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food cravings

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  • food cravings

    What food cravings did you or your DW have during pregnancy? Poor DH, I send him out to the grocery store about once every other day to get whatever I am craving at the moment. Yesterday, I sent him for nonfat vanilla ice cream because I "just had to have it." By the time he got home, the craving had passed! And I couldn't fall asleep last night because all I could think about was chips & salsa with some sour cream on the side.'s an egg salad sandwich with lots of pickles! I have a few eggs on the stove right now. I think it has been 2 years since I had an egg salad sandwich!

    So, what did you crave?

  • #2
    DW craved margaritas. Needless to say, I was one tipsy husband! :~

    Truthfully, she did want a margarita, it was a long 40 weeks for her! Mostly she would just get super hungry instantly and have to eat something or she would feel puky! ::


    • #3
      I don't think there is enough room on this site to list all of my cravings!!

      I am not a big meat fan in my 'normal life' - not anything against meat in general, not a health thing - I just prefer other things most of the time... (it's more a texture thing I think... but I digress), but during pregnancy, I can't get enough of it!! I'll take it in ANY form! before I got pregnant with the twins, I hadn't had a hamburger (fast food style) for almost 10 years... but one night as DH walked in the door at 10:30 PM, I gave him my "I've got to have ________ or DIE" look and just said, "Happy Meal, honey, I HAVE to have one." He was more shocked than anything and we made the McDonalds run, just so he could see me eat a hamburger. Another time he said the "you are SO pregnant line" was when we were at a restaurant and I kept staring at his big chunk of steak (something that I normally wouldn't want at all) like a starving lion. He gave me some and when I went on and on about how incredible it tasted, he stared at me in disbelief.

      Other wierd cravings... peanut butter on celery, crackers, and bananas, subway sandwiches, ice cream (any flavor, any time!!), french fries (normally not a big fan of these, either), corn dogs (I flat out REFUSED to give into this one, even though DH tried to get me to), hot dogs, pickles, hot tamalies (which really helped with the heartburn... ), chinese food, nachos, sugar babies, orange julius, recees peanut butter cups, and the list goes on....

      Nowadays, I just crave anything that will help the acidic valcano in my throat subside for at least 20 minutes at any given time. Ahhh, the joys of pregnancy!!

      Jen B.


      • #4
        I say bring on the pizza, gummy bears and coke. I was pretty sick with #2 so I craved cheese sandwiches and brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts. I knew I was pregnant the second time because I was craving coke. Yummy!



        • #5
          Anything that was full of fat. Especially at the beginning......I would feel like I was going to puke if I couldn't immediately have varied, but it was always stuff like a whopper, or a piece of cheese pizza, or lasagna, or homemade macaroni and cheese, or something like that. I also craved cold fruity drinks, like virgin strawberry daiquris, or smoothies without any yogurt or dairy.

          The weirdest craving, though, was shortly before I delivered my third son. He was due in mid-September and I had spent a hot, miserable summer here in Wichita Falls, often the hottest spot in Texas during the summer months. Many, many times I was too hot to even think about eating, but one night, about a week before I delivered, I got it into my head that I wanted to go to "Golden Corral" to eat dinner. Now, normally I HATE buffet-type places and always picture pigs fighting their way up to a trough when I am in one, but to me that night, it was a four-star establishment. I ate turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, steak, rolls, green beans......all home cookin' type stuff that I NEVER eat, and no dessert, which is usually my downfall. I literally ate until my head was sweating. My husband watched me in disbelief and my boys were in hog heaven with all of the choices. As soon as my head started sweating, I was done and out the door like a shot. I have never been back there since and don't plan to darken the door again. All I can figure is that my body needed some kind of nutrient that was in that food in order to gear up for labor. It felt like I was possessed!

          It is so weird the stuff that happens to your body when you are pregnant!

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            I love hearing all of your stories! Jen, I was craving corn dogs & hot dogs a few weeks ago. I think the first sign that I was pregnant was that I ate chili cheese dogs for breakfast 5 days in a row! Now the thought of chili cheese dogs makes me sick.

            Sally, the Golden Corral story was too funny!



            • #7
              All of your cravings sound like good ones. Egg salad....mmmm... It's fun to hear what everyone craved.
              With the first: bacon and grapefruit. Couldn't get enough of either. Funny thing is that I have spent more years as a vegetarian than not and I did not like bacon at all before being pg.
              With the second: gummy bears and any tart citrus flavor. I always had a chunk of lemon or lime in a water bottle.
              Ice cold coke for both.

              Sally, that Golden Corral story cracks me up! I don't like buffets much either.


              • #8
                I had a craving similar to Sally's, though I really wanted Furr's Cafeteria (which they don't even have around here anymore). I seriously thought about calling around to some local grade schools to see if I could locate some cafeteria-style mashed potatoes and gravy and rolls.
                With all 3 kids, I wanted maragaritas, too.
                With the last baby, I craved Smarties and tuna sandwiches (luckily not at the same time).
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  The funny thing is I was totally craving egg salad all day yesterday, but by the time the eggs were done, the thought of eating an egg salad sandwich made me want to gag. I ended up eating french toast instead!


                  • #10
                    Umm, now you've got me craving egg salad! I think I'm going to go put some eggs on (and no I'm definitely not pregnant!).
                    Awake is the new sleep!


                    • #11
                      Ha ha, this thread is making me laugh out loud!!! I've found that the one thing I've been consistently craving is anything salty, fried, or fatty. (Yes, I'm going to be huge by the time I have this baby. ) One day I thought I would die if I didn't get some McDonald's french fries (I normally have fast food about once a year!), and had to run out and get them right then. Another day I absolutely had to have KFC for dinner (again, not something I would normally eat!). For about two weeks I couldn't get enough olives (I was putting them on everything), now I can't even think about eating them. Now I can't get enough pizza, I could probably eat pizza at every meal (that's what I'm having for lunch today!! ). Mmmm, a hot dog doused with ketchup sounds SO good right now too.

                      -Wife of urology attending.
                      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                      • #12
                        Cravings...let's see, I craved rocks, Tide, and clay. :> Just kidding...guess I shouldn't joke about the whole "pica" thing since many women do have the really bizarre cravings. I had a friend who tasted her toilet paper once

                        For me, it was bacon egg and cheese biscuits at McDonald's. And I actually still like these. :yum:


                        • #13
                          I seem to generally crave the same things with every pregnancy:

                          - Cheeseburgers
                          - "tator tots"
                          - Cheetos
                          - Chocolate or Vanilla malts (they have to have a TON of malt in them)
                          - Fried Chicken
                          - Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits from McD's

                          Gee, isn't that a healthy diet?

                          The weird thing is that I HATE Cheetos normally (don't touch the things unless I'm with child) and I really avoid all of these other fried, fatty foods. I have to lose so much weight after each pregnancy!

                          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                          With fingernails that shine like justice
                          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                          • #14
                            Today it was a burrito and a chocolate milkshake

                            It seems to be something different every day!


                            • #15
                              With the first is was Mac and Cheese.
                              In the first trimester of this one the only think I could choke down was pizza, pizza bagles, pizza rolls, and anything made out of potatoes.
                              For several weeks I've wanted a chicken salad sandwich but I can't find any chicken salad with out onion. I hate onions!!!

