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why I love being pregnant

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  • why I love being pregnant

    Alright, I'm *really* trying to focus on enjoying this pregnancy, so perhaps you all can remind me of your favorite parts of being pregnant. This may be it for us and I don't want to wish this time away. Believe you me, I can rip off a list of the not-so-fun parts quicker than you can say, "epidural, please". I'll start:

    1) This is the only time that we will always physically be together;
    2) I haven't screwed her up psychologically yet. (At least I don't think so).
    3) Those little flips are a constant reminder that she is here with me.

    O.K. your turn.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    The feeling that even if I was being a total slug and sitting on the couch, I was actually acoomplishing quite a bit simply by existing and letting the little someone grow!

    I hesitate to post this next one.....but here goes.....pregnant sex was the BEST! (during the middle trimester, that is) All that extra blood flow to the "nether regions"......whoowee!

    Otherwise.....I don't have a whole lot of good memories, especially from the third time, which was MARKEDLY more uncomfortable than the first two.

    But good for you for cherishing this time, Kelly.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      OK, I don't love being pregnant, but here is what I do love.

      Sorting through those darling newborn clothes--I'm a sucker for the little onesies, tiny little socks, etc.
      A built in excuse not to exercise. I know, you're supposed to keep exercising but I fall off the wagon every single time!
      Wearing pants with no zippers or fasteners of any kind--makes getting to the bathroom all the more quicker.
      With each pregnancy I get a little bit closer to my own mother. She calls me after every OB appointment and I give her the low down and honestly, I think she really is the only other person on this earth that is really all that interested in exactly how fast the heart rate was, what I measured at, etc. etc.
      A built in shelf to hold a plate of whatever I'm stuffing my face with.
      A really good excuse to get my way when it comes to picking what restaurant we eat at. Nobody is going to argue with a pregnant woman who has a mean craving for a cherry turnover from Arby's!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Most of the time, I loved being pregnant. In particular...

        1. I loved it that people would let me go ahead of them in a long line at the store, simply because I was SO pregnant. This was good for getting doors opened or groceries carried, too! For some reason, it doesn't really work with a child as well!

        2. My husband had a special spot on my belly where he and Keelin would "meet". He would nudge my belly and call out to her and she would kick him back. I still think this is why she turned her head to his voice immediately after she was born.

        3. Keelin would consistently kick me at 3AM when I was pregnant. For quite a few months after she was born, she would wake up at 3AM on the dot to nurse.

        Enjoy the last few weeks!!!



        • #5
          I just remembered another one.
          A couple of weeks before Mitchell was born I was pulled over for speeding (I think I was going 12 mph over the speed limit). The cop had the ticket all written out and being the emotional pregnant woman that I was I burst into tears. He took the ticket back and let me off with a warning!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            I loved being pregnant, probably because it was such smooth sailing through the whole thing. My favorite parts are:

            The big belly. I didn't show until about six months so when I finally became obviously pregnant, I enjoyed showing the progress! Up until that point I just felt fat because I could of course tell I was expanding. My clothes didn't fit as well but I was not ready for maternity stuff either. The big belly was great.

            Feeling the kicks and turns, guessing what parts were where.

            Someone else said this, but I called my mom after every OB appt. and we went through all the little details together. I feel much closer to her now than I did before I got pregnant.

            I also enjoyed the special things people do for you when they notice you are pregnant (opening doors, lifting things etc.)

            Anticipating motherhood, what the baby would look like, and picking the perfect name.


            • #7
              Thanks guys! These comments help me to focus on the positives rather than the achy back, sleepless nights, and anxieties.

              I have thought of a few more:

              *I love my "porn star" breasts
              *DH is darling to watch as he gets excited about the prospect of a new baby
              *It is an instant conversation starter!

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                I'm almost 34 weeks now and came back to this thread for inspiration to get through the last few weeks. I can't believe it's all so close. But it also seems far away. We have so much to do before she comes and there doesn't seem to be enough time. I wonder when exactly she will come! It's all so exciting. Just wanted to share.


                • #9
                  Jill-I'm so excited for you! I remember feeling like the last several weeks would never end. Hang in there, and take lots of naps and watch lots of movies. She'll be here before you know it! Do you have names picked?


                  • #10
                    Wow, 34 weeks! I hope the next 4-6 weeks sail by for you!
                    Awake is the new sleep!


                    • #11
                      I absolutely hate most of being pregnant with the following exceptions:

                      1) I love that I get to take part in the entire formation of another person - it's really amazing and sometimes intimidating to think about!

                      2) I really do enjoy getting extra attention and help sometimes simply because of my pregnant status. When that happens it gives me hope that there are still so many kind people in the world with their priorities in order.

                      3) I LOVE having an excuse to eat whatever my whims dictate! I never do this unless I am pregnant but when I do I am in heaven!

                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                      • #12
                        Congratulations, Jill! Your little one will be here before you know it!Thanks for bumping this thread.



                        • #13
                          I nearly died when I saw this thread started by Kelly about things she loves about being pregnant...I thought "what have I missed here"

                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #14
                            Thanks all! Sorry to scare you, Kris! Hee hee.

                            I'm editing to answer Marla's question about names - we don't have one yet! We're trying to narrow it down to a few options but DH is having a really tough time. I've had a name I've liked all along and I bet we end up going with it - mostly because he can't think of something better!! I'll keep you guys in the loop...


                            • #15
                              pregnant again...

                              I didn't enjoy being pregnant the first time very much, but no that I'm assuming this will be our last pregnancy, I'm trying to enjoy it more. I spent so much time hurrying the first one out, but I really did miss the kicks and flutters after he was out! I'm really looking forward to having that constant companion again! I also said the other day that it's nice to have that special attention from everyone again--whether it's my husband or mother, or a stranger at the grocery store, it's nice to be treated so well!

                              And yes, the sudden cleavage is enjoyable as well...

