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The Cost to Adopt

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  • The Cost to Adopt

    I decided to spill all because I know some of you may need to and/or want to adopt in the future. This is NOT for the faint of heart:

    (PS- These figures are directly from the receipts that I have saved. Luckily you do get some relief at tax time)

    Passport fee for Rick: $55.00 (I had one)
    Application fee for Adoption Center of Washington: $300.00
    Homestudy fee w/ ACW: $1200.00
    Next payment for ACW: $1800.00
    Immigration and Naturalization for fingerprinting, etc.: $560.00
    New birth certificates for me: $20.00
    Apostiles (In Maryland)for birth certificate, divorce decree, marriage license: $15.00 (5 dollars per document)
    Apolstile for birth certificate (California): $20.00 ($20/document)
    Fee for follow-up registration with Russian Embassy thru ACW: $500.00
    Next payment for ACW: $2000.00
    Redone Home study because we moved: $550.00
    Certification of proof of notary for proof of income, Harford County, MD: $1.00
    Apostile proof of income: $5.00
    Criminal Histories/ DC: three times because they keep expiring: $42.00 (7 bucks a shot at DC police HQ)
    Apolstiles for DC: (documents aposilted incuded: house deed, Rick's proof of income, pictures, homestudy, license of Social Worker, certificate of ACW to do business in Russia, all criminal histories, all medical forms (each of which require the signatures of 8 different docs- now done 3 times) Total costs at $10 document: 250.00
    Tourist Visas, Trip One:318.00
    Business Viasa, Trip Two, Expediated because we though we could go in Feb: $950.00
    Fed Ex shipping for Docs to Russia for translation: $353.73
    Airline tickets, Trip One: $2860.00
    Airline tickets, Trip Two (which includes Nikolai's seats from Perm to Moscow, Moscow to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to DC) $5784.00
    Hotel, Trip One: $615.96
    Fees for Translator in Perm, Trip One: $220.00 (cash)
    Fees for Driver, Trip One: $440.00 (cash)
    PPD Test because the Army clinic was closed: $35.00
    Travel Stroller/Car Seat: $171.50
    Final payment to ACW, to be held in escrow: $5600.00
    Fees to Moscow staff (cash): $6600
    Fees to Perm Staff (cash): $1600
    Medical Exam for Nikolai in Moscow: $125.00
    Visa/Passport for Nikolai: $350.00
    Hotel in Moscow: 100/night- at most, 3 nights- $300.00
    Hotel in Perm: 130/night-assuming waiting period is 10 business days, plus paperwork day- 4/11 through 5/3 -$2960
    Spending money for food, incidentals: $1000. (at most, we still have euros and rubles from Trip One)

    The grand total: $37,601.19

    So...I wasn't kidding when I said this isn't for the faint of heart or the faint of wallet. We've taken a loan against Rick's retirement plan, spent every penny in savings and racked up two credit cards. So, let's hope the Major Board and the Back pay happen soon, and the July bonus can't get here fast enough!


    and, FYI- we did not do any in vitro stuff, many adoptive parents exhaust their savings on fertility treatments first. and domestic adotions are often more money.

  • #2
    OMG, I had no idea. :thud:

    Kudos to you and Rick for all you've had to go through, I can't imagine...

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      That is shocking, and shockingly unfair. So many wallets are being padded for this, when the bottom line is a sweet kid needs a home and a set of parents need a kid!!

      I know though, that once you have that little sweetie in your arms the money will be meaningless.
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        HOLY CRAP!!! That is unfair! No wonder why so many families don't even have adoption as an option. The cost of adoption is outrageous, not to mention all of the hoops you and Rick have had to jump through!


        • #5

          Wow, Jenn.

          When do you guys leave for Russia to go to the court date, etc?

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6


            • #7
              My aunt and uncle adopted a little girl from Guatemala, and before they brought her home they joked that they should name her Mercades because that's how much it cost to adopt her.

              Will there be any additional legal costs once you are back in the U.S.?


              • #8




                That's ridiculously expensive!

                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                • #9
                  Yeah, the adoption system is messed up.

                  Anyone and their one night stand can have a baby biologically, but try to get a kid that someone else had without wanting to and they charge you a fortune and inspect everything about you down to your 6th grade "goth" stage to make sure the kid will be better off than living in a foster home or orphanage


                  • #10
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      I hadn't added it all up until today.

                      I don't regret any of it, and cant wait toget my hands on the cutest baby ever (as my fellow admins will attest- I sent them pics in January...)

                      But, don't take for granted that 1) fertility treatmetns will work or #1) adoption is "the easy way out". not true in either case.

                      I have never, ever wanted to be pregnant, Rick never, ever wanted to "father" a child. (remember he's adopted and was fearful of his genetic heritage) So, this worked for us and we're thrilled. However, the fact that we have to "pay" to have kind of is annoying.



                      • #12
                        Jennifer, I found these two poems that your post reminded me of and I thought I'd share them:

                        On Purpose

                        The little girl unfrowned and then

                        Sort of smiled when

                        After hearing the dictionary definition

                        She was told that what adopted

                        Really meant was

                        Searched for

                        Prayed for

                        Worked for

                        Finally gratefully got

                        Unquestionably on purpose

                        And loved a lot.

                        To an Adopted

                        I did not plant you, true.

                        But when the season is done -

                        When the alternate prayers for sun

                        And for rain are counted -

                        When the pain of weeding

                        And the pride of watching

                        Are through -

                        Then I will hold you high,

                        A shining sheaf

                        Above the thousand seeds grown wild.

                        Not my planting,

                        But by heaven my harvest -

                        My own child.

                        Both poems are by Carol Lynn Pearson and can be found in Day Old Child

                        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                        With fingernails that shine like justice
                        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                        • #13
                          Thanks Jenn-

                          I've printed them out.

                          We appreciate the kind thoughts!


