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Poop Art

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  • Poop Art

    Today she used her nap time as a way to redecorate her bedroom walls, floor, furniture and self with poop. I am pretty sure she was trying to change her own diaper which she does frequently and somehow got poop on herself and proceeded to wipe it all over the place not knowing what else to do. She has been very into doing things herself lately and will do things without asking like grabbing food out of the refrigerator, climbing bookshelves to retrieve something she wants and changing her own diaper.

    I was flabbergasted to enter her room to see the huge mess which took an hour for DH and I to clean up. Not to mention, DH being post call today so not being totally with it.

    Is it normal to feel like talking to your preschooler is like reasoning with a wall? Sometimes we feel like our kid is out in space. She zones out and tunes us out when we try to talk to her. I don't think she comprehended what she did was so bad or didn't want to deal with us being stern with her about not touching poop with her hands and for her to tell someone when she poops. She acts oblivious! Do your kids act this way when there are negative consequences?

    I am at a loss on how to make my daughter understand when she does something wrong or when I ask her to follow directions. She always says, "Its okay". No it isn't okay when you sit on your sister's head. No it isn't okay when you throw your sandwich on the floor because you don't want it anymore! How do you reach the 3 year old mind? I feel like an inept parent!

  • #2
    Make her repeat back to you what the desired behavior is, OR give her two scenarios, one bad and one good, and ask her which is the correct one. Also, ask her to look at your eyes. She will probably look away, but keep re-directing her. It sounds like she is trying to avoid dealing with her misbehavior by zoning out on cookie you've got there!

    I think every mom has a poop art story......SO disgusting.

    How is potty training progressing? Nathan had a hang up about pooping in the potty, but I finally got the idea of bringing him to the bathroom when I had to go and he was fascinated by it and decided it wasn't so scary to poop in the potty after all. He is still a long way from being trained, but every little step is progress!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      Ugh....sorry Jenn.
      I ask Bryn to look at me and say "I understand, mom." I feel like a total drill sargent. Who knows if it sinks in but it makes me feel better.


      • #4
        I'm sorry, but I laughed. My first did this but it was a long time ago and I have forgotten the cleanup part. She sounds like a very smart three year old. Hang on to your hat because 4 will be coming up soon. My friend and I had a saying (don't want to offend anyone).

        Terrible Twos
        Trying Threes
        F***ing Fours

        It seemed like at age 4 they could whine, cry, manipulate and throw tantrums, but you just couldn't reason with them yet!!
        Good Luck
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          You have my sympathy.

          My favorite joke is:

          What is the difference between dealing with a terrorist and a three year old?

          You can negotiate with a terrorist.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            We had another poop art incident during nap time! Even after we drilled it into her head. I happened to be gone while it happend and DH found the mess. A second time was unacceptable and today I actually duck taped her diaper so she couldn't take it off. She had a fit so I gave her one more chance.

            We are definitely tightening the reigns on this little girl. She lost her a couple of her favorite toys and we are now enforcing sitting on the potty before bedtimes. We weren't really pushing the toilet-training before because we had to carry her to the potty to sit on it and it didn't seem worth it to me. Now I am taking charge because I don't want to clean up poop again! I have heard of trying threes and that pretty much describes her behavior. She has been listening pretty well after the poop situation. I plan to spend more one-on-one time with her and be stricter with non-listening behavior. She comes when I count to 3 now instead of 4 and 3/4!


            • #7
              We haven't had any "poop art" instances (at least not yet anyway), but I know what you mean about this age. My 3 year old has me at my wits end lots of days because she just doesn't listen to me. I'll be trying to get her to pick up her toys and she just can't stay focused, even if she is just supposed to do one simple task. Or she'll try to do it crazy, like picking up the toys with her feet or mouth instead of with her hands. We've had lots of talks with her and sometimes we feel like its finally sinking in until the next day when we find outselves having the exact same battle. My sympathies are with you!! I would have a hard time keeping my cool while scrubbing feces off of the wall!
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                Wait until she's 8 Jenn

                I love that about the f******* fours...and I would add 5's and 6's for boys! This weekend, kelly and I got cade together for a playdate and my little sailor was out there teaching cade how to scream some mighty dirty words on the playground. Kelly and I ended up leaving the park in shame under the scowls and dirty looks of some shocked parents.

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  You guys are scaring me.

                  Jennifer, I totally see what you mean by calling this birth control!!!!

