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pre-school question

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  • pre-school question

    How did you decide to send your toddler to pre-school?

    I have a good school I can get my daughter into next fall for two to three days a week for three hours. My daughter will be three years old.

    She is verbally ahead of other kids her age and physically right on track.

    Is three years of pre-school too much before kindergarten?

    I want to do what's best for HER -- I am not looking for a break for me, via pre-school.

    Every child is different so how did you decide? I am reluctant to send her "just to send her." Yet, when I moderately share this with other moms, they think I am crazy, she'll be fine and why wouldn't I send her????? "Don't you long for time alone or with your son???"

    In my book that's is NOT why you send your daughter to pre-school but what do I know? I'm new at this.

    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

  • #2
    Well, for me that has been a benefit -- spending time with the younger child and the ease of running errands with one rather than two children. BUT, I wouldn't done it just because and would have never sent her to a preschool that I wasn't completely comfortable with just to acheive those benefits.

    Could you spend a few hours at the preschool with her to see how she reacts to it? Maybe that would help inform your decision.

    Editing to add -- ditto to what Sally said about crafts and activities and not being the center of the universe!


    • #3
      I decided to send my oldest to preschool for many reasons, and some of them, frankly, were all about ME. DH was in a very demanding OB/Gyn residency, before the 80 hour rule, where he additionally rotated 8 weeks away from home each year, and we were in a town where I knew NO ONE. Even getting my hair cut was not an option if my son was with me....he was one of the most active 2 year olds I have ever seen. He was extremely intense in the way he lived his life at that point, and quite frankly, being around him took a TON of energy, and sometimes I just plain got tired! So I was definitely looking for some kind of preschool from the get-go.

      However, I wanted it to be a good experience for my son, I ruled out mom's day out-type programs, because I knew that without quite a bit of structure, my son would spiral out of control very quickly, get in trouble, and have a miserable time. I also realized how much he loved being around other kids and wanted to provide him with the opportunity to play with others....again, we knew NO ONE in San Antonio, and I wasn't sure what opportunities would present themselves after we settled in. A third thing was that preschool gave him the opportunity to do crafts that I would NEVER have attempted at home.....that is just not me! It was also good for him to learn to function under the authority of different adults, and another good thing was that he started to learn that he wasn't the king of the was hard for me to convince him of that in a one-child (at the time) household.

      When I got pregnant with #2 at shortly after intern year began, I thanked my lucky stars that I had found a preschool for #1, since I was sicker than a dog. The two days a week that he spent at preschool saved my sanity! Once Joel was born, I savored the time I had with only him, and the same was true when #3 was a baby and Joel was in preschool.

      I think it depends a lot on your situation, support system, and the particular child you have. I wouldn't do it just to do it, as Nellie said, but if you visit the place and think your daughter would enjoy it, I don't think it would hurt her to go at all. Luke (my oldest) started preschool at age 2.5, Joel started at 15 months, and Nathan started right at a year. They never went more than 2 days a week (3 days a week when the oldest two were in Pre-K) and it was just enough to be a nice outlet for them and some time to relax for me. The older boys have very fond memories of their preschool days.

      You can check out preschools at if you want to know more about the one you are considering. The NAEYC is the accrediting body for preschools. The preschool we used in San Antonio was accredited; the one we use now is not.....I think the best way to choose one is to visit and talk to people who send their kids there.

      Follow your heart on this one. One of my best friends also has three kids about the same ages of mine and they have never spent a day in preschool (grandma lives down the street ) and she doesn't feel like they have missed a thing.

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        I don't have any advice to lend, but I'll follow this with interest..I'm not sure what we're going to do for Keelin when we move to CA as far as preschool/childcare. Unfortunately DH is taking a cut in pay and the COL is so high there that I'll still be full time working....sounds like the websites and visiting the school with your daughter is are both great ideas...keep us posted on your decision and how it all goes..


        • #5
          I can't really weigh in on the pre-school issue yet, but wanted to echo Sally's advice. We decided to put my only child in daycare two days a week( ) because I was going absolutely nuts. Because of suggestions on this website, I checked out only accredited daycares. Not to say that unaccredited daycares aren't any good, but it was nice focusing on only two that had met the extra qualifications. We found a fantastic one and started him up purely for my own benefit. Let me tell you that he loves it and when I am done with this semester, I am going to continue taking him there. They are teaching him an incredible amount of stuff, as well as having daily craft activites and going for walks, creating sensory experiences, etc. I am so glad that we decided to send him there - it has hugely benefitted both of us.

          Re: pre-school, we were planning on sending him to the Montessori children's community when he turns two. It's just two mornings a week and is a nice transitional period before he starts his Montessori education at age 3 which will be 5 mornings a week. I would recommend checking out a Montessori school if you have one in your area. DH and I have spent some time at ours and were blown away.


