So.... when do you give a child, let’s say they are three, their birthday gifts? Let’s assume their birthday is on a weekday, and they have school. Grandparents and other friends and relatives that give them things (oh yay! 🙄
are all out of town (so they mailed things). Their dad isn’t on call, but who knows what time he’ll be home.
They sort of wake up, get ready for school - if I give anything to them then, they will of course want to take it. They get home from school at 1:30ish and it’s insane. The 10 minutes it takes to get them in the car and drive home turns them into little lunatics. Complete cranky madness - not a good time, they need to basically get right into bed.
If I give them gifts right after nap (I actually can’t, I have a babysitter and will be picking up their kind of lame actually birthday day cakes) the. Their dad won’t be around. If I wait until he is here, isn’t that too much excitement for a newly 3 year old to deal with at like 6pm (If we are lucky).. along with cake?
What’s worked for you in terms of timing this sort of thing?
Their gifts are really not that exciting- but they are three, so I know they will want to bring everything to school, or not nap, or won’t be able to calm down to get into the bath etc if they get an influx of new toys at any of those points.
I hate birthdays and Christmas. Honestly, every single time I have to order new toy storage systems, for like 25x the amount of money these people spent on toys. I hate plastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I also don’t have a basement, and none of our east coast relatives seem to understand that. Where do these people think we can store all this huge plastic crap?!?!?). Thankfully, my inlaws actually listened and paid an activity- they sent some toys too, but small ones. My mom on the other hand (I guess I didn’t express my wishes to her, but she also didn’t ask) is apparently oblivious to our our lack of basement issue. I certainly hope she realizes next time she is town and even our guest room is overflowing with trucks!!!! She’s going to have to get cozy with a street sweeper or fuel tanker because we are so out of space!!!!
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They sort of wake up, get ready for school - if I give anything to them then, they will of course want to take it. They get home from school at 1:30ish and it’s insane. The 10 minutes it takes to get them in the car and drive home turns them into little lunatics. Complete cranky madness - not a good time, they need to basically get right into bed.
If I give them gifts right after nap (I actually can’t, I have a babysitter and will be picking up their kind of lame actually birthday day cakes) the. Their dad won’t be around. If I wait until he is here, isn’t that too much excitement for a newly 3 year old to deal with at like 6pm (If we are lucky).. along with cake?
What’s worked for you in terms of timing this sort of thing?
Their gifts are really not that exciting- but they are three, so I know they will want to bring everything to school, or not nap, or won’t be able to calm down to get into the bath etc if they get an influx of new toys at any of those points.
I hate birthdays and Christmas. Honestly, every single time I have to order new toy storage systems, for like 25x the amount of money these people spent on toys. I hate plastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I also don’t have a basement, and none of our east coast relatives seem to understand that. Where do these people think we can store all this huge plastic crap?!?!?). Thankfully, my inlaws actually listened and paid an activity- they sent some toys too, but small ones. My mom on the other hand (I guess I didn’t express my wishes to her, but she also didn’t ask) is apparently oblivious to our our lack of basement issue. I certainly hope she realizes next time she is town and even our guest room is overflowing with trucks!!!! She’s going to have to get cozy with a street sweeper or fuel tanker because we are so out of space!!!!
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