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She went...

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  • She went...

    So you know you are a parent when the biggest moments of the day are when your toddler uses the toilet on her own.

    Yep, Emma, who will be 3 in January, is being potty trained. We are on day 5, and today she had only one accident. She balks at the idea of wearing diapers to bed, but she isn't reliable at night. I knew it was time when she would come to me and say "Mommy, I went poo-poo, may I have a new diaper? (or will you change me please?)" So I decided she wasn't going to do this "on her own," and it was time, especially if she was telling me to change her diaper. Anyway here's how we're doing it for those of you interested. Before we started, we took her to Target and let her pick out big girl underwear. We had tried to do training pants with her on a separate occasion, and I guess she felt like it was another diaper. So she picked out Nemo and Strawberry Shortcake, and went as far to say when she grabbed the pack of Strawberry Shortcake "I guess these will do."

    Day 1- told her no more diapers. She peed quite a bit, but the end of the day was noticing. We would take her to the toilet and tell her that this is where everything goes. Told her about her sticker chart.
    Day 2- same as day 2, but as she was peeing she would say she needed to go.
    Day 3- stayed dried and went on the toilet. Yeah!
    Day 4- went out in public with her big panties to the park, and showed all her friends. Oh well, at least she is excited about it. She had an accident at the park, and it's because earlier she had used the public restroom, and the giant flushing noises scared her too much. I thought it would be a one time occurence- the fear of the public restroom toilet. (see Day 5 for an explanation). She had 2 more accidents at home, but through this I picked up on her cues when she needs to go. I have been trying to take her to the toilet every 1-2 hours.
    Day 5- one accident- due to a public restroom toilet, refused to go because she said she was too scared. We were at Costco, and I thought I would take her before we left the store, and she started crying hysterically when we got to the bathroom stall, and saying "Mommy I am scared, don't make me go in there." So she peed on the way home, but went all the other times at home.

    Don't know what to do about the fear of public restrooms other than to carry a portable potty chair with us.

    So far so good. Matt says Emma is exceeding his expectations. He thought it would take forever for her to even figure out that she was even peeing.

    Well, now it seems I do more laundry. Or it keeps me caught up. :clothes:

    Well that's our good parenting/toddler milestone....My baby is growing up.

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    That's great news Crystal! We went through the same thing with public restrooms. I know it's convenient to have the kind that flush on their own but it scared the crap (no pun intended) out of my kids! I discovered that somewhere in the public restroom there was a "special toilet" that wouldn't flush on it's own. Actually I just held my hand in front of the sensor so it wouldn't flush, but my kids didn't know that. It was absolutely the only way I could get them to pee in public places.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Crystal...WOW! That is awesome. She sure got potty trained fast! I'm totally impressed. We always needed a good week or two to get them to that point!

      As far as public restrooms are concerned...take her into the stall with you and 'go' first....maybe it will help ease her fears?


      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Yay, Emma! Congratulations!

        Very happy occasion, but still poignant. LOL@ showing off the big girl panties at the park!!!

