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Growing like a weed

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  • Growing like a weed

    So, I looking at my dear 4 yo and notice that the pants I bought only 2 months ago are starting to look a wee bit short. Yikes! Ditto for the dresses and most other pants. Anyone else hit a huge growth spurt at 4.5? Usually we make it to February or so.
    Wishing I bought the next size up but they won't stay on her skinny waist!

  • #2
    I'm also wondering if the growth spurt has caused the, uh, physical exuberance of late. It's like her skin isn't big enough to contain her. She is constantly jumping, wiggling, and dancing around. I get worn out just watching.


    • #3
      It's amazing, isn't it? My almost 5 year old has shot up recently, too. It is hard to buy ahead, since she's got a tiny little waist (she literally has worn the same shorts for 3 summers in a row because even though she gets taller, her little butt and waist remain unchanged), though with dresses the waist doesn't matter. That was a horrible, run-on sentence but I don't feel like editing.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Yep, we are in the same boat. Our nearly 5yr old, has in the last two months outgrown every pair of jeans he owns. I am biding the time until Christmas/birthday for new ones....(how cheap is that?!). He looks great in shorts and sweats when it is cool enough.

        As for the constant motion, it just never stops! Occassionaly I hear, 'I am tired' and he will sit for about 15 seconds, then :! off to the next urgent task! Good thing about it though, he has been going to bed like clock-work at 7p and sleeping until 7a solid!! Kid doesn't even need to get up in the night to use the bathroom....wish I had that kind of bladder control!

        Now the 18mth old, on the other hand.....


        • #5
          I'm waiting for Christmas too! And the post-xmas sales. I'm telling everyone she wears a size 5 even though she is 4 and hoping the waist will fit.

          Matt, that is just not what I wanted to hear about the constant motion! I swear, she is really wearing me out and I just watch -- and watch out. She got these clunky Doc Martin shoes ($15 at a sample sale, woohoo!) and loves to jump in the house with them. Jump over the dog, hop hop hop instead of walking, wiggle, dance. ARRRGGGHHH!! She also seems to be talking really loud. Used to be I could just say "inside voice" and that would help but she quiets down for a second and is back to the high volume. Yesterday, she had preschool and was on the playground twice, rode her back after coming home, and took a walk with the neighbors. That sort of helped.

          I'm trying to avoid mistakes of parenting past and not worry too much and see it as a phase that will hopefully pass while keeping in-house behavior somewhat appropriate. But I'm also glad that she is getting her hearing checked at preschool next week.


          • #6

            She's at the perfect age to start that 'constant motion'...and have hope everyone...It does get better when they are about...8 Nellie, I'll go through some of Finny's things...I don't know if I have anything in a size 5, but if I do, I'll send it to you.

            Have you guys considered the second hand shops? Seriously, there is no better way to clothe a growing child than by running out ot 'Once Upon a Child' or even GoodWill and grabbing some bluejeans.

            Now I'M CHEAP!!

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Until she is 8?

              After school today, we were driving home and she was wiggling around, blowing really loud raspberries, etc. I asked her to GET CONTROL of herself and what the heck was going on? She said, "I don't know. You're the one yelling." Oh yeah....

              I'll bet the consignment stores have a bunch of fall and winter stuff. Good reminder! The ones by our old house were so-so but I think there are some good ones around here.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nmh
                I asked her to GET CONTROL of herself and what the heck was going on? She said, "I don't know. You're the one yelling."

                what a riot - score one for the four year old.
                Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                Let's go Mets!


                • #9
                  That cracks me up, Nellie.

                  I think that outcome has happened here before too.

