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Road trips

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  • Road trips

    Hi all - It's Claudia! We're getting ready to make our big move next week! We have a 1000 mile road trip with the baby and myself in one car and my husband, the dog, and the cat in the other car. It will probably take us 2-3 days (or more?? with all of the stops that a one year old demands??). Does anyone have any tips on how to make this trip bearable for all? THANKS!!!!

  • #2
    Benedryl? for everyone?

    We did get nausea medication for one of the cats (who pukes every time she's in the car) and that helped- she slept the entire time. We stopped every few hours to walk the dog and stretch our legs. Rick had the dog and I had the 3 cats (in the MINI- how fun was that??!) We also packed a cooler for each car with drinks and snacks. Restuarants- we usually ate at coffee shops and places that had out door seating so we could unload everyone- the dog could wander on his leash but the cats stayed in the kitty carriers. It was nice to get some fresh air, though. Starbucks are pretty good about letting you refill the portable water dishes if you use them.



    • #3
      Definitely Benadryl!!!!! I had five brothers and sisters, and my Dad was a Pharmacist. He always gave something similar to Benadryl before a long car trip!!!!!!!
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Don't panic!! I've done the Boston to Florida car trip 6-7 times now in the last 3 years with my crew of DH and two kids of various ages. It's 23 hours straight. At our worst, we did it with a 2 year old, a 4 mos old(still nursing) and a dog. It can be done drug free (of course I'd bring the Benedryl for desperation!!). 1000 miles isn't that bad--about 17 hours?? If it were our family, we would probably leave in the afternoon and drive through the night with lots of caffeine. Travel is swift and easy when the kids (and pets!) are snoozing. DH and I like to talk, listen to obnoxious talk radio, and do the quizzes in Cosmo. Of course, now that we are old we often can't make the overnight drive and break the trip up to a few days. Bummer that you have to drive separately. I'd grab the cell phone. If you are going to break up the trip, I prefer to drive in the late afternoon and evening and stop around 2 AM; then we get up at 6 am and are on the road around 7am and arrive around dinnertime. Travel goes slowly with tots--you need to stop every few hours when they are awake. A picnic /cooler is great so you can stop at the greener rest stops with picnic tables. We found it far better on the last few trips to stop that way instead of fast food (makes you feel all greasy ) or restaurants that require more sitting for kids and the dog in the car.... Let me think of some real travel tips. I'll try to hook you up with a good post later tonight.

        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5

          When we have travelled with little ones, I have always tried to start pretty early in the day and then have a long stop late morning (so they can run around or whatever) and then eat. That way once you get back in the car, they should (but you know, "the best laid plans...." ) be ready for a long nap. I also took plenty of little things to keep them busy, which can wreak havoc as far as packing, but can be invaluable in keeping your sanity. Pass the toys/books back to her a few at a time so she doesn't get overwhelmed. Stickers, pipe cleaners, and even scotch tape can be very entertaining to a little one. The little travel magna doodles are fun, if you think she is old enough for one. My boys liked the pretend cell phones that talked back when you pushed buttons. We also listened to lots of books on tape (or cd) because that was somewhat distracting even without looking at the book. If she is AT ALL interested in videos and you have some she likes, I would seriously recommend getting a portable video player for the trip..... I noticed in the sale flyers over the weekend that a lot of places have them on close-out sale because more people are getting DVD players now, so you might be able to get one cheap. The nice thing about them is that you can take them inside your hotel and hook the video player up to the tv in there and let her watch a video, especially if she has a might make her feel more "at home". You may already have a DVD player in your car, though......

          Have some dishwashing detergent close at hand so you can wash sippy cups, spoons, whatever, as you go instead of packing a whole bunch in order to always have a clean one. Bring lots of empty plastic bags for trash and for poopy diapers. I have never regretted having a roll (or partial roll) of paper towel in the car. And remember (I always have trouble with this) that they sell diapers/wipes/ whatever pretty much everywhere, so take the bare minimum with you in order to save room.

          Good luck! Are you excited? Did you get your house sold?

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6

            I suggest packing coolers and stopping at rest stops along the way. You can stake the dog down (or tie a long leash around a tree) to let the dog burn off some energy and most rest stops have picnic tables to use to grab lunch or a snack.

            Sonic is also pretty good about letting dogs sit near the tables (and sometimes the one near us gives the dogs extra bacon).

            Also, have you thought about getting walkie talkies for each car so that you don't have to use your cell phone all of the time? I had some friends do this for a car trip when we were in college.
            Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

