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  • Fever!

    Our 8 month old woke up with a 104.6 fever this morning and has been battling it all day. It was 103.7 yesterday and I was alarmed. This mornings reading freaked me out. Of course the peds weren't phased at all. I did take her in and they say it is only a virus.

    What temps have your children experienced and were you alarm nervous by the high numbers? I haven't seen a temp as high as our baby had today so it was a scary experience for me. I hate not being able to do anything but give tylenol and sponge baths. I still feel like a neurotic every time I take my baby to the dr when she is sick.


  • #2
    ugh, jenn. That's terrible. How is she feeling now??? Andrew once had a fever of 104.1 That's the highest temp we've had to deal with. I hate going in to see the pediatrician for fevers, etc only to be told it's a usually don't go in unless a limb is hanging off 8O I've often wondered if we were 'missing' a strep throat or something along the way. After taking my first two in countless times to pay a co-pay and be told "virus" though...we just sort stopped going in...though for a temp of 104.6 I would definitely have gone in too. That is so scarey.....

    I hope she is feeling better soon...and that you guys are getting some sleep!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      My mother likes to freak out my husband by telling him the story about the time when my temperature went off the thermometor. She called the pediatrician who talked her through cooling me down and then the next day told her that I was pretty close to seizing.

      So- she actually has no idea how high my temperature went that night!



      • #4
        That is scary, especially with a baby. My girls were in the 104's last winter, and Maya actually got as high as 105 which totally freaked me out. I found that I had to do both Tylenol and Motrin staggering the doses in order to control the fever--I actually had to set my alarm clock to wake me up in the middle of the night because otherwise their fevers would get out of control.
        I hope your baby gets better soon!!! That is awful when they just feel like they are burning up.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5

          Poor Ella (Poor MOMMY!)

          Get well soon, little one!

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Hope your little one feels better soon (and that you are getting rest, too). Our family is the walking daycare germ, so we've been there. At about 4 months, Keelin got as high as 104.5. It wouldn't have been too bad, except it spiked EVERY day for 5 days straight. We went to the doc Mon-Fri, had tobramycin shots and blood draws/ urinary cath , but nothing ever transpired except for the temp. Viral, I guess! It was frightening, but after that episode, plus 3 ear infections and several GI bugs, I am starting to not be startled by much! Nonetheless, I feel awful when she feels awful. It makes me work all the harder to find a way to make $$ working from home.



            • #7
              Both my boys have had fevers in the 104's. This past March, we were admitted to the hospital with Colton when he had from high 104 to about 100 for 10 days straight. He had at least three different virus'. Not so much fun....he was vibrating like he was going to start with seizures any minute. But he never did, Depakene seems to work pretty good at controlling them.

              It is heartbreaking to have a little one with a temp that high, it just sucks the energy out of them. I feel for you and hope that yoru little gets better soon!