          • #6
            I think the preschool route is definitely a personal decision. We started DD#1 out in a 1 day a week program when she was 2 yo. We were new in town and I felt the social aspect would benefit her. She is still in the same program this year even though she is 3.5. Her birthday misses school cut-off date so she was only eligible for a 2 yo preschool this year which met for 2 hours twice a week. I didn't want to drive twice a week for such a short time. The program is structured which helped her since I am not the most organized. Next year, Avery is registered for a two day a week preschool from 9 to 1pm. She won't start kindergarten until 2007 because of the school cut-off date so I don't want to rush into a school environment.

            Avery enjoys the crafts, songs, and social aspect of her program now. It has also helped her to follow rules like waiting in line, being patient and being respectful of others. In preschool, they add music. Also, Avery isn't interested in learning from me so far so I am glad she has a classroom environment to give her exposure to letters and numbers.

            With our current situation, we are also considering a Montessori preschool that may fit her personality a little better than I am achieving at home. However, I don't want to send her 5 days a week so I am torn.

            Avery loves preschool and I have to admit I enjoy the freedom to spend some time with Ella. We have only had a positive experience with it.



            • #7
              We put our oldest in a Montessori program in K.C.(when he was nearly 4yo) for two reasons, one was to be able to cope with the younger kiddo, and the second was it was a great environment- he grew leaps and bounds-mentally & socially- going for three hours a day three days a week. (which worked out great, because it didn't trash his routine for naps and lunch and such!). But it is all a personal thing, whatever you are comfortable with.


              • #8
                I second Sally's comments.

                When we considered putting Emma in preschool we looked at the issue from all angles. Emma is a very bright child. At this point she doesn't really need to be learning ABCs, numbers, etc., so for her she needed the social interaction (Warning, a bit of brag- the kid is 3 and can read). We looked at preschool but for us the price seemed a little steep, maybe it's because we are in Seattle. We also looked at co-op but I would have to find care for Brigham on my volunteer days. We ended up finding a good solution- a free preschool through a local high school- 1 day a week for 90 minutes.

                Next, I have a hard finding time to do arts and crafts with the kids. Her going to preschool has given her this opportunity. Although one thing I want to change is to do more crafts with the kids. However, with her being in preschool she has been able to do some fun projects, and amazingly enough is learning more stuff. Emma is constantly asking us questions, and is like a sponge.

                Lastly, having Emma gone for about 2 hours, has been an extra benefit in that I get that alone time with Brigham. It's been nice that a friend comes and takes Emma to preschool. I didn't realize that I needed that 2 hours until it was just Brigham and I.

                We are looking at preschool for Emma when we move to Boise, because she has loved it so much. She knows that on Tuesdays she gets to go to school, and gets all excited when it's her school day. She will run around the house saying "Yeah I get to go to school with Rachel (her little friend). I need my socks and shoes, and my backpack! Hurry mom it's time for school." I feel like Marlin on Nemo "Wake up Wake up it's time for school!"

                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #9
                  I waited to send Andrew to Preschool because I...fell into the whole 'bad mommy/good mommy' thing way back then and I actually thought it would make me a bad mom to send him. When he did go, he absolutely loved it and I regretted having not sent him sooner. He really benefitted from having another adult in his life, a school with 'friends' that he could make and situations that he could come to terms with/handle without me watching over him to 'fix' everything.

                  I would say that the preschool years were probably his best!

                  We went Amanda and Alex to preschool as soon as they could go because of what a great experience it was for Andrew and both benefitted tremendously socially...and they came home with such neat craft ideas, new friendships and excitement about their teachers. With Andrew, we just did the 2 morning a week thing, but by the time we got to Alex, we did the max amount of days (4) and he even ate lunch once a week.

                  I am also a great fan of montessori now that we've used it this year...but we also used preschools associated with churches and they were good too.

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10
                    Kris--- I like your ticker. Hmmm have I started a trend! I have never done that before.

                    Gas, and 4 kids


                    • #11
                      You are the trendsetter, I admit it...I saw your ticker and I couldn't resist!
                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #12
                        Awww thanks. So uhh does the snake symbolize something or should I say SOMEONE??!!! :>

                        Gas, and 4 kids


                        • #13
                          Do you like the whole snake/rabbit thing? I suppose the snake eats the rabbit when D-day arrives....I wonder who the snake is :| ... and who the cuddly, fluffy bunny is
                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #14
                            Oh boy, now I've jumped on the "ticker" bandwagon. I couldn't help myself....

                            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                            With fingernails that shine like justice
                            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

