peed in the potty chair. Not an hour later she had peed in her training pants and was begging for a diaper. She did spend a little while running around naked which she thought was kind of cool but eventually she wanted to get dressed. I gave in, because I didn't want to enter into a huge power struggle over the whole thing (she is pretty head strong so I figured that would make the process drag out forever). This is new territory for me since my first pretty much trained herself (save for the numerous times she pees her pants for no apparent reason). Anyway, should I try to motivate her some other way or let it go for now? I still haven't gotten a potty video, which I plan to do, but I was a little worried that if I push it too hard she'll just decide not to do it at all. She's 3 months shy of turning 3 btw.
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    We have a book that bryn likes -- its a Sesame Street book -- something about Ernie getting a potty. There are lots of books like it. We just added it to the nightly reading and didn't talk about it much more than that.
    Maybe just tell her -- no more diapers during the day. I agree about the power struggle side of things, especially on something like this. My daughter is a wee bit headstrong too. I find that if I stay matter-of-fact and non-emotional about this sort of stuff (when I can), I have better luck. So....maybe a matter-of-fact, no one except for Mitchell is wearing diapers in our house today. Period. That might mean lots of clean up for you but she could make some progress after a few days. You could also have her participate in clean-up, like putting her wet training pants in the washer or something.
    Does she have any interest in her big sister using the toilet? Maybe play that up?

    Good luck, Sue!


    • #3
      We aren't potty training hard core yet, but I have to shout off the roof tops that Avery used the toilet for the first time today, in my presence. I am so excited. Now I know what it is feels like when your child accomplishes something.

      Sue, the first time I used training pants with Avery she held it for 3 hours until I put a diaper on her because we were leaving. Now she regularly takes her diaper off in her room mornings before we wake up and pees on the floor. At least this morning I caught her before that happened.



      • #4
        If Bryn is asking for a diaper, I would let it go for now. But, reading books about it and having her watch videos does no harm, and may peak her interest. I have a video I used with all three of mine called Potty Time. It was done by Duke University and the basic story is about kids going to a birthday party. It has songs and stuff too, which the kids love. And there are a ton of books out now.

        Has she peed on the potty at all? If so, maybe you could put pull-ups on her and just take her to the potty every 2-3 hours and read a book while she sits there. Even if she doesn't do anything the first few times, she might get the idea. Once her pull-up is dry a few times, then the discussion of wearing training pants could come up again.

        People always told me (and I never believed them) that potty training goes a lot more smoothly and quickly when the child is "ready." Having just completed the process with #3, I do believe it. I took diapers away from my second one at 3 1/2, but I'm not sure she was really ready. It was a gruelling six months that I won't forget anytime soon. I don't wish that on anybody! I took my time with the third one, and he really just did it himself . . . with encouragement, of course. And when it clicked in, he was very proud and encouraged and, so far, has stayed the course.

        Good luck. I know how anxious I was to get this done. But a little time may do a lot for her and may save you both a lot of frustration.

