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Am I Insane???

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  • Am I Insane???

    My husband and I recently decided we want to add another child to our family. Not for another year! So no I am not pregnant! However, I am wondering if I am nuts because sometimes I can't stand one more minute being a mother of a 3 yo. Please tell me it gets better. How do you reason with a strong-willed 3 yo? I want to rip my hair out. Take potty training for example. My daughter is 39 months and somewhere around 36 month she learned the mind-body connection to using the toilet. For the last three months, she has used the toilet when she feels necessary, but doesn't want to make the transition to underwear. We have bought the cutesy panties and let her pick out her favorite characters. Once in a while she will put on underwear, but mostly likes to live in pull-ups. Don't even talk to me about the expense. DH and I are very frustrated that we cleaning up pee and poop around the house, not to mention diapers she leaves on the floor after she decides to change it. She will go whole days without using the potty and then days staying dry. We have come close to not buying anymore diapers a couple of times just so she can go cold turkey to underwear. However, I worry about things accidents in her gymnastics class or having to get up 2 to 3 times a night to change her sheets. She has stayed dry though the night and her naps (when she takes them). I feel like she is motivated to use the toilet when she wants to be because we have tried sticker charts and requiring her to sit on the potty at certain times with mixed results due to her determination and being strong-willed. We have kind of backed off pressuring her, but that is helping either. Today I asked her to use the potty before her nap which she refused to do and when I got frustrated with her about not going to her room for her nap, she peed all over herself and the floor. If she would have gone when I asked there wouldn't have been an accident. After her rest time which she left the room early and ate her reward without my permission, she peed all over her clothes again. I am at my wits end with this child. I feel like a terrible mother because all I do is get annoyed with her and reprimand her. I think about negative attention she gets and try and ignore behavior that is not right, but harmless. I am on her case all day because she is either not listening or causing trouble. DH and I do spend time with her playing and doing fun things. I feel like I only get results when I yell which is exactly what I don't want to do. She seems oblivious and I don't understand why.

    My conversation with her today about wearing underwear was funny as she was coloring in her Disney Princess coloring book.

    Mom: Avery, when are you going to start wearing underwear?
    Avery: I don't know. Well, maybe someday I could be a princess.
    Mom: Princesses wear big girl underwear. Daddy and I would be so proud of you wearing big girl underwear.
    Avery: Maybe sometime it won't be too hard.
    Mom: You think wearing big girl underwear is hard?
    Avery: I don't know. I don't want to talk about it right now. Aerial needs me.

  • #2
    I needed to vent during my earlier post, even with DD standing next to me playing with the light switch. I begged her for a few minutes. We have found better success being laid back about certain things like potty training and letting her feel like she is making some decisions and in control of certain issues. We especially give her leway on wardrobe. She doesn't wear pjs to bed, but the clothes she had on that day. She wears the same shirt just about every day of the week and has clothes on backwards and shoes on the wrong feet. She likes it that way and I don't care if it makes her happy. I just get to a certain point sometimes when I need to get out of the house and have time to myself. Today is one of those days.

    I question sometimes whether I am approaching things in the best way for my daughter. Should I let her decide when to potty train or try and force the issue with her. She must be so confused by my indecisiveness. She can be so sweet and so devilish too. She used to want nothing to do with me and now she is preferring me over daddy. My how things change.



    • #3
      Oh Jennifer, she sounds so much like our 3 year old!!! Don't you love it when well-meaning people approach you in public to let you know the shoes are on backwards? We do have the potty training issue licked, thank goodness, but we did have quite a struggle. She has a bladder of steel and had control of her bladder for awhile before she actually started wearing panties. I know this is opposite of what everybody else said, but I'd be tempted to go cold turkey and let her clean up any messes that occur. Sydney used to refuse to try and potty, and then 5 minutes later have an accident. I had to start absolutely insisting she try at least (and I would threaten with time-outs or spankings and then follow through until she complied) and after a few weeks she didn't need reminders from me. I do think its good to give them the control of when to do it, but if you end up tap dancing for them in order to get them to do it I think you have to draw the line at some point. I just re-read my post and realized how evil I sound....
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Sue- You don't sound evil. I have actually threatened her with time-outs and spankings before for not sitting on the potty (but phrasing the punishments for "not following directions" so I am not actually punishing for the potty.) Maybe I am just not being consistent. She doesn't want to wear underwear right now more than once in awhile. I just don't know if I should force that on her. I tried rewarding her for wearing underwear today by getting out a favorite dress she wore this summer. She wouldn't sit on the toilet when I asked her so I put her in a time out and she peed on the dress within an hour. I just want this to be easy! Fat chance!


        • #5
          Originally posted by jakebenellasmommy
          and I had to bite my tongue and not scold him when it happened
          I found this to be the hardest part--most of the time I could maintain my composure but on some days as hard as I tried I would end up yelling at her and then feeling like a total monster for doing so!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            My daughter already laughs at me when she sees me bare my behind and pee (as you know, there's no privacy in a home with a 1-2 year old!) Can't wait for potty training :thud:


            • #7

              You are a fantastic parent. No more guilt! (O.K. allow me to repeat that to myself ten times because I'm the queen of guilty feelings in regards to parenting.)

              My only kernel of hope is that I think that three is the hardest age that I've parented so far. (Luanne and other parents of teenagers please be polite by not laughing out loud!)

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                As someone who is still at the very beginning of this parenting journey, I would like to say...

                You guys are scaring me!!!


                • #9

                  You are not crazy.....I've been ripping my hair out over Amanda too...and at the same time contemplating yet another addition to our family as well.

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10

                    I hated ages 4 and 14!!!!

                    I'll repeat what I have said before
                    Terrible twos
                    Trying threes
                    F#*#ing fours

                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      Luanne, you crack me up!!

