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Car conversations

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  • Car conversations

    My 4 yo is really into princesses right now. And talking about what is and isn't princess behavior. Normally, this would make me gag but since "princess behavior" seems to coincide with expected behavior in our house, I'm ok with it. So, talking at the table with food in your mouth is NOT princess behavior, nor is interrupting, talking back, etc.

    This weekend, she was out with DH to run a few errands. On the way home, they came across the Shriner Toy Parade and had to wait 20 minutes to get through. She was complaining about the traffic and wanting to get home quite a bit.
    DH told her: Did you know that princesses are patient for parades?

    Her response: Some aren't.

  • #2

    It must be so much fun hearing all the stuff that comes out of kids' mouths. I am so looking forward to it!!


    • #3
      That's funny Nellie!
      We're into princesses in our house as well (imagine that ) so I can totally see using the princess angle to get the desired behavior.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4


        • #5
          Well, obviously no princess stories will be coming from my neck of the woods, but my favorite car comment happened recently on our trip to KS a few weeks ago.

          Nathan (3) was riding calmly along in his car seat, directly behind DH, when all of the sudden he said "Daddy, is that your poopy diaper?"
          He must have smelled something and decided to blame good old Dad. We all died laughing.

          It is really fun to see their senses of humor start to develop! (Although I could live without that stage they go through around the age of 4 where they try to figure out the whole concept of jokes.....mine would always come up to me and recite inane statements and then ask me "is that funny, Mom?" to which I would always answer no, thus becoming the killjoy of the house and the object of many a dirty look. )

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            Originally posted by mommax3
            Although I could live without that stage they go through around the age of 4 where they try to figure out the whole concept of jokes.....mine would always come up to me and recite inane statements and then ask me "is that funny, Mom?" to which I would always answer no, thus becoming the killjoy of the house and the object of many a dirty look. )
            Sally, that is exactly the stage my kids are in. It is annoying, although every once in awhile they stumble onto something actually funny! Of course when I really laugh, I get to hear that same joke repeated for a few days.
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              Sally, I love it that your whole family got a laugh from your little guy!

              Although she's not conversational yet, our DD is doing some funny things these days, I guess based primarily on mimicry. The other day I was driving with her in the back and I heard hysterical laughing. I turned to look at her a the stoplight (no, not while driving on the interstate ) and she had her beloved baby doll in her lap and she was tickling her and saying "tickle tickle tickle" and then laughing again hysterically. I guess this is because we read those touch and feel books that say "tickle the dog's furry tummy", so I always say "tickle tickle" and she does the same thing. It's amazing the things I find her saying/doing, which seem a direct result of all the reading we do together, because a lot of the behaviors/words seem to come straight out of the books! This is such an amazing time in her's like everything is just starting to "click". I LOVE IT!!!!

