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What do you expect from your pediatrician?

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  • What do you expect from your pediatrician?

    We have been really disappointed by some issues associated with the large pediatric practice that we go to.

    Our pediatrician is great, but getting in touch with her is basically impossible. Last year when we had a question re: Aidan's health on the weekend, we were transferred to a phone service operator in St. Paul who was not a medical professional. She had a script in front of her and told us he did not need to be seen. A day later we were in the ER and he was diagnosed with RSV and was sent home with breathing treatments.

    I called once in regard to Andrew and asked to leave a message for the ped. The nurse demanded to know what it was about and then told me what she thought I should do. She never passed the message on to the ped.

    This weekend, the cats kicked the baby tylenol drops off onto the floor and Aidan opened the container. Most of what was left in the bottle appeared to be on the floor, but I was concerned that he might have ingested some. I called the ped about coming in and getting a tylenol level done just in case...and was told to call poison control and that they would only see us if poison control said it was necessary...they said it wasn't but still I thought it was weird.

    Yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg. I called re: Alex's abdominal pain and was told "we're filled up, you'll have to look at the back of your insurance card and call them and see where you can take him". I have to add that this phone call happened after I waited several minutes for someone to even answer the phone.

    This is a large group practice associated with the hospital and its associated bureaucracy.

    I don't expect my ped to be available to me 24/7, BUT I do expect there to be a ped on call and to be able to speak with that person. When my dh takes internal med call he fields patient calls all evening.

    Am I expecting too much?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Ummm...I have a WONDERFUL pediatrician who is attentive, cutting edge, compassionate. I have to admit, however, that he is the FOURTH pediatrician that we have been through. Keep on shopping, love.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      No, you're not expecting too much, IMO. Is there another peds practice in your area or an FP practice you could check out?

      We are at the children's hospital general peds clinic and I'm pleasantly surprised -- I thought it was going to be a zoo (like the children's hosp clinic in last location). It's well organized chaos but it works. Editing to clarify...under our insurance this is really the only choice. The satellite clinics are a longer drive. Even in this busy practice in the hospital, I feel like we are getting good care and attention to issues -- so I think expecting more is not unreasonable or out of line as other places manage to do that quite well.


      • #4
        I agree with Kelly, keep looking.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          I don't have any good advice since we are stuck with what the military offers us. Luckily, DH works closely with peds and there is one that we love (who is also getting out and moving to Indiana this summer) so I use my "connections" and make sure my kids only see him. My kids are not sick often, so they really only see the doc for check-ups once a year. (Of course, we have gotten to know the orthopedic clinic QUITE well in the past nine months! )

          But....I would expect more from my pediatrician than you are getting....I don't think you are out of line.

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            Absolutely not expecting too much!

            Even within a large practice you should have only a couple of docs your kids regularly see. There ought to be some rapport between you and the physician.

            It is ridiculous that someone wouldn't let you leave a freaking voicemail for your doctor.

            You have every right to be disappointed.


            • #7
              To come home every night and bring me flowers occasionally?

              Oh, wait, he's not our pediatrician, he just plays one at work!

              I don't think you're out of line to expect more from your practice. (issues like that are some of the many reasons why my husband doesn't want to practice medicine on the civilian side.) He spends part of every weekend calling parents and following up with their issues or questions. If it were me, and my kid had an issue that required the services of my husband, (and hopefully we won't) I would certainly appreciate a responsive physician.

              Keep looking...



              • #8
                Although we are also beholden to the military system and its maddening beauracracy among other problems, once upon a time we had "normal" pediatricians that the kids saw. Based on my experiences I'd have to say I agree with everyone else - look for another practice.

                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                • #9
                  Yep, I agree with everybody else. I don't expect my ped to be at my beck and call, but I expect somebody at the practice to at least call me when I have a concern. All of the concerns that you listed are not accpetable in my opinion.
                  Awake is the new sleep!


                  • #10
                    Our ped system has the morning call-in system too. It is nice. We switched peds once already after Ella was born. I love our pediatrician now and don't mind seeing other docs in the practice since ours works part-time.

                    I agree, kick that practice to the curb!


                    • #11
                      Jenn took my answer...except for the flowers part!


                      • #12
                        Keep looking...we go to a huge practice, but they ALWAYS get us in for last minute sick visits on the DAY I call. I think we have really only had to wait 30-45 minutes at peak illness season.....good luck...sorry it's so frustrating!


                        • #13
                          We've gone through three peds already, and DD isn't even two yet. I would second what other said. Talk to a lot of other people and find out who they bring their kids to. I found several people I talked to went to the same doc, and she's great.
                          No way are you expecting too much.


                          • #14
                            I think your doctor's practice (or at least his/her office staff and their policies) are out of line. If you can, I would shop around. I personally have had more luck with group practices because they tend to offer more services on site and have better hours. In general they are also more available (although obviously not in your case).
                            Our practice here has morning call in. It seems like a decent system. Other practices we have used in other cities used a nurse practitioner to screen patient calls with a doctor call back if no definite answer was available. That worked well too. We switched pediatricians in Baltimore after our son was deathly ill. I felt bad about it because the doc was good but he missed the call. Even though it could have happened to anyone, we lost faith. I think you have to have confidence in the practice.
                            I also have made an effort here to try and find a doctor that the kids like. In fact, I rerouted the kids to a different member of our group practice because the first doc just freaked my daughter out. He was totally different in his style with kids than my DH and I. It is all well and good to have your own "rapport" with the doc, but the reality is that I am a grown up and I get along with all types of people. My child will be using this practice more and more "on their own" as they age. Already, the doctors address both of them with all their questions. Most kids use their pediatricians through the teen years. I want them to have someone THEY are comfortable with and I want their first experience with a physician relationship to be positive. Just more food for thought if you are shopping around.
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • #15
                              This has been an interesting topic for me to read as we are currently in the process of interviewing pediatricians. Kris, your expectations of your pediatrician are not too high. Sure, he's probably busy but that is no reason to keep blowing you off!

