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Mastitis sucks!!!

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  • Mastitis sucks!!!

    Apparently I have this--I felt like I was hit by a truck last night, I feel better today, so I'm hoping all the stuff I did over the course of the last night did the trick. I've been taking tylenol, resting, nursing, using a heating pad (I know you're supposed to do warm compresses but that is too much work), and drinking lots of water. The little book I have says an antibiotic probably isn't necessary--does anyone else have experience with this? I'm not sure if I should get on one as a precaution or see how today plays out. Unfortunately, 3 kids isn't very conducive to getting lots of rest and relaxation so I'm afraid if I ioverdo it again today (I was running all over town yesterday and pretty much wore myself out by dinnertime) I'm going to feel wretched again tonight.
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2

    Yikes, I'm sorry to hear this. I started to get this with ds and it is painful.

    I didn't have a full-blown case so I was able to resolve it by pumping and pumping and pumping after I had already nursed him to try to extract it. This really helped. Although I wasn't a La Leche member, I did call their hotline a few times and they provided me with great suggestions when I ran into problems.

    Good luck,

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3

      Mastitis DOES suck. I never had it with my first two, but I got it big time with Nathan.....came down with it the morning of Luke's 7th b-day party 8O and of course DH was on call. I too felt like I had been hit by a truck, and I basically stiff-armed anyone, adult or child, who even came close to touching my left boob.

      I am glad you are feeling better, but be very careful.....I never completely got rid of that mastitis, despite repeated courses of antibiotics (which were in turn followed by yeast infections.....TMI, I know) and I only nursed for three more months. It was a horrible, horrible time. I just wasn't able to take it easy with the three I had at home and DH's schedule. So take it from NEED to sit around with your feet up as much as possible!

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        Thank you guys--Sally I'm glad you said that because I just farmed the girls out to a neighbors for a couple of hours and was entertaining the idea of picking up the house, but I'll rest instead. I had repeated yeast infections (nipple yeast/thrush, not the other kind) which was equally horrible in its own way so I hope I'm not looking at a year of nursing pain with this one (if that's the case I'll give it up, I'm not that hell bent on nursing for a year).
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          Oh Sue, that absolutely sucks. In my first two weeks of breastfeeding(actually I ended up pumping due to bleeding boobs) I got mastitis twice. Very painful and the flu-like symptoms are no picnic. My dr had me take a full course of antibiotics which seemed to help, though maybe it would have gone away on it's own. Am I a bad mommy to say that I was glad that my milk supply disappeared at 6 weeks post-partum??

          I agree, rest up. You need to take care of YOU. The house can wait. Hope you feel better soon!


          • #6
            I had mastitis with my second child too. It was miserable, but I did get to rest and took antibiotics. In retrospect it wasn't so prolonged, so the antibiotics and rest must have done the trick. I think I just neglected my 2 year old for a few days Lots of Blues Clues, I remember, with Mommy and baby sleeping on the couch. I do remember doing warm compresses and local massage--also some hot long soaks in the tub. My son (the neglected 2 year old) was very into being my "doctor"--I think he made pretend cuts on my legs and arms with a red washable marker and then "treated" them with a sponge and band-aids for hours on end. We have LOTS of medical supplies for toys. Try and get some rest and try the antibiotics. In the grand scheme of things, you'll get back on your feet faster if you take the down time now. It sounds awful,though. My good thoughts are with you! Sally--your story sounds terrible, too!

            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #7
              I'm so sorry you have to have this , it does suck. I never had it myelf, but have seen the worst cases in the ER. Best of luck.
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                That is awful Sue...I hope you were able to get some rest. If it doesn't get better ASAP, go see your don't want to mess around with it....Let us know how you are feeling tomorrow!!!

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  Sue (and everyone else!) My mom had an allergic reaction to the lanolin in the creme that they gave her for her nipples- and it became this horrible vicious circle, she'd rub the creme, she'd hurt more, she'd rub more creme, etc. She ended up having to stay in the hospital an extra 5 days after my brother was born because of it.

                  Then, fast forward 30+ years and she kept having horrible rashes in the winter- yup- it was that Aloe and Lanolin lotion- she had completely forgotten about the boobie creme!

                  So, make sure you're not adding to an already painful situation!


