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Freud was right (at least partially).

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  • Freud was right (at least partially).

    Freud was right (at least partially). I would have never believed it, but he described what has partially occurred with each gender of child in my household.

    My 6 mo. old dd is one hundred percent daddy's girl. My little daughter beams when daddy comes in the room and has managed to babble a ba-da-da-da-da which my husband swears is "Da Da", her first word! (Of course, DH has been coaching her to say "Da Da" for months.) DH is totally nuts over his new little lady and shamelessly parades her about in public. Part of me is like, "you little vixen, mama is the one who gained 40 pounds for you and has been up nursing you all hours of the night!" Actually, I think that their love affair is kind of cute.

    Meanwhile, my 5 y.o. son is my little boyfriend. The most attentive guy that I have ever had! He still swears that he is going to marry me.

    I can't believe how these love affairs are going on right in my household. I used to think that this was all bunk, but it is true. Has anyone else experienced this?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Now that you mention it, I think you are right on. Our 6 y/o daughter beams whenever DH is around. She follows him and wants to be "just like him". They have serious discussions about medical issues "why does the brain work like this?" "what type of injury was it?". Our 4 y/o son spends tons of time in the kitchen helping me cook. 7 month old son gives me "kisses" and beams whenever I enter a room.

    Of course 11 y/o daughter is prepubescent. I don't know WHAT to do with her. Ugh Puberty is going to be interesting!



    • #3
      I can second Freud's theories with the opposite sex. Both my daughters adore their father and I am chopped liver when he is around and he is over the moon for them. I just walked in the door with my 17 month old and DH was standing there and DD just about threw herself out of my arms and ran to him yelling DADDY!!! It is so cute!



      • #4
        We have the opposite situation in our house. Though it hasn't always been this way, DD seems to love her momma more than anything. She gives DH a kiss when he comes home and is fine with mom AND dad, but has a fit if dad so much as reaches for a diaper much less says the word 'bedtime'. Given the choice, its mom every time, and honestly, its wearing me out. And its no picnic for DH either. I'm sure this has nothing to do with DH's three months of surgery and not seing DD for week long blocks. She'll grow out of it, right??


        • #5
          Well, I do concur with that in regards to my darling son. The other day I was holding him and my dh came up and put his arm around us both--Mitchell pushed my dh away and started patting me (that is his way of showing affection, we call them love pats).
          My oldest girl is a mommas girl, but my middle girl definitely has a special connection with her daddy.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            She kisses and hugs us both but if I ask for a kiss, sometimes she says "no-no" and laughs, but she ALWAYS kisses Daddy. And she starts hysterically laughing and shouting "Daddy!!" when we hit the exit of the hospital to pick him up. I love how much they love each other!!


            • #7
              My nephew is turning out to be a total mama's boy. I mean the rest of us are OK, but let mom walk in the room and it's all over. My dad and Jack have acool relationship too, but that's the Grandpa thing going on.

              My mom told me once that she would get so mad because she'd be home with me all day and Dad would walk through the front door and I'd completely ignore her. "mom, who?" I was a total Daddy's girl until puberty- and then, because we're both stubborn- things didn't go so well. We basically stopped communicating until I was done with college.

              Of course it helps that I married a man JUST like him, (calling Dr. Freud?) so they get along famously.

              Crazy, isn't it?



              • #8
                These stories are soooo cute!!! I can't wait to experience some of the same!

